event. >> martha: we should note that none of the campaigns have inpu on who is in this room tonight, who was invited or the questions we will ask.t >> bret: as mentioned, first a "spelook at some of the other special report headlines we are following tonight. president biden appearing at a rare campaign event today. he spoke to black voters at at inchurch in charleston, south carolina. the president indirectlys referring to the controversy over tifo governor haley's faile to specify slavery as a cause for the civil war. >> martha: and the white house dealing with a growing controversy over the absence of defense secretary lloy jd austi. it says austin's job is safe. the white house did say that today, and they are reviewing the rules and procedures regarding his failure to disclose that he is in the hospital and has been for days.s tiwe still do not know why white house officialuss were noi notified, not aware of this until three days after austin wamitts admitted to the intensie care unit at walter reed medical