Disappointing. We should point out that the census just counts people, it doesnt count citizens. So it does help the democrats to have a wide open border, doesnt it . Because if youve got more people in sanctuary cities, youll get more congressional seats. So thats what were hearing well, and, maria, we teed up a vote on that, a vote directly that said the census should not count illegal aliens in the senate. The democrats voted Party Line against that vote. In the house my opponent in november is a very, very liberal congressman from dallas can. He voted 100 with Nancy Pelosi his first four years in office. And and he voted in favor of counting illegal aliens in the cent us. Census. He also voted against Deporting Illegal Alien who criminally Assault Police officers. That thats the position of democrats. And, by the way, as the senate we had that vote, every democrat

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