administration that is, has politicized something like this that should be just a basic law enforcement issue, what happens to a society when a government picks and chooses the laws that they want to enforce? >> the complete breakdown in any type of security or modicum of law and order, which is what we're starting to see here. that's par for the course. i absolutely love that montage, but unfortunately, it is par for the course with her. all she cares about are the sound bites because crossing off the box, capitulating to a segment of the population that she thinks she's trying to please and she's accomplishing that, but he's utter -- she's utterly failing at taking one step further and accomplishing anything like border security despite her promises on the campaign trail that she would fix the immigration system and play a large part in gal vannizing congress to come to -- value -- galvanizing congress. as a former federal attorney, the impact of leadership, the impact of just slight leadership