this. we talked about the power source and how it could have been over heated. number two, they're going to look into smoke alarms because in this particular case, these were really old. you can get them at home depot for five bucks. they were not wired into the wheel house. finally evacuation procedures. some points were articulated in terms of the exit and it not being properly, adequate if you will, were articulated by the ntsb board member who toured a sister boat and interviewed the crew. >> it's not just about can you see your way out. it's can you get up the ladder, over the bunk, find the emergency escape hatch and get up it. it's difficult to maneuver. >> reporter: so the plan today is to take a barge out there, lift the existing boat off the ocean floor and then bring it here where i'm at, which is the largest port between san francisco and l.a. there, atf fire investigators