country are trying to turn ite, into a which,in if allowed to live, wil once again do terrible damage to this country. >> bret: president biden in charleston, south carolina. governor haley, welcome. clearly we want tothe start th the first part of that sound bite was pretty much aimee at your answer ine the new hampshe town hall about the cause of the civil war. you have tha since explained tht speeding was the cause, but what is your reaction to thek president going to a church in charlestond to you often talk about -- and he said, to go i after you and what he calls maga republicans led by a defeated president? >> first of all, mother emanuel church is a sacred place. we lost nine amazing souls that night for just going to a bible study. i will tell everybody, those amazing people, all 12 of them,o when someone else showed up that thedidn't look like them or act