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Definitely the prince and princess of wales and members of the family so what this means that anything tiles cannot do in the official ceremony or signing pair papers William And Kate will pick up the lion share of that responsibility especially wanting to streamline the monarchy. So William And Kate will have to be out and about picking up more responsibilities. And b will be expecting a short coronation period between now and when charles is crowned. I dont thank you want to wait much longer to get that crown on his head. But what that does mean is that they will be bring in the new age of where they are expected to take on the tours of the commonwealth and other Heads Of State and countries to send invitations joe biden would come to the United Kingdom with a Special Relationship between the uk and the United States that is so valued on both sides when thats a first state visit of the king charles rain and so William And Kate will be picking up a bigger share of responsibility. It will be interesting to see we are looking at the left side of the screen talking about changing where people live in the castles in the royal family and its interesting they moved to the cottage obviously that put them closer to the queens residents while she was alive but Down The Road William And Kate might take up for residents in the castle in windsor quick. That will happen but i dont see them moving into the castle before then it is very much the family residence the apartments are laid out in the way it is very much the king or the queens residents William And Kate whether or not they choose to live there as they become king or queen but right now its very much charles domain i dont think they are in any hurry to wrap this up anytime soon. We will watch this together as we see the arrival start to happen at the palace that where do you think, Will Charles Clear that Buckingham Palace he spent a lot of time at Clarence House which is down the street. Charles has made it known throughout his time at prince of wales he may not want to move into Buckingham Palace full fulltime. Its open to the public and some room so if he doesnt choose to take up president s its very likely its open yearround. And to remain whether or not he chooses to live there but there is a precedent to work from other palaces. But he did not want to live at Buckingham Palace it was two grand so he could follow in the footsteps. Its interesting it seems that nobody wants to live that Buckingham Palace but its not the holiest place they had to choose from. Looking at st. James palace for american viewers the ambassador to the uk is called the ambassador to st. James because this is where the court centered is not too many people live on the grounds there but there are quite a few royal officers and the chapel that takes place from st. Margarets chapel seeing km all youngest children that system took place there as well. Think jim james palace is incredibly important residence for the British Monarchy. With all members of the royal family. And Clarence Houses up against one side of it. But it is full of offices and members of staff and the central hub that you are right it is the official machinations those representatives to the court and then basically the palace itself was built and commissioned that still has a central role of what happens today which is incredibly important. It is fascinating is one of my favorite architecturally and it has henry viii look from the 15 thirties its a beautiful palace right in the heart of london and st. James place that comes up from it to the old hats and wines and coming down into the Clarence House area and then the early 19 hundreds they built the new palace that supplanted that as the seat of the royal family we just saw Boris Johnson walkin we will see many members of parliament entering. We heard very moving speeches yesterday morning i believe it was critical it feels like days ago but a lot has happened last few days. Talk to us james, about this moment of the us session. It is not the coronation. It is the acceptance of the government and the relationship between the king and his government a Constitutional Monarchy affirmed this morning. Yes this is incredibly important because the moment that the king died and proclaimed came to the people and will rule in accordance with the practices of the kingdom so basically the monarch has a complicated relationship with the running of the country in terms of government and whether or not they have degrees the power is debatable but what they do have which was laid out in the text of the constitution that charles will have the right to consult standardized Prime Ministers on issues of the day throughout Queen Elizabeth rain that they valued her input with conversations that were not shared with anybody else that the Prime Minister could feel free to unburden themselves if they are going through any political personal crisis and that was set out by his mother to be that confidant of the Prime Minister. And charles can but what he thinks might concern members of the public so he could comment on popular topics of conversation at the time. But he has no technical influence over the preceding selfgovernment for the Constitutional Monarchy but does have that level of consulting and advising from white highly valued. This ceremony will affirm that relationship and Constitutional Monarchy that exist between the king, Prime Minister, members of parli parliament, members of government of the United Kingdom and will also affirm his faith as head of the church of eng england. He touched on those briefly in the speech he gave yesterday to affirm those connections and the importance of those connections. We are waiting for him to arrive now well bring in duncan who was a former royal editor of the sun and also the story on Harry Call The Inside Story thank you for joining us. The first question is the difference in those meetings with the Prime Ministers that may exist under king charles as opposed to Queen Elizabeth who is very good at keeping her opinions close to the vest to carry out that advise and consent role. Will charles be the same way hes let his feelings be public at times. What i think james was alluding to the fact that basically king charles when he meets his Prime Ministers Going Forward it will never compare to the queen sitting in Buckingham Palace with Winston Churchill and every Prime Minister since then. So would inevitably he would have that wisdom. The queen you more about those scenarios than wikipedia does. That he is a states and already he has played a public road and out with politicians that the question is can he rain at an event which is a strange thing to say talking about the new king that he has all the power but if you exercise that power which the queen never d did, thats when the politicians start to say who are you . The role of the monarchy is to have the power but not actually use it so i think Prince Charles will have to bring back on the interfering or the cross letters he has sent within the political system to put pressure on them so it is clear that stops now and that something whether or not william wants to do. Its interesting to see if that works. Its hard to change at 73 he has deeply held feelings on Climate Change and other issues. The United Kingdom is in a very difficult position economically right now. It is not the United Kingdom that Queen Elizabeth came to at the age 25. It is much larger commonwealth in many countries have fallen by the wayside. She never once attended a ceremony of taking down the british flag in any country. It was a difficult evolution. So what is charles left with at this point in terms of the United Kingdom that he will reign over . That is a fantastic question the only way to answer that at look at what is happening now the reaction to the speech from king charles yesterday, last night in british time it was a Global Reaction one of the things king charles has just inherited from his mother to be positioned right there on the stage of International Relations and politics but already as i stay on say. Is not like the young Queen Elizabeth Who Travel To Australia One of her countries that she rolled over as a 25 yearold because they never actually got to see her in the flesh Prince Charles has spent the last 30 years traveling the commonwealth and is a familiar figure so the charles challenge for Prince Charles to put in a treasonous way is can he keep his mouth shut . But now i would argue this country wanted to hear their king and he delivered but they dont want to hear him moaning about everything all the time. He has to keep it mystic like the queen. It is so interesting he made kate and William Prince and princess of wales instantly in that very first speech. We are talking about this moments ago charles at 73 and his wife of 17 years that i think people have come to embrace in a significant way but really it is local and William And Kate that are the International Stars with the same magnetism that a young Queen Elizabeth had at the age of 25 traveling around the world. So i imagine that part of the role, even though william is already 40, he seems young in the scheme of things, do you think that whole part of elizabeths role falls to them in many ways . Yes. I think it does. What king charles has immediately and William And Kate is the star quality, the glamour. I do know that william is 40 and as a 47 yearold im trying not to take offense. [laughter] but he still connects and of course we are beginning to see why have William And Kate suddenly the last two years really emerged as the golden couple . Because they knew this day would arrive. That is something that king charles lacks imagine going to Buckingham Palace and shea cancer leaving give kisses that is completely out of character for Prince Charles that actually he will never be over and the white house like Princess Diana was once upon a time dancing with john travolta. He doesnt have that. He doesnt need it. He is the statesman and William And Kate. I remember seeing kate when nobody knew who she was and we bumped into her on the ski slopes in switzerland and quite deliberately but now 19 years later she is princess kate. That would have been front page and he day for the past 19 years and the context of that type of speech from king charles. So with that kate and william, by the way, in the course of that speech with charles saying billion and kate now become prince and princess of wales inheriting dianas title they also inherit the duke and Duchess Of Cornwall that is worth one. 6 billion and gives the extra income every year of 25 million. It was a big day but it seemed almost irrelevant in The Grand Scheme of things. Yes. There is a second part to all of that which is the line that came right after that, and hairy and hairy and megan making the way overseas we love them and and it made it quite clear that they are moving offstage in a very significant way so maybe you can take this and well get duncan starts as we wait for the book to come out which has to have something in it are it will not sell and that is clearly on the minds of these Family Members as well. Yes i dont thank you can blame them because you are faced with a situation with the interview with Oprah Winfrey it was a blindside of what can they say or what will they say type of thing. So it is another gray area there is no further sense the Launcher Announcement last summer. So where do we stand with each other . Will you be nice or nasty or truth or whose truth . The most important things for that speech is night regarding harry and t5 it is the same line the queen took if anything happens with the members of my family and the royal family despite the independence and freedom in the United States and that is when it comes out you for charles that harry is his son and meghan is his daughterinlaw and will always be a part of his family but this book is a dark cloud that is hanging over this proceeding and we just have to wait and see. It could be like Meghan Podcast Drop Out Of Nowhere and take everybody by surprise. Duncan . What do you think . I do agree with james but we should not lose sight of the fact that yesterday when king charles sat down to deliver that speech, that has a speech in effect is weighted 70 years to deliver. He could have mentioned or maybe he should have mentioned all kinds of people. But he kept it focused on the tribute to his mother, the role camilla plays as the Queen Consort but then talked about his love for his sons william and then harry. Harry and meghan chose to leave the institution. So now charles is the boss asking. But he is also a father and he has to juggle those two roles for the rest of his life. Otherwise the alternative is to cut harry out completely. So i see this as an olive branch to harry and meghan. I love you but we have to get through this. We cannot keep having harry and meghan Firing Missiles across the atlantic when king charles is facing the biggest challenge of his entire life he needs his support. From everything we hear harry was basically in and out at Tao Moral Castle and there are questions now whether or not if meghan will attend the funeral they were planning just to be here for a few days. What do you think or expect . There are so many stories breaking and what on earth happened the day the royals found out the queen was about to die . We heard harry and meghan were going to fly to balmoral then a couple of hours later everything changed and then my Old Newspaper that i do not work for this morning front page says it was Prince Charles that told harry this is not the time to bring meghan whether or not that is true we will find out then if it doesnt then he gives them another chapter in his memoirs. Waypoints. Thank you so much this is Boris Johnson, teresa may, the room is packed and ready for the Ascension Duncan and james thank you so much for being with us this morning very good to have your insight. He will take a quick break as we look at the life pictures. 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The Archbishop Of Canterbury the Lord Chancellor the archbishop of york, the Prime Minister, the clerk of the council and myself shall wait on the king and inform him the councils assembled. I now call on the clerk of the council to read out loud the text of the proclamation. Whereas it has pleased almighty god, to call to his mercy hour late sovereign lady Queen Elisabeth second of glorious memory. By tuesday sees the crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain is solely and rightfully come to Prince Charles Philip Arthur george. The spiritual and temporal of this realm and members of the house of commons, together with other members of her late majesties counsel and representatives of the realms and territories aldermen and citizens of london and others, do now hereby with one voice and consent of tongue and heart, publish and proclaim that the Prince Charles Philip Arthur george is now by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory become our only lawful and rightful lord King Charles Iii by The Grace Of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the other realms and territories, king, head of the commonwealth, Defender Of The Faith, to whom we do acknowledge all faith and obedience with affection. Beseeching god for Home Kings And Queens do rain, to bless his majesty with long and happy years to reign over us. God save the king. God save the king. I now invite those on the platform to sign the proclamation. The drafts of eight orders of counsel. Number one ordering the proclamation to be printed and published in specialist supplements in the london one london in the fast gazette. Number two directing the Lord Chancellor to affix the great seal to the proclamation proclaiming his majesty, King Charles Iii. Number three. Directing takings arms to attend at the court of st. James to proclaim his majesty, King Charles Iii. Number four. Directing the lord mayor The Court Of Aldermen and commons of london to attend at the Royal Exchange to proclaim his majesty King Charles Iii. Number five, directing his majestys Secretary Of State of defense to give directions for the firing of guns at hyde park as soon as his majesty is proclaimed. Number six. Directing the constable of his majestys Tower Of London to give directions for the firing of guns at the Tower Of London as soon as his majesty is proclaimed. Number seven directing his majestys Secretary Of State for scotland to cause the proclamation for proclaiming his majesty King Charles Iii to be published in scotland. Number eight. Directing the clerk of the council to issues circular letters for causing his maj majesty, King Charles Iii to be proclaimed. Are hereby approved and that concludes the business for this part of the council. I now invite the Deputation Party to accompany me to wait on the king and the council chamber. We had been watching cam camilla, Queen Consort at the podium and by her side , Prince William now a prince of wales you can see the line of former ministers gordon brown, david cameron, teresa may all lined up in the front row as we watched this Historic Ceremony you can hear the proclamation and what will happen as soon as he is declared king. The word will go out in the papers in eden borough, ireland that guns will bring out at hyde park in the Tower Of London and various locations around the United Kingdom. This is an extraordinary window into an ancient ceremony that has taken place going all the way back in the course of British History. This line goes back 1000 years to william the conqueror. Duncan, your thoughts as he watched this play out this morning . I can hear you now. Just your thoughts as we watch this play out . So now just looking at the members of Parliament Many have given moving speeches over the last several days about their times with the queen. Today is a moment to step slightly aside from the Morning Process the flags all go up to falstaff across the country to harold and welcome the new King Charles Iii then after the ceremony and all that comes with it is completed then the flags come back down. We know the body of Queen Elizabeth will come back to london and that is biplane and will happen tomorrow. Your thoughts duncan . It is a reminder that when we talk about characters like elizabeth, charles or even harry and meghan but figures in history going back more than 1000 years as you say. But these idiosyncrasies the strange traditions that off today people by surprised. This hasnt happened since 1952. Nobody involved in this service are gathering today would have had any knowledge of how this works before. These are people getting out the books and brushing off the dust to work out what happens and in which order and how decisions are made. Some people say makes you proud to be british some would say makes you very oldfashioned but it is what it is. Lets bring in neil, we are watching history play out in a way that no one has watched in 70 years or ever watch the inside of this. Think of the councils back to British History and the jockeying that would go on to become a member of the Privy Council. There are 200 members currently i think a much smaller number was allowed into the room. I agree the politics and jockeying were continuing in full force to be a part of this this morning. [laughter] good morning. I know you are thoroughly excited to see historic British History unfolding literally before our very eyes because these are the things that we read about in History Books Buffer so many of us we have never seen this. It is absolutely new and as you rightly said in 100 years time people will look back at this moment and say a moment in history. When you look back in history there was a lot of school dog very politically but what i thought was refreshing is what you touched on how eloquently former british Prime Minister spoke nicely and movingly about Queen Elizabeth ii but right now were in a brandnew era now King Charles Iii. Its amazing to think. Personally for me i find it sad in some aspects because the nature of the monarchy is there it is but then you seeking charles going around Buckingham Palace but you have to pick yourself up and the show goes on a matter what you are feeling. The public demands that you carry on. That must be very difficult. We must of put that into con context. Also looking at camilla at king charles side a very formidable character more of his strength and people realizing she has redefined charles and made more palatable for the public mao her a great debt already. That was acknowledged by the late monarch Queen Elizabeth and her speech earlier this year. It is a fascinating time for us. Martha indeed tony blair also was in the crowd former Prime Minister i believe there are between eight and ten former Prime Minister is in the front row all that Queen Elizabeth worked with all over the course of her rain which is astonishing in and of itself she outlived several on the list. And looking at tony blair. Duncan, i think about that keep calm and carry on we saw during Princess Dianas funeral and the young men that walked behind it. There is no time for grief the president and the priority is the crown and the Stability Keeping things moving in this grieving process is very public for these individuals because the duty takes the primary purpose even in this moment. Absolutely. When Princess Diana died it was shocked and the old my goodness what has happened . We dont have that this time with the 90 sixyearold woman who frankly was almost a Freak Of Nature and i mean that in the nicest possible way still working the day before she died. Its funny that it reminds you of those moments when bridge and went into morning the last time for Princess Diana promptly. But king charles and camilla are of course a force to be reckoned with but they are a popular force. And what we see happening here it is in the pump but it is the ceremony. Standby for the pump because after the coronation with them Prince William to become prince of wales we will see a lot more of the polished military boots and the pomp and ceremony today it is just an ancient ceremony. Most people are thinking what is going on . We didnt know this happened. So everyone seems to be learning. Theres no time to dwell it is a time to continue that was the same 1000 years ago with the same Council Meeting with the equivalent of. It has been the same throughout history. There is no time to waste. We move on. Well said. We understand we call this the twominute warning. We will believe the king will arrive shortly so we are waiting for that as we watch all of this. Just a quick thought, neil, we saw for the first time in public the new prince of wales standing next to camilla. He lost his grandmother in the last few days and has seen a tremendous shift in the family hierarchy. Your thoughts . It is something he has stepped up to over the last couple of years. Five years, even recently giving a speech he was very king like. He is just inundated but to gather they are at exactly the right moment and the right time to take on the British Monarchy in their brandnew roles which of course presents charles discussed openly for the first time. I think it is a tremendous time. An interesting thought as well is that we had the woke nonsense and it opens those gates again and people look around to say this is important. We should know this and it is our heritage and people around the world will say this is marvelous we did not know so much. We would not have seen that 70 years ago to have this technology is much as we do today. Its a great point wanting to leave behind certain parts of our own history and it gives the moment for your country to watch this play out and that is what Queen Elizabeth did so beautifully. With religion and tradition carelessly. And of being modern but yet of that heritage that makes you who you are and in a highly inclusive way to bring in all of the people to unify people of all different backgrounds to that end i just want to read a little bit but we just heard at the top of the ceremony if you are just joining us from the clerk of the council and said with one voice and consent of tongue and heart publish and proclaim Prince Charles Philip Arthur george by the death of late sovereign of happy memory the only lawful these lord Charles The Third by The Grace Of God for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other realms and that speaks to the importance of the continuity. The passing of Queen Elizabeth is married to the Instant Change and a Session Accession of the new king. Yes. Over the past five or ten years it has been story after story when Prince Charles first becomes king he will be a modernizer and paying the older aspects of the royal family and to be a completely different type of king. But what happens the first few hours of becoming king he has to be involved in ceremonies that go back over 1000 years. My understanding he has wanted to get this ceremonial stuff out of the way including his coronation because he wants to get on with the job that he has waited since he was four years old to do. We see some movement in the room. We will watch the ceremony as it begins to play out. Broaden as pre minister by Queen Elizabeth ii and her first meeting with the monarch will be with King Charles Iii what a first few days she has had as Prime Minister and there is william and camilla as we start this part of the accession process. William. Business for part two of the council. Your majesty to make your declaration. My lords, Ladies And Gentlemen, it is my most sorrowful duty to announce to you the death of my beloved mother, the queen. I know how deeply you, the entire nation sympathize with me for what we have all suffered it is the greatest consolation for me to know the sympathy expressed by so many to my sister and brothers and with such overwhelming affection and support should be extended to the whole family and our loss. To all of us as a family, as to this kingdom and the wider family of nations of which it is a part, my mother gave an example of lifelong love and selfless service. Anothers rain was unequaled in its duration and dedication and devotion. Even as we grieve we give thanks for the most faithful life. I am deeply aware of this great and heritage and sand of the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty which have now passed to me. And taking up these responsibilities, i shall strive to follow the inspiring example i have been set in upholding Constitutional Government and to seek the peace, harmony and prosperity of the peoples of these islands and of the Commonwealth Realms and territories throughout the world. In this purpose, i know that i should be upheld by the affection and loyalty of the peoples whose sovereign i have been called upon to be. And in the discharge of these duties, i will be guided by the council of their elected parliaments. In all this, i am profoundly encouraged by the constant support of my beloved wife. I take this opportunity to confirm my willingness and intention to continue the tradition of surrendering the hereditary revenues including of the state to the government for the benefit of all in return for the sovereign grant which supports my official duties as Head Of State and head of nation. In carrying out the heavy task that has been laid upon me , onto which i now dedicate which remains to me of my life , i pray for the guidance and help from almighty god. I have with humble duty with your majestys permission for the publication of your gracious speech. Approved. Concerning the security of the Church Of Scotland. I understand the log requires that i should at my accession to the crown take and subscribe the oath relating to the security of the Church Of Scotland. I am ready to do so at this first opportunity. Iletter, t3 by The Grace Of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other realms and terri territories, king, Defender Of The Faith comedy faithfully promise and swear that i shall maintain and preserve a settlement of the true Protestant Religion for those laws made in scotland with persecution of the claim of rights and particularly for an act of securing religion and Presbyterian Church government. By the acts passed in the parliament of both kingdoms for union of the two kingdoms, together with the government , worship, discipline, rights,d privileges, all the Church Of Scotland. So help me god. I now invite your majesty to subscribe both copies of the instrument confirming the oath has been taken and now invite the witnesses to his majestys oath to sign both copies of the instrument. We are watching some of the formality here with the signatures. You cannot help but watch charles, now king, by this proclamation, he is seen as king by the government of the United Kingdom and scotland and Northern Ireland. And now the prince of wales his father is 73 he is next in line be cannot think what is going to the prince of wales mind as he watches this and wonders when his time will come. He says he is not in any hurry because that would mean a very sad time for his own family. He is not in a rush but clearly a 40 yearold prints , now prince of wales who is next in line as he watched this play out. And huge mama in their personal life and then losing charles his mother and williams grand grandmothers another wheels of motion have begun to turn. You see other signatures coming from the members of the Privy Council is that charles is king in the eyes of the government. Your majestys declaration to be made public. Approved. Draft of an order in council for recording the oath relating to the security of the Church Of Scotland to be transmitted to the court accession to be recorded in the books And Afterwords Put in the state papers of scotland and in the council register. Approved. Draft order in council determining the form of proclamation for proclaiming your majesty in draft of an order in counselor to make use of the great seal for all things whatsoever that they will be prepared and be authorized. Approved. Draft of the order in council authorizing the lord seal if and then to be approved and authorized. Approved. Draft in three orders authorizing the principal secretaries of state , Chancellor Of The Exchequer and the chancellor of lancaster to use the existing seals until other seals are prepared and authorized. Approved. What you got the Secretary Of State induced your and that is the existing use of Northern Ireland until another seal is prepared and authorized so authorizing the majesties First Minister Of Scotland to make use of the great ceos like to be prepared and authorized. Approved other ways the First Minister of wales makes use of the existing steel and tell it is authorized. Approved spent draft in council authorizing the public seals in the respective public seals lately in use and elsewhere down in the unique United Kingdom and tell they are there and then confirm your majestys wishes and then to continue the tradition for the government and the beneficiary benefits of all in exchange the grants that affords us official duties as Head Of State and head of nation. Approved. Drafts of two proclamations stake holiday in England Wales and Northern Ireland. Number two, appointing that day as a bank holiday in but those that affect the Lord Chancellor to affix the great seal to the proclamations. Approved. And now invite your majesty to sign for those proclamations. King charles iii ceiling that proclamations with the seals of the various parts of the United Kingdom also making a bank holiday on the day of the queens funeral. Lets go back in. May i now invite the Deputation Party and the witnesses of the l2 exit by the Picture Gallery into the hall. There you have it be Accession Council is now exiting the Holocene James Palace built by henry viii in the early 15 hundreds and has watched all Accession Councils by Privy Councils under the guidance of many kings. The proclamation that is laid out in the core door. Thank you all for attending today. Its very interesting to see the front line up all Prime Ministers tony blair, johnson and attendance, teresa m may, gordon brown, john major, all of them who served under Queen Elizabeth elizabeth ii and that with her every week as Prime Minister those are duties King Charles Iii will take on this is a formal declaration , proclamation of charles as king as recognized by the government. So the other big piece of this is the coronation and that will be held at Westminster Abbey that is the Church Recognition Of Charles as king. It is a twopart process. The first part has taken place here this morning in a historic moment for the United Kingdom. Spring and michael who was with us earlier this morning. Thank you very much for staying with us we see all the members of the Privy Council signing these documents going into the archives of the country. Your reflections this morning . Most of the day it is amazing to watch this firsthand as if we stood in that room and it is something nobody has ever seen before in public. It has really open the door. In the midst of looking back of the queen and thing to start with that as the president of and there are other monarchs she is a person me think of and the same would be the case of the king with good reason. The Family History is big there are 100 men on 100 million using heritage. Com it is crazy how many asking my related to royalty just because how respected this institution is and how the queen worked to make that happen. We have a king now and he has big shoes to fill but if anyone can it is charles. He has had decades of preparation and now the personality to bring that monarchy to people maybe in a way we have never seen before. He takes after his father email seen those wonderful little moments with prince of wales i dont think that will go away and then we see and hear that disrespected that she will on to vote her life and belong to the service of the people that was everything she did. But the world has changed walked and then for that preparing for that tradition but that to be a rock Stable Institution to say above the political debate. We can all relay on that charles has echoed that and ask that maybe Elizabeth Moore and her later years but it was well known she had a sense of humor the past few days pulling out of the trinkets and jumping out of the helicopter for the olympics we could maybe see more of that even Paddington Bear for the x and then with that sense of duty and that institution he now represents he will be the rudder the nation looks to and the nations grandmother but he can step into the shoes and become the nations father. Well put we are watching the signing of the documents. There several hundred members of the Privy Council that are doing just that i would like to be some of the words from charles at the beginning of his speech. My lords, Ladies And Gentlemen it is my most sorrowful duty to announce to the death of my beloved mother, the queen. I know how deeply you, the entire nation and the whole world sympathize with me in the irreparable loss we have all suffered. It is my greatest consolation to know of the sympathy expressed by so many to my sister and brothers and that such overwhelming infection and support should be extended to her whole family as to this family, the kingdom and the wider family of nations of which it is a part those were charles is words this morning delivered by the Privy Council and they made him king in the eyes of the government. Julie montague is an american but do on can you hear me . Yes i can. What are your thoughts as you watch this Historic Ceremony play out . As an american who plays a role in the United Kingdom as well . It is interesting first and foremost we were able to watch it live for the first time ever. So for people to get a sense of what goes on and with seals and signatures and that has been and then to Witnesses Today in the modern age it was rather extraordinary but principally him by his father the new king Charles The Third, we will see more and more father and send together. And he has an enormous task ahead of him and to maintain that with the older generation and we heard from his address last night to the nation now that prince empresses of wales to help him these conversations and that can be looked at as leading the conversations with her youth and to bring the two of them together, i think we have an incredibly strong martin monarchy where we have never seen father and son work together. We started to see that over the past year. Now looking at his address last night that is what stood out for me today. And then to see them together this morning as well. I think it is a wonderful and exciting time for them monarchy as far as a new and younger generation. One of the interesting points that was made was tradition and values in history, all of this. Back in the United States there is a lot of challenge they recently took down the statue of Teddy Roosevelt outside the National History museum in new york city. A lot of statues have come down. We see a lot of derogatory language but then those who have a title about that and how they have thought to. Absolutely as we see it to today, both countries are questioning is this institution right were the Founding Fathers these are questions we will be continued to be asking that we need to looking forward to the new prince of wales and being able to address but we want to move the monarchy forward. Help us to that. Help us unify the country rather than to fight it even more. But then of course the new prince of wales and King Charles Iii they can unite rather than divide. Not necessarily make rights of all the wrongs in the past but to start to put it right in their own way. There is a lot of challenges that lie ahead in that regard we saw William And Kate now the prince and process of wales on a caribbean trip last summer and that do not go well. They were basically told in front of a crowd that the islands were pulling away and that they plan to extract themselves from the common commonwealth. This is a tricky time especially with prince harry and his wife labeling members of the family is racist. You can see where that narrative feeds. And king Charles The Third has said that he wants a slimmeddown monarchy and it will be interesting if that happens in your trip but that was a big pr mistake and i think they have realized that so after that trip. Prince william put out a statement saying i am just here to support. You can make up your own minds. I will support you whatever that decision will be. We will see more and more of that. They have had to look hard at the new role Going Forward and we heard it from the address yesterday and passed addresses from william and charles they are here to support and unite. But it is difficult times we have t17 and meghan who still hold resentment against the royal family we hear that to the podcast and at prince harry burke that supposed to be out at the end of the year and nobody knows what is in it. But these conversations and questions will continue to be asked and once you cant hear which was quite a contrast to yesterday so we saw that outside with that celebration and see what happens next. Thank you very much julie. On the left side you see st. James palace with a have just gone through the t16 council and then we have Buckingham Palace where we expect to see activity he will be meeting with members of the cabinet and the Archbishop Of Canterbury as they look forward and make plans. We still have not heard exactly what day you know and then if that takes place within ten days or is sunday counted . It could be any time from the coming weekend to may be the early part of next week. I would imagine that he is like and are they with us . I will wait to get that information. There he is. Can you tell me what you think to get some clarity on when the funeral will be in the chal the schedule for the rest of week quick. I love the way you are so engulfed in our British History. Thank you for doing such thorough research and we likely you are saying. But what you have rightly said, we are not sure if sunday does count. These are different times. We dont know how this operates. We have seen todays literally a moment, a window into the history. So consequently, people are not quite sure what is happening next. My estimation is probably next monday, i would assume that is the case would be natural as well because we know that will be a bank holiday and what would go through Prince Williams mind . Is looking at his own history. But i also think as well that if you think about it, he is 40 he could be Prince Charles and king charles age. Charles has a life like no other. Indeed. I had the same thought. But it is interesting to see kate and william how much they will step up. Will it be different in terms of the role that charles played . Does william play a and we have already seen him then you normally would have seen with that particular role. When you think about it and. That when people say and kind remarks and you dont see what goes on behind the scenes. Now constantly in the world of social media they are trying to connect with their charities and to fly back. For somebody of his age to take up all of this it has to be admired. And then the previous and he just wants to get on. He loves all the history that is attached the in on is convinced and is inspiring. As we and for all of those to back off and realize that we have and learn from it and move on and not to get rid of it that is not the answer but i will say this if you dont like it then you are living in the wrong country. Nobody does it like the british in terms of all of these events. If you can call It Funeral Spectacular i dont know if that is the right word but it will b be. I mean that in a reverent and leaders from the United Kingdom. There isnt a prominent person in the world i will bring in duncan who would not want an invitation to this funeral. So talk to me what you exp expect, duncan neil says monday we heard a proclamation of a bank holiday that generally falls on a monday. You likely to think that is the day as well . September 19. Apparently that is what the sources are saying. But it will not be announced until later today. But thinks close and they have the day off on sunday but that happens every way on anyway every single sunday but my sources tell me it will be a week on monday the 19th. Looking at the guards doing the switch at st. James palace. We know the king will meet for members of the cabinet with the Archbishop Of Canterbury privy seal grenadier guards your thoughts as we watch this pageantry outside st. James this morning. The pageantry is incredible but one thing we lost sight of his king charles is king not just of the United Kingdom but many other nations around the globe. This has global significance, the world is different from when elizabeth took the throne but in some ways is very similar, britain is global in a different way than it was in the empire. The queen, when she married, had a 10,000 all these different nations coming together and King Charles Step into this role as Head Of State of all these nations after decolonization but he has still got to speak for many countries. A lot of them will ask questions, is it time to move on . Is it time to break free of the monarchy and perhaps make their own way . I think charles, with this kind of ceremony, this pageantry, has a chance to reset things and bring these nations together in a way we havent had an opportunity for in a long time. This is a great opportunity for charles and a way to bring the commonwealth, which was not declared head of the commonwealth yet but is going to happen. To make everyone feel proud to be british or to be one of those nationalities. In some ways may be everyone watching this is british. King charles iii as he takes the throne. I was joined by neil sean, excellent input from all of you. Im grateful to you for being with us this morning to watch all of this play out. We do look at a british kingdom that is much smaller than it was when Queen Elizabeth took over. Weve seen a number of countries break away, we see a different political world we live in. We see aggression in ukraine from russia. A lot lies ahead in terms of the dynamics in this world and the power we see coming from china and russia and iran. All of these places the Queen Elizabeth dealt with, met with the leaders of and now King Charles Step into those shoes to play a role as well in the future of the United Kingdom, Western Civilization and of the world as well. Thank you for watching this morning. We will have continuing coverage throughout today and the coming days. For right now, fox and Friends Weekend starts now. Reporter whereas it has pleased all my god. Our late sovereign lady, Queen Elizabeth ii, of blessed and glorious memory, by whose decease the crown of the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and Northern Ireland, is solely and rightfully come to the Prince Charles Philip Arthur george

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