[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute shepard: news is breaking all over the place. a new report about airline safety, federal investigators find on at least a dozen recent flights, malfunctioning equipment made it impossible for five pilots to know how fast they were flying. they suggest widespread equipment problems, and all that has led to recent plane crashes. republican senator miguel martinez is expected to all the news conference. a little bit about why he is leaving. >> i took my position at of aid deep sense of appreciation of what the country did to me as an immigrant when i came as a youngster. in 1977, we decided that we would give back. i had the privilege of being the mayor of orange county, i was a member of the candidate -- cabinet, and now had the privilege of being a senator. i have had the great respect for floridians, and when i began as a senator, i promised i would not warm the seat. i promised to take on issues and warm -- make a difference. i have helps families keep their homes, their jobs, and their confidence that their country is safe. i am grateful to the military men and women and their families who i have had the distinct honor of representing in washington, and i thank them for their service to the country. i have also had a platform to speak against the oppression of the cuban regime and my hope for a better future for the people of cuba. i will always be grateful for the people of florida for representing me in the senate. my purchase have always been my faith to the family, and country, and after nearly 12 years of public service in florida and washington, it is time to return to florida and my family. today, i am announcing my decision to step down from public office. i've enjoyed by time immensely. i will miss the great friendships i've developed with wonderful people who served with me in the senate. i also want to thank mitch mcconnell for his guidance and friendship and is useful insights throughout time i have been in the senate. i also want to thank my family. they've made many sacrifices during this time, and i look forward to the opportunity for us to not only reminisce and share wonderful memories we have developed together but also the opportunity to move on in our lives and have closer opportunity for family time. i look forward to continuing to be an active voice on issues of vital to florida and the u.s., and look forward to being an active part of a resurgent republican party. i think you very much and i will take a couple of questions. >> [inaudible] >> absolutely not. this is a free country, and i am doing this of my own free will. for the reasons i have just stated -- i cannot say it any better. it is only my desire to get on with the rest of my life. that is the governor's decision, i respect that, and trusted to do a good job on that. i called the governor to let him know when i was doing. we have called about this potential, and i think he is prepared. it is in his hands. i will leave all the questions to the governor. clank the good lord, not on what, i am in good health. right. >> [inaudible] >> the next phase of my life will be in the private sector. as a private sector citizen, i hope i have a voice to speak on issues i consider important. but that is as far as it goes. i have no specific plans for my future other than the fact that it will be in private life. >> [inaudible] >> voy a regresar a mi familia -- shepard: 12 years working for public office in florida, senator mel martina's living a lot of question marks today. he said it is a free country, but he is not giving a reason for resigning. a free country, you do not need a reason, but there is always a reason. nothing happens with no reason. chris wallace is live in our washington newsroom, pretty well plugged in on these things. i've been doing some research, and there is a lot of speculation in florida that he might have a replacement for the seat. in the on-line edition, there is a great deal of speculation that he would do that. give us the back story, explain what it means to republican politics. >> he will not seek reelection next year, which means it will be an open seat. if charlie crist, if he were to appoint himself, he would be an incumbent, in the office for about a year-and-a-half, and that would give him a big leg up. i do not know if that is why martina's did it. at least for sure, he quit today after he broke with the big republican majority and voted up for the nomination of judge sotomayor, won only nine of a 40 republicans to vote for her, and i do not think is a coincidence he would have wanted to be there to vote for the first hispanic member of the supreme court before he steps down. shepard: charlie crist is widely believed to have aspirations higher than the senate, and appointing himself for the next cycle, if he would not run again, it would not make sense for him to appoint himself on the surface of things, would it? >> no. a few points himself, it would be a strong indication that he intends to seek the seat. why put someone else and they're -- in there? the only other possibility is he would appoint a caretaker for that job, something for joe biden's si -- seat. shepard: all right. i want to talk about the economy, because that is the big story today. president obama said the had been stricken rescue the economy from catastrophe. listen to this. >> today, we are losing jobs at less than half the rate we were when i took office. we pulled out the financial system back from the brink, and the market is restoring value to those retirement plans. shepard: despite unemployment news, many americans believe that the administration has not helped the economy recover quickly enough. according to the latest poll, 45% of voters say that they approve of the way the president handles the economy, 49% disapproved. where does this leave us at the moment? >> it is good news. obviously limited good news. you cannot applaud 247 fellow americans losing their jobs. that is a terrible human price for all of them and their families. on the other hand, that is the smallest number to lose their jobs in a year, and the decline in unemployment, even if only 9.5% to 9.4%, is the first decline in 15 months. so it is understandable that this is a sign the recession is slowing down and even beginning to end. i think it is also important in terms of the health-care debate, because quite legitimately, one claim is we have given you $787 billion for stimulants? conversely, the obama administration is going to say, "look, it has begun to turn things around." it means the kind of know what is going on. shepard: the dow is up, 9397, fast on the way to 9400. good news everywhere today, great to see. we will see you sunday. you have jim jones and mitch mcconnell, "fox news sunday." check your local listings, and we will see you. coming up, is believed the most wanted man in of pakistan is dead. from a united states air strike. what it means. call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. i felt amazingly boxed in. (announcer) joe uses the contour meter from bayer. (joe) my meter absolutely adapts to me and my lifestyle. i'm joe james, and being outside of the box is my simple win. (announcer) now available in five vibrant colors. shepard: mounting evidence today that a missile strike by the cia has killed the most wanted man in pakistan. let's give you the latest. officials are working to confirm the death of this man, baitullah mehsud, maine leader in pakistan, believed to be responsible for committing suicide attacks and assassinations. he died tuesday, say his people, when a missile attack struck his rural home. this is one of the most volatile regions and pakistan, and it is not run by the government, but by tribal militants. for a long time, pakistan's government seemed content to let them control it. but the attack on baitullah mehsud could signal an important change, one that could help put a squeeze on any terror activity in the region. we have team coverage on this, and i want to begin with jonathan hunt -- actually, let's start with jennifer griffin at the pentagon. how did he die? do we know? >> it was a 500-pound bomb fired from a predator zone. the cia runs that. this is a laser-guided precision strike. pakistan does not have the capability, but certainly it would of been human intelligence on the ground that helped bride -- guided. they have the signature, and seven of his bodyguards are reported dead. shepard: his people are saying that in fact, he is dead. what does this mean in the hunt for osama bin laden? that is the main thing. he is believed to have been in the area for years. >> i am told that what you should take from this are two things. pakistan has crossed a line where they are sharing intelligence about their own internal threat, which was a big barrier for a long time. for pakistan to help us kill baitullah mehsud shows a leap forward has been made. the question is, will get informations continue. remember, the predator program has limited resources. if mehsud is dead, more resources can be put into the hunt for bin laden. shepard: you probably have not heard much about baitullah mehsud before this week. we know that the taliban leader, omar, appointed him five years ago. for some time, the state department had been offering a $5 million reward for his capture or assassination. we are also told that he was diabetic, being treated during the missile strike when he was killed. for more, you can listen to jonathan hunt. he was behind major attacks, wasn't he? >> yes. he was behind some of the biggest, most recent attacks in pakistan, including back in march. remember the attack on the police academy in law or? that was the worst, with 18 dead in the attack. going back further, december, 2007, the assassination of benazir bhutto. mehsud was believed to have been behind that. any way you slice this, it is a big catch indeed. shepard: are they reacting in pakistan to this openly? >> yes, they are. intelligence tells us that they, like american counterparts, are waiting final confirmation that he is indeed dead. they're holding out on celebrations now, but if they get the confirmation, they will be very, very happy indeed. shepard: he has a large following in that region, not everyone will be happy. >> yes. there are people standing by to take his place. his successor will be decided by an executive. we are told that they are meeting right now in the region to decide who will be the next man to fool him. it might successor who is at least as aggressive. shepard: and we're just getting this out now. brand new pictures of marines working at the site where the remains of captain scott spiker were found in iraq. officials made the announcement this week after we were told that the remains matched his dental records. here are the pictures. an unsolved mystery for nearly two decades. the fighter pilot crashed in the opening hours of the gulf war back in 1991. the captain was the only american who remained missing in action from operation desert storm, shot down while falling through with a combat mission. his body was found nowhere near the crash site. remember when the heads of the automakers showed up on capitol hill after arriving in private jets and the whole country went absolutely bonkers? lawmakers were all outraged that the executives of such cash- strapped companies would do such a thing. well, you have heard was looking for private jets now. if you guessed congress, you would be right. is there hypocrisy, or do they need jets to get the business done? making it all a bit easier -- now that's progressive! call or click today. shepard: congress knows how to travel in style. lawmakers plan to spend more than $500 million to enlarge the fleet of jets used by officials, according to a new report in the "wall street journal," owned by the parent company of this network. everyone needs for boeing 737's. lawmakers also approved funds for three gulfstream jets, which are nice. both parties use the planes, along with military officials, this is not a partisan thing. it is supposed to be used for official business only, but this comes just months after lawmakers ripped into the big three auto maker heads when they showed up in private jets, saying that they were out of touch with the rest of the country, who were suffering. hello, congress. here is the editor in chief of the "wall street journal." they said they were replacing jets that had to be replaced, but they seem to have done some digging on the matter. >> the preparations committee says they were replacing seven jets, more expensive, older, and only a net increase of one jet, but it is at a time when congress is, as you point out, reading -- the rating corporate america for flying those jets. these are comfortable planes used to go overseas. spending for overseas travel is up tenfold. part is fuel, but most is planes. lobbyists were able to teach -- take congress people overseas on travel. new laws say that they cannot. as a result, congress has turned to a congressional airforce operated by the u.s. military, primarily, and increases travel. on one hand, you want them to be educated about the world, and as you point out, this is but democrats and republicans. on the other hand, some of this travel is a bit suspect. they might go to afghanistan for one day, spend eight days in italy, as nancy pelosi did with a group of eight congress people. if you travel of the plane, -- on the plane, you can bring your staff for free. shepard: they cost about $5,700 an hour to fly, and dc-037's cost about $3,000 an hour. i wonder if there will be enough public backlash to make them reconsider, or if this is not really what is deemed as a necessary experience. >> there is a tiny bit of tone deafness on the part of congress. but a lot of this trouble is in tough places. afghanistan and iraq have been primary destinations of congress, and you want people educated about issues, particularly where they are spending taxpayer dollars abroad. on the other hand, there was travel to the airshow at the galapagos islands, and you have to wonder what value is derived from that. shepard: great to see you. thank you for your great work at a wall street journal. a disturbing new report about airline safety. (announcer) big news for stiff joint sufferers. to improve joint comfort in as little as six days. six days, that's fast! (announcer) joint supplement pills are history, because elations powerful formula is more absorbable than pills, delivering clinically proven levels of glucosamine and chondroitin in a great-tasting drink you enjoy every day. it tastes absolutely delicious. goodbye horse pills. i've got it working for me. (announcer) elations. the new standard in joint health. president obama: i took a trip to elkhart, indiana, today. elkhart's a place that has lost jobs faster than anywhere else in america. in fact, local tv stations have started running public service announcements that tell people where to find food banks... even as the food banks don't have enough to meet the demand. shepard: new details this hour on a deadly learjet crashed that involved a couple celebrities in columbia, south carolina last september. new transcripts indicate that pilots heard noises during takeoff, then jammed on the brakes right before the wreck. the plane shot off the end of the runway, and ripped across the highway. within seconds, it stopped in flames. the pilots heard a series of metal clicks which they could not identified, and they went for take off. seven people died, and two were hurt. travis parker there, on the band, blank-182. a final report is still to come. last hour, federal investigators released new information on the failure of one company's aerospace systems on united states jets. they are saying that on at least a dozen recent flights by u.s. jets, a malfunctioning equipment made it impossible for the pilots to have any idea how fast they were flying. a similar breakdown is believed to have played a role in an air france crash that killed more than 200 in june. catherine herridge is connecting the dots for us. an advisory was set out about the judge -- jet, right? >> yes, the ntsb had received reports on the back of the air france crash. not only the speed indicator small but also the altitude indicators. in both instances, pilots landed safety, but it became part of a growing body of evidence that problems exist on this jet. shepard: how many carriers use it? >> it is, please with europeans, but here in the united states, only two carriers. northwest has 32, u.s. airways has 11. the key things here is that after air france, airline started replacing the sensors. it was french-mate, and replaced with another model made by the same company. with this growing body of evidence that something may be wrong, they of started to replace some of the sensors with an american made counterpart. shepard: have to come out with anything publicly? >> nothing publicly. what we can discern today is this number of 12 flights that ran into trouble is part of the investigation and it was leaked partly through the investigation. the big issue here is that it appears some of the problems with the a-330 are far more widespread than originally thought. shepard: good to see you. thank you. new details of a story breaking right now on long island in new york. three people are confirmed murdered after shooting inside a home. this is roslyn heights on long island in new york. reports indicate that police are searching for the gunman. a fourth victim is listed in critical condition. we're waiting for updates. these pictures are curious -- courtesy of wnyw, fox five in the metro. this is just a horrible scene. 66 alma st., the discovery made at noon today, so just about 3.5 hours ago. this is in nassau county. long island is to give localities, nassau and suffolk. -- long island is two counties, nassau and suffolk. schools are not locked down or anything like that. we're still in the middle of the summer session here. but any updates on this, we will let you know. if you look for a job these days, check your credit score. according to new reports, employers are now checking on future employees potential credit scores. why are they doing that? 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>> but they are trying to do is issue guidelines that say they are going to look into history's, that better mean that they have something to do with the job. if i am washing dishes, flipping hamburgers, my credit history has bought into do with whether i would be good at that. if i'm handling valuables, that is different. data shows that credit scores do not show whether you are irresponsible, honest employee. yet the history of bad checks for criminal conduct or live under present your application about your experience and background, those are indicative of someone who may not be a good employee. nothing about credit scores. shepard: 13 million inaccuracies on reports are found every year. so check it out. just google it and it will take you right there. will charlie crist appoint him to mel martinez' vacant seat? take a listen. >> there will need to be an appointment made, and i want to insure my fellow floridians that we will undertake a very thorough, comprehensive, of process to do that. congress is in recess, so florida will have an opportunity in the coming weeks to make sure that an honest person of great integrity that will protect the public trust will be appointed to go ahead and serve the remainder of his senate term. i will not appoint myself, and i have gotten a lot of recommendations about qualified people who are concerned. if you have other questions, i will be happy to try and answer them. >> [inaudible] >> no decision has been made. >> [inaudible] >> there's not a short list. there's not a long list, but i'm getting a lot of calls and recommendations and volunteers. shepard: it sounds like this was the beginning. the governor of florida, a republican, the senator from florida, mel martinez, who has been in office 12 years, originally from cuba, has served in florida more than a decade. the question was, well charlie crist a point himself? it is widely believed that he has wider aspirations for politics. he says he will come up with someone, but there is no short list or wallace and his getting a lot of recommendations. if you are a republican, you can get a place holder, as chris wallace described a moment ago, as a caretaker for that seat until the election comes up. the other way to think about it is, you appoint a person who might be your strongest candidate. because senator martina's is leaving his job early, that person would run as an incumbent of sorts, someone in the public eye. so, we shall see what happens in florida. in a balance of power world, is important. mel martinez says he wants to spend more time with his family and go and the private sector. charlie crist says he will not appoint himself, so his future is very much a matter for future speculation, and there will be much more on this on fox news sunday. we are tracking swine flu. very seriously. feds are trying to stop the virus from running rampant throughout schools in the fall. new guidelines are issued today saint schools should only -- saying that schools and only close if large numbers of students get the virus. we hear that these guidelines advise schools not to shut down during a possible outbreak. >> that is right. instead, officials are advising schools to stay open and start planning. they say to do things like setting up a quarantine, where they can take students and staff that might be ill and work with parents who might need to make special arrangements to keep kids home once they get sick. the decision to close the school will be left up to schools administrators on all local level. we have a school here in north carolina, and on thursday, 49 students called in sick, another 13 let home. since it is not flu season tactically, health officials are treating it as a swine flu and sending them home. they have decided to shut down schools as a precaution, and they will clean the school of the weekend, open that when students come back, the spread will stop. shepard: southern schools go back to school a lot earlier than in the northeast. i guess if they have serious problems down south going back to school in mount before kids up here do, that is where they will develop it. that is the testing ground. >> it is. they said, this is something we're watching that would probably will see going into the fall. officials said that vaccination is still the best defense. vaccines are not supposed to be available until october, and when they do, they will need at least two to be effective. shepard: great to see you. hope it is not a bad one. police say she was married for six months. and then after six months, she tried to hire a hit man to kill her husband. her husband was not dead. she is in big trouble. and the officer holding her now is our guest live, next. to stay on top of my game after 50, i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day men's 50+ advantage... has gingko for memory and concentration. plus support for heart health. that's a great call. one a day men's. shepard: new developments in the case of a four roles -- florida newlywed who tried to hire an undercover cop to kill her husband. here is how it went down. the hit man she tried to hire was actually in an undercover police officer, conveniently. the police staged a crime scene and went to tell the women that the husband was dead, and her reaction is caught on tape. reaction is caught on tape. they say there was all that wailing, but no tears, not a drop. cops arrested her and charge her with solicitation to commit murder, and she is under house arrest at her mother's house. according to a lawsuit filed by her husband, we're learning she told her lover about the slabber plot on the same day that the husband's signed over ownership of their town home. but the twists do not end there. joining us now is frank ramsey, the police sergeant use on that tape there. there is more to this thing. what can you tell us? >> what specifically? shepard: i was not aware of this lover yesterday. but i guess she had been telling the lover things, yes? >> he cannot confirm at the time. shepard: are showing pictures of you holding her in what amounts to a bit of an act for a jury later so they can establish her mental state. tell us what that meeting was like? >> start to finish, she employed a confidential source to find a hit man, to the moment she found the hit man, to leaving to have her husband killed. i notified her where she was working out that she needed to comeback. what you see on the video is where she approaches may, i am explaining to her that her husband has been shot and that a black male has been seen fleeing the area. the reason we used a black male is because that happens to be the race of the undercover officer she hired. i wanted her to leave clearly it was the man she hired to care of this business, and i barely finished the were killed and was still at the top of my tongue where she burst into that immediately wailing reaction that you see. i was looking at her eyes directly, and no question in my mind, it was rehearsed, and she was hanging on my word, waiting for the timing of the word killed to break into what you see in the video. not a single tear for the entire duration. shepard: how long between the time you told her her husband was dead and you told her it was done? >> as you see here, questions related to who might her husband's enemies speak, etc. at some point in time during the interview, it changes over to where she gets confronted with the undercover officer, and things are not as cheap thought they were. the only time i could tell you i could say was authentically shocked was when she saw her husband cost base. shepard: sergeant, good of you to talk to us. thank you. the target of a suspected plot is a husband. now he says he is in a state of shock over the entire thing. with us is jason brody, the lot attorney representing the husband in the case. >> one case is a circuit case, the other is a certificate of merit in palm beach county. shepard: what can be done now? that is our coverage in just two minutes. . shepard: very sad news to report on "studio b." a family spokesman says eunice kennedy schriver is in critical condition in a hospital in massachusetts surrounded by her family. the spokesman said that the 88-year-old sister of john f. kennedy is there with the family at cape cod. says her husband, children and grandchildren are at her side. she has 19 grandchildren. she's renown for nationalizing, really, the special olympics. there is a picture of her. a few more things about her. her charitable works have just been amazing throughout her life. a long-time advocate for children's health and disability issues. she helped establish numerous health care facilities, support networks all over the country. of course, she campaigned in a big way for her elder brother, president kennedy, during that successful 1960 campaign. she is the only woman in the history of the united states to have her portrait appear during her lifetime on the united states coin. that was the 1995 commemorative special olympics silver dollar. eunice kennedy shriver, the mother of maria shriver, who is the wife of the california governor arnold schwarzenegger, apparently gravely ill at the hospital in cape cod, massachusetts, at the age of 88. updates on her condition here on fox news throughout the day. back with us once again to discuss the continuing discussion of the murder-for-hire plot in florida. the family law attorney who's representing the husband in this case is with us. the allegation is, sir, that there was another man and that she had told the other man that she wanted to kill the husband. why? why did she want him dead? >> we're learning -- we don't know. that's what we need to find out. there's a lot of unanswered questions in this case. my client's been in a state of shock. he had no idea about a man before this. he obviously had no idea his wife was plotting to kill him. now we're just trying to piece the puzzle together to figure it out. shepard: and what do you seek to accomplish? >> one that he owned the property to the marriage and then claimed it over to her as joint tenants during their marriage. one of them was a resignificance to give the deeds back to him in his sole name. the other is obviously a petition for disillusion which encompass that case as well. obviously the house is part of the marital estate, and they have to decide how it should be apportioned between the parties. shepard: i'm almost out of time. but quickly, have they had any contact, the huff here, since the incident -- husband and wife, since the incident? >> no. shepard: i'm guessing they probably won't. what a weird, weird story. counselor, thanks for being here. wow. we'll stay on this story, jason brody, live. >> thank you, shepherd. shepard: we're about to interdeuce to you dana bowman. he's the one you saw floating down from the sky with a giant american flag earlier. chart... (voice 2) they're pinging more targets... (voice 3) isolate... prevent damage... (voice 2) got 'em. (voice 3) great exercise guys. let's run it again. shepard: the jumper's name dana bowman. he lost both of his legs in a skydiving accident and later became the first double amputee to reenlist in the united states army. he said he did it to inspire other wounded soldiers.

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Florida ,United States ,Iraq ,Cuba ,Capitol Hill ,District Of Columbia ,Washington ,Pakistan ,Americans ,Floridians ,American ,Cuban ,Mel Martina ,Chris Wallace ,Jim Jones ,Baitullah Mehsud ,Joe Biden ,Mitch Mcconnell ,Miguel Martinez ,Scott Spiker ,Joe James ,Charlie Crist ,

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