thoughts on michelle obama. she said last week she's, quote, terrified about what could possibly happen in the 2024 election are. is she a factor? >> well, two things. first, let me talk to the voters. my primary concern is the democrats are going to do the thing that they always do, especially when it comes to black voters. they start saber rattling about voting rights. that's just dog whistle politics from the democrats. they try to bring in wedge issues that do not mart to the american people. everything becomes about race, about going back in time and also the foolishnd. especially with joe biden at the top of the ticket. they're going to do. this republicans, we have a responsibility to answer those ridiculous claims and demonstrate what is actually happening to all americans, especially minority americans under this president. if we can to this, that's where your numbers crest over 25%. now, wrpped the michelle -- can with respect to michelle obama, i heard the audio with, i hear her concerns, but the problem is the guy that's the head of our government sucks.

Related Keywords

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