you have mentioned that the anticipation on the ground with the russian forces would make their offensive on kyiv quicker, and it's taken roughly three weeks to try to encroach upon that area. what do you think changed? is it what we're seeing on the ground with respect to ukrainians fighting, being willing to stay in their country and trying to protect it? do you think that is strategically what's here because if it is, it almost sounds like it's become a game of chick when you hear zelenskyy talking about the fact they'll just have to bomb it and have tremendous blood on their hands. >> reporter: yeah, look, i think it's a two-part issue. one has to do with the ukrainians, one has to do with the russians. on the ukrainian side, there's fierce resistance. the russians are not walking into ukraine as early reports indicated they might. and as moscow really tried to push to their people that a they would. so they've faced very serious resistance not only around kyiv, but kharkiv, a number of the