look at some of the stuff. you have his roommate being moved out of the cell a couple days before he died. you had to videotape missing, you have the jail cell guards not checking on him every half an hour like it's supposed to. this is problematic, it's wrong and people are investigating. we will see what really happen happened. >> dana: it's of the prosecutors -- i was reading -- the folks in the justice department are saying, sorry, we don't know what happened. somebody is going to know what happened. >> you have to know and that's the troubling thing. there's the old saying that the eye in the sky doesn't lie. but when the tapes to that video chemical missing, there's a huge problem. epstein was a wretched, horrible human being but yet he still entitled to certain protections while he is in prison. those protections fell apart and we need to find out why. >> dana: and those guards are still being charged with negligence, right?