come back in -- >> bret: leslie? chances of that? >> i think there are chances of part of it passing and i think if they do the same thing with voting rights, that would be the same because when you look at senator joe manchin, for example, there are definitely things in there that he likes and things that he doesn't. so, instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water, you take it and break it up. look at polls and what do americans, majority of americans whether they're democrat or republican support, i think it's a smarter way to go than to shelve it completely. remember the economy is number one on all voters' minds. inflation scares, rightly so, americans. and if you are saying and economists are growing with theg with the president. economists are saying build back better will help small businesses. will help our economy, will help infusion more money into the economy and then i think it's worth the effort to take the pieces that they know that can pass from this legislation to help the american people and to help the economy.