things like meat and poultry, fish and eggs, up 10.5%, new cars, i mean, it's just incredible, hotel price, 18%. what are your thoughts on the federal reserve saying these are temporary? >> doesn't feel that way. i was in business for 30 some years. it was like pulling teeth had to get through a price increase. as i talk to businesses now in wisconsin and throughout the country, price increases are just expected and they're being accepted so it he creates inflationary expectation. we have all the ingredients for stagflation, supply dislocations, labor shortages, inflation, this is a really bad sign of things to come but again, the democrats are living in a fantasy world. they're denying that reality. what they want to do is they want to push through this big bernie budget, the entitlement package, make more americans dependent on them, on government. it's not going to work. it's going to hurt those very same people.