them that. is a wrap this week. thanks to judy miller, i'm john scott. see you next week. >> welcome to red eye like dance was wolfs. if by wolf, you mean tran yeez. andy what is coming up on the show? >> that is not what i, or anyone means, coming up, lawyers for animals? the story you may have heard somewhere else, plus, should ronald reagan replace grant on the $50 bill? and finally a dwarf theme park opens in chin yachl the short story is coming up in a little bit. >> that is fun, andy. >> new york mets face live batters for the first time since undergoing elbow surgery. and santana looked good in two previous outing autos go way, young man. let's welcome our awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome guests. she's the heidi klum of the newsroom. >> i like that. >> yes. >> and that is good. >> yes. >> and i started off okay. thank god. >> and there is america's new room's co-anchor on fox news channel. she's so hot. people gather around her bed at dawn just to see her rise. >> they're 9 and 11 years old. >> yes. >> and his looks swing like left hooks. mike baker, it's fierce common tearry were the hustle i'd do him in a disco. well, he's the ice to my tea. the busy to my bee. it's my repulsive side kick, jim shults. in the morning, he showers with oboe sweat z a man so bad he makes darth vader sad. the great actor robert. if acting were dirty dishes families would do him after dessert. >> and he's a stupid comy. good to see you again. >> nose on the ball, likely to enthrall, reporter claud, and she's smart, and that is a lot. >> and that is an inaccurate it-doesn't matter. >> is the greatest generation beget the girliest? did we go to boys in the basement? in my case, yes z there is a lamb yenlt of the glut of quote, basement boys. the 8-24 american males living with their parents who come to replace the stern, stoic manly men of your year. >> yeah oo. oh. >> that is tough. >> and these boyish above yoons living with mom makeup 55% of that 18-24 age group. that is like almost half. >> almost. >> and more, they're busy waxing their chest, women now receive almost 60% of all bachelor degrees. which is weird because they're chicks. anyway, there is father of "men to boys", the culture of the boy men today is less a life stage than a life style. so true. so true. let's go live to a basement boy for a rebuttal. >> he she makes good points. >> robert good to see you. you're an old school manly man actor. do you agree with what george will says? >> well, you know, it's think this has been going on longer than what george is will saying but there was a film in early 50s. which means little fatted calfs. it was about these guys in their 20s post war living with their moms and trying to find out what their male identity was. this is something happening... >> started in italy? like italian food? >> no. that wasn't quite the point. >> what you're saying is we should be invading italy because what they've done is worse than terrorism. that is what he said. >> when you're against this? there is another thing. since world war ii since the lack of the draft there is no male initiation. in american indian culture men taught men to be men. we don't have that in our culture. >> that is right. anything involving initiation often gets awe rested. i can tell you what happened on the jersey turnpike, but i won't. is it about half? you're wearing that hat what. men stopped wearing hats, they stopped being men. correct? >> you have a point there. there kog something for that. it stopped in the 50s. twlaz a certain elan in terms of wearing a hat men had. and they stopped wearing them. >> you used to wear a smurf hat. >> i was in a smurf parade it looked aus yum. >> i had a smurf hat wai.z part of a role in an amusement park. i recent you for bringing that up. interestingly it forced you to take off the hat when a woman would enter a room that. was a manly gesture. those gestures have disappeared. >> most of the men fight today, what do they fight? on twitter. >> it's pathetic this, is the kind of thing that would be sort of funny weren't so bad, we're raising a bunch of losers. part of sit just this culture everybody gets a trophy. everything is okay. it's moms like wanting to stay younger longer. if you're 26-year-old still a baby have you young kids around the house. they want to keep them home. right? and i think that you know, growing up became a bad thing somewhere along the line. so it's better to be young. growing sup not a bad thing. it's a fine thing. and grown up men dress well. like rochblt they -- robert. they know how to write letters. these are missing in basement boys. they don't know how to dress. they can't write a decent thank you note. >> a lot of moms are refused to become grand moms. they get giant lips and can't grow up. that is the kid -- when is a kit kidd sup he posed to be a man? >> 18. >> when a man is needed. >> you, being an artist know that quote. a boy becomes a man when a man is needed. >> that was captain crunch, correct? >> yes. >> i love that. >> and mike, you're a man's man. is this just one generation, a george will generation about 87, 88. generations do this all the time them rally against other generations saying these people are -- that has got to be part of this, right? >> no. no. a agree we are raising complete girly men. part of it is what martha says, entitlement. and i'm special because i just freaking showed up. no. you're not. we've lost ability to tell you come in first, second, you are going to get an ward. if you don't, thanks for trying. do better next time. >> there is a point about 60s and 70s. i argue after world war ii parents were absolutely focused on ensuring their children never had to go through that experience. >> which is fair. >> right. >> it start that had early. we sometimes are quick to blame the baby boomers but it started before then. but no. we're raising a tribe of people who have no sense of responsibility and no sense of consequences from actions who just believe the fact they're walking the planet makes them special. >> you're saying it's the bill schultz generation wex call it that. >> he's often quiet. >> it became a touchy feelly thing. instead of disciplinary thing. again, male initiation. >> two quick points here, though. >> we're going to find out how to be a guy. >> he was born looking like that. with a fedora, greg. you know this. >> and then, get involved with brothels. >> there was a male initiation. it wasn't about going to a brothel. but it was more about a father that gave you a certain kind of -- disciplined. you were disciplined into understanding your responsibility as a man. as a -- . >> bill loves to be disciplined but it hasn't -- . >> but that is a different thing. that, he likes a different kind of discipline. >> yes. yes. >> and you're about how old? >> 34. >> defend your honor. >> my honor? now, i'm a princess which i guess is where we're going. two things. one, boy say that these guys are living with their mom until what? 24? then marrying a woman better educated and they can care care of them? sounds like the smartest generation to me. i'm reminded of my favorite quote. it says kids today have no respect for elders and lazy, not creative. they're ruining the older generation because of their selfishness this, was made by a farrow 200 years before christ. >> no. >> yes. >> i think he made this up. >> i swear to got. >> there was a greek play where women took over society. >> yes. >> it's back during the greeks. women became stronger than the pale population. there was a satire on this. >> is going to keep making these intellectual comments, i'm going walk off. i haven't read anything. >> what does it say in maxim? i like scrooge mcduck comments. other tip is how men dress in late 20s. i see a lot of board shorts and wallet chain autos what is wrong with dressing up? why can't people dress up to go to the theater? we used to dress up to go to the airport. now, it's about comfortable. it's like forget it. you're not going to be comfortable. >> it's a psychological. >> what that guy put into pants on the ground song, these guys are not growing up. >> and there are good men out there. i want to point out. some think about how fine guys are and women are in afghanistan and iraq. and talking to someone bit today. they said they're leaders. they're the future leaders. there are sociopathic young men. >> these are people that should northbound mtv. guy that's serve our country are cooler and edgier. >> i thought she's talking about the afghanies. >> they are way cooler. >> our soldiers should be considered the coolest. >> i want to get back to the dress code. >> we dropped -- stopped the dress before, we had to tress, guys learned to pack their clothes clean their rooms and get out of the house. >> i want to talk about dressing your age. >> yes. >> let's go down there. a sweater vest, a fed fedora. chest hair. what is wrong with this picture? >> i like the peewee herman glasses. >> you like the glasses? >> at some point, you've got to be able to teach your kids there are consequences and, again, i agree with what martha said. we've fallen into this culture where everybody gets a freaking award. i saw this time and time again, coaching kids, growing up. parents expected everybody was special. it's wrong. and we're going to suffer for this down the road. >> when i was a coach, i coached high school basketball. i only gave trophies out in the locker room. only time. from acting like kids to defending squid. does your lawmakera need a lawyer? should an ant eater have an attorney? the answer may stuff you in the trunk of its car. sunday, the people of switzerland a county made of velvet and blue cotton candy decided whether there should be special turn attorneys to represent animals in court. sponsor by a swiss animal rights organization hoping someone will stop laughing and start taking infringement more seriously. farmers and pet breeders are believing this will result in more laws and embolden more animals to do horrible things like this,. >> that is what happens when chickens can't write. the professor jumps over and races and beats the cram out of him. >> we all know that song, don't yes? yes. >> women are more independent than men are. they buy the caps. >> not this woman. >> is this lunacy? >> this is total nunasy. what i don't understand is how do you know your animal wants to go to court? do they bark it to you? someone wronged me? i need to be represented?. >> and they see the ads. >> they do. what about that killer whale? should we bring tillicom to court and charge him with murder? can it go the another way? >> if you can defend an animal, you can prosecute an animal. >> robert i know you're a huge animal lover. nobody likes people who are cruel to animal autos no. >> but this is kind of crazy? >> look there. is a book my matt scully called "dominion ". he talks about responsibility we should have towards the beasts. you go to chicken farms, you've got chickens stuffed into a certain kind of inhumane treatment. humane society of america deal was these issues and legislation that is not whacko legislation. you know? they're ceiling this w.this in terms of getting a culture to understand animals can help us be more human this, may be over the top here. you know? you're going to get f lee bailey to defend the sheep for whatever reason. >> you've got to imagine that would be awesome. >> can you see that? >> and there would be court cases to bring the goat up. goat is sitting there. point to the man who sodomized you and imagine two animals. >> and i mean, judge judy and two animals defending them. interesting court. >> yeah. yeah. >> and let's be nice to live in a country where these are your problems. we're trying terrorists and trying to get them into military tribunals. they're talking about prosecuting someone over a chicken. >> these are issues they have to deal w we're working towards that. in a year and a half and two years we'll be dealing with this if we don't get our cram together. i don't have problem wtz idea of animal rights in a sense. i don't want to take it too far. >> you don't want it when i'm hungry, i love me a chicken. i want to be careful about taking it too far. this idea of a public defender for an animal? fro no problems. if the animal can pay, that is great. >> bill can't afford it. bill can get dpeens, but bill can't. >> if you can't afford to pay for it, why shouldn't an animal be able to get it?. >> i'm going run with this. i might be able to get an animal lawyer like that. >> there is another side. no to the useless animal lawyers campaign. isn't that catchy? no to useless animal lawyers. >> it won't be pro bono. >> i would be pro bonabo. i screwed that up. apologize. that will never happen again. coming up, bill shults answers some hate mail starting with letters from his parents. but first this, crud. >> what is great about a dwarf theme park? can i get there by roller blades? that is the only way to travel these days. รบ?@3@3 in 1977, an 8-year-old boy picked up the game of golf from his father. the odds of that same boy then making it to the u.s. and european pro-golf tours? 1 in 7 million. the odds of the "big easy" winning the u.s. open once twice? 1 in 1.2 billion. the odds of him having a child diagnosed with autism? 1 in 150. ernie els encourages you to learn the signs at should number 4 >> should number 40 be on the 50? will every big tipper now reach for the gipper? if gran patrick mchenry gets his way. intro dusing legislation to replace president grant with ronald reagan. he cites several scholar poll that's ranked reagan way above grant as one of the better commander in chiefs. one de. m has come out with an idea saying congressman brad sherman, typical. quote, we're not ready to honor someone whose poll says are still controversial and our occurrencey ought to be something that units us. let's she how the gipper might have responded, were he still alive today. >> there are cities in mish begin. aw, shut up. >> i love him. he is... he still is, in my view, the best president of my lifetime for having said that. i met the man. believe it or not. don't we have bigger worries now than trying to figure out who is going to be on occurrencey. >> how to get occurrencey. >> he was a great man. i had the pleasure of serving underneath him and it was a wonder full time. i think he should have some occurrencey and coinage, some wr. but i won't do it at the expense of grant. do you know which president police yided over the most pro growth, pro business positive financial growth period of their administration? i would have to say grant? >> i would say you're right. absolutely. and there is -- . >> exactly. >> that is why i think he deserves to stay on the $50 bill. this is -- find another bill this, -- mint a bill that is a $3.98 bill. i'll use it every day. >> i know why you like grant. he was the biggest drunk. >> and there is -- what do you make of this? >> there is what i make of it. >> i did research, too. he may have prepresided over good economic times, but reagan was an actor, and grant was a real estate broker. >> there is a car thing going on, then, bankrupt when he died and sold mementos for his family. and there is can you imagine. >> help me. help me. and there is what is interesting. he was one of the first guys ever to have his picture on the business card. he partnered up with eric he is strauda, starting to do time shares in florida. >> and this is, i agree with michael. give us another bill. $75 bill would be nice. $50 isn't $50 today z there is my own idea. >> like taking an oscar away from someone z as you know, i draw the news, today i through droou a new denomination. something i like to call the uni coin. and if you'd like to win send me the title. the and if i like it i'll mail you the original. but you won't know. >> you can buy two yun yi corns for seven pounds of pot. >> exactly. and there is a lit bit of tracing. i used a cot both yom of the protein powder that i drink to make the coin. >> and what am i doing? do you have a comment on the show? e mail us. red eye fox leave a voice mail on my direct line. and i might pick up. probably not. still to come, half time report from a strange, strange man. ge, strange man. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by my nightmares. did you know puppets have families too. me either. and that's why i have trouble sleeping through the night. thanks my nightmares. hey! inrease in 6 mths. pete, back it up! 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>> it is not really for me to judge. >> perhaps. >> george role today's some men are immature. are you suing will for using the term basement boys? >> yes. it's a raise i came up with many years ago ask i'm angry. you asked, quote did the greatest generation beget the girliest? going from boys in the basement? i thought you skipped a generation or two? >> i might v we don't have much time on this show. >> there is plenty of time on this story. >> yes. >> what does that mean? going too long? >> no. good. >> okay. >> yes. >> you told a story about italy then surprised when greg got the point wrong. have you never seen the show before? >> yes. i have. i just wanted to make sure that the point waysn't blaming italian americans experience on guys staying home. >> right. >> everybody but greg understood that. >> yes. i know. i wanted to reit trail trait that. >> you were clear. >> thank you. >> and i think i interpreted it in a more correct manner. >> no. that creative might have been a better word choice. >> all right. >> marge yau said the thing about the basement boys is that they don't dress well. they don't write letters greg said that is true. they don't write letters. they? writing a lot of letters are you? writing a lot of letters? >> yes. >> i don't know. >> and that is my mother every week. and and uh, echoed the story for rewarding kids just for showing up now. lost the ability to only give trophies for first, second and third place. i think, drop second and third place. if you come in second with a war, you've lost. >> a agree with that. we've got to start slowly then working back. >> all right. >> thank you. >> sure. >> you're well come there is bill, i couldn't find the farrow quote. >> he does exist. >> and are you sure it wasn't a farrah quote? you have a book of farrah fawcett quotes on your desk. >> yeah. there is in hireo glifics. >> right. and this has been the lament of many generations. >> there is more on tweet. >> switzerland may pass a referendum calling for state animal rights turns. you asked if this means we can put the killer whale on trial for murder? no. mainly because switzerland would lack jurisdiction. >> thank you, andy. >> i know. >> these laws are about animal well fare. not people well fare. >> is this wrong? >> it may well be. >> i'm going to get a sticker that said no. down with animal lawyers. >> very to put a defense in there. there are abuse to animal that's we have to -- it helps us be better humans. >> it's true. >> couldn't we argue tillicom may have sailed from the port of switzerland? >> i don't think it's a correct argument. >> right. we can move on from. >> yes. and there is who is to keep the whales captive like that. >> that could come up in the trial. >> yes. yes. >> and there is a movery and the name will be like axl whale lawyer. >> you said we can move on. >> yes. i tried. >> and there is someone yelling in my ear. i thought, well, why? for you budding swiss animal rights twhournz may be watching out there, a current animal rights attorney says quote, you can lugs your credibility if you overidentify with the animals. and then, he shoed his own cud. >> weird. >> should reagan replace grant on the $50 bill? >> and there is a bad congressman, clearly and and mike you said grant presided over a treaty in time. yes. >> grant administration was had scandal unlike reagans which was, to my recollection scandal free. and and that is a great point. >> good point. i am done. >> thank you, andy. go away. welcome back our guests. and she's so incredible, the show that's incred jibl now refered to that is legal z mike baker former cia operative. he knows g men like i know she men z actor robert dobi, and i'd bang him in the back of a vw. >> he's dreaming back with both tours small. a chinese businessman opened a theme park of dwarfs. and watching short statured people dress in pink tutus performing slapstick ballet. is it a freak show? or both? critics say it's misguided and immoral. but the man behind the quote kingdom of little worker argue the permanently employed dwarfs is better than 100 dwarfs scrounging and hearing aplaus makes them feel proud and empowered. and do you know who else is empowered? grandma dj. >> you go, grandma. i don't know. the world is cruel, robert. the world is a cruel place. we know that. people who are different are humiliated. in this instant. aren't they carving out a bit of happiness? you know, i don't know what they're doing in china you think that wizard of oz had their munchkins. there was this, there it goes with my thing. there was a chilean film maker who did a spiritual journey. and there was a little person in the film. and he had them sit, and he is a real esc -- esoteric guy. the little person confronted they were a little person. it became a spiritual transformation. maybe this has that kind of journey for them. >> it's a good point. i watched a long segment on it. they claim they're happy there because there is no discrimination because they're all dwarfs. that they can marry and co-mingle. is no discrimination. >> they look happy in these pictures smchl look like small children. >> yes that confused me a little bit. maybe they were short on dwarfs that day. they had to have little kids fill n but a agree. i thought perhaps the person who created this has a "wizard of oz" fantasy. and wanted to recreate munchkin lanld. >> you had to say small children. don't they look like large children? they look like large children. how is that? >> and mike, they live in a world where they can't use public transformation, and public phones. here is a place, where everything is built for them. they'd probably be tortured and humiliated. >> how do you know they can't use public phones and public transportation. >> they can't reach. i have the same problem here. >> can't reach the phone autos they have the beef jerky on the highest. and. >> greg is on a waiting list for a condo there, actual lie and with the knowledge of film, i'm going to have to start citing my knowledge of vivid film production and addressing the issue. asking a couple that would be jermaine. no. i know what, honest to god, you know, you look and think, hey, if they can make a living, and it doesn't work like chinese government is putting a gun to their head. >> they're there my choice it won't be beyond the chinese government's motivations to do that. but i don't think they are. i think they're out there making a living and we flif in a society coming back around, we're so damn politically correct. today's society we couldn't finance "wizard of oz". it won't have been made. >> there are reality shows that do worse than this to people. >> it's true. >> there is a paradise for these people what. are they bying? >> this is, i feel badly you can't reach the beef jerky. we should start a movement at fox. >> right now, if you saw my office, everything is on the floor. i put put them on the shelves. >> and we'll get you an animal lawyer i've got to stop this, if you don't stick around then a a unicorn will swing. >> where is this olympic gold medalist here to talk with me? he thinks he's on o'reilly. here goes. my joints ache so bad, i wake up in pain every day. i want to know why. i want to know why my hair is falling out. how did this happen? how did this happen? a little pain in my knee. that's how it started. that's how it started, this rash on my face. now it's like my body is attacking me. i want answers. announcer: when you don't have the right answers, it may be time to ask your doctor the right question. could i have lupus? h our next guest made olympic history in van yufr. won a medal in the in orderic combined. proposed his girlfriend and saved a box of burning kittens from a lodge. and that sounds lazy, don't you think? delighted to welcome him. i knows skis like i know he flaes. you've got to sea the medal. can i get a close up of this? people? do your job. okay? i've never seen a gold medal before this, is heavy. >> i never really felt one before. my roommate brought one home in the first event. must be good luck to touch, because we had four of them. so. yeah. >> you don't have anyone bite it?. >> a guy broke his tooth on one. yeah. i figure that had. >> another guy having female tourists bite his bronze. he had to be sent home. >> yeah. yeah. >> and i thought that was brutal. it seemed like one of the things olympic saz series of one upsmanship. wait a day. this will go away. and they called a press conference. >> and this is, i've got to tell you, how does it work? >> it's an original olympic sport. i like to to think of a test of a skier's all around skills, one distance jump, old school ski jump, long jeft jump starts then a 10 kilo meter race. have you a time handicap back. for every meter you can count about six to eight seconds penalty. >> are you terrified? okay? you have got to be crazy to be a ski jumper. it looks insane. right? >> you know, i think that partially we all start so young that. you build your confidence slowly buchl that being said there are a lot of times as a child and teenager going through different sized hills and working up you're just like i don't know if i'm ready, coach. he's like get up there. >> now, you're soaring through the air do you think holy, this is nuts. >> yes. especially. you know, not that, right. but especially going overseas and like in one of the tournaments and it's a hill you haven't skied and all of a sudden, it's foggy you can't see the coach there is just a green light. red, green. you're like... i don't know. then, all of a sudden you're in the air. you don't see the ground. that is -- that stuff can be scary. >> we're hearing a lot about the olympic village and a story about them shipping 100,000 condoms this this place. i'm envisioning a wild orgy of well tond people having sex. is that true? >> you've got to imagine there are hook ups going on. i live ntd geek village up in whistler where the in orderic combined and people. >> like to go to bed by 9:00 so i think people were grabbing them as a novelty in and out of the cafeteria. as far as anything going on, it was quiet. >> you and geek village. geek? what is that? you did nunl something sounds like high school. like off in the cafeteria table drinking milk. >> endurance athletes all are frayed of getting sick. everybody takes naps, and in orderic dorks. and we worked hard to be there. there are a lot of races starting from the beginning to the end. >> what about the village? i try to envision a village. is there a post service? a bash ber? does it have a jail? >> everyone is different. when i went when i was 17 there was this,? n.japan this arcade. so every day was like video games at 4:00. and this time around, you know there was a little video arcade. but there was, i'm trying to think, there was a clinic you can go see a dentist and get an mri no. waiting or paying just go get an mri. >> could you smoke there? >> could you?. >> it was an outdoor setting. i think russian coaches were walking around smoking all the time. >> the russians rule! >> and they all got fired. >> it worked well for them. >> they smoked. do you have a law about stays in the olympic village stays in olympic village sf like vegas? >> no. i mean everybody goes outside to make all of the fun history happen on the news. >> anyone trying to sneak in? >> not this time. you know? in the past, i've seen it where people have tried. and you know it's tough to do. but the rcmp, royal mounted guys that aren't on horses are damn good at keeping people out of the village. >> who would you say were hottest olympic athletes? >> oh. i'm going to go with cross country skiers. biathalon skiers. you take a beautiful endurance athlete, then give her a gun. >> yeah. yeah. >> there is no way you can kick her out. she'll shoot you. she will shoot you f you're hungry, she can get you food. mcdonalds is four, five miles away. can you stick around? >> absolute lie good. i have more questions. coming up more with the first guy to ever win gold in a u.s. combined billy. >> and i almost said demon. >> that is right cccccccc he's a demon. his name is billy demon with, a g. who else wins it with you? not just you who gets a gold. did someone help you? like a pit crew? >> mom. >> mom? yeah. >> you know on our team what is really enabled to us succeed, my gold was the first gold but we had never won a medal in this sport in 86 years, our team came oum holme with three silvers in a gold. including a team event. and that is huge. to go from nothing, zero to hero here in, this olympiad with these guys and basically for 14 years we've been this band of brothers, love, hate, all different things. success, failure. we've put it together and become... like, a really strong team. >> you got engaged during olympics. did you do it in order to keep her from stay saiing no? >> i did it during olympics because for three months i've figured she knows it's going to hachl i needed to surprise her. she was surprised it was about an hour after i got the medal handed to me up in whistler. i think she was surprised. i brought the ring to the race that day. >> interesting. >> would be hilarious if you lost it it was in the warm upset. that you give to the guys. >> oh, man. >> crazy. >> given the choice. would you have rather had her say no? or not win the gold? >> uh... you know i've got to say... >> taking a long time. >> i am. >> and i'm hoping she's not going to be up at 3:00. well, you know... there are thing autos she will be now. she is now. >> she can say no once and get another chance this, is like this, is all or nothing right now. >> 25 years on the line. >> the most honest olympic athlete ever! >> and once every four years! >> okay. >> and can i ask a question. were you disappointed to see the writing was in french? >> it's half and half. and which i'm from lake placid. close to montreal. >> and look at the shape. should you not have put it in the microwave? >> yes. yeah. and i think it decreases the value. >> yeah. yeah. >> way to lob at chiefment. >> we're running out of time. thanks for coming by. congratulationses and well done. and we'll close things out with clips of recent shows go to fox slash red eye. โ™ช โ™ช [ male announcer ] the cadillac cts sports sedan. one of car and driver's 10 best for the third year in a row. โ™ช and now, for qualified current lessees, cadillac announces the new luxury collection lease. dodon: matter where you walmart's $live.-day generic prescriptions... don: plus get free shipping on over 3,000 other prescriptions. don: call 1-800-2-refill for your free home delivery. save money. live better. walmart. 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[ female announcer ] for a fresh breath feeling that lasts up to 5 times longer, there's new scope outlast. first, i will be on o'reilly factor friday night at 8 p.m. eastern time. second, you can see us this weekend on saturday at midnight eastern time, 9 p.m. pacific time. and third, bill shuldz is -- shultz is a jerk. he will be on monica crowellly's radio syndicated program saturday at noon eastern. go to talk radio network .com to listen. time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> thanks, greg. martha, are you used to getting up earlier yet? >> i like it, yeah, but tomorrow will be a little rougher. but at least i'm not a basement boy. that's why i feel good about tonight. >> good point. everything good with hammer? >> everything is great with hammer. >> let me know if there are any problems. >> you can bet on it of. robert, is it true you did the ad for the demon sheep ad. >> yes, and there will be new things coming out soon. >> any idea how big that would be? >> no, i did not. you go in there and all of a sudden it becomes an internet phenomenon. she is quite a terrific person. i don't know if you met her. but she can give barbara boxer a -- i think she candy feet her. -- can defeat her. >> mike, anything you want to plug? >> yes, and thank you for asking. ian reid and his donuts lodge on washington street in idaho, the best damn donuts in the entire world. you go there. i'm serious, the donut lodge. >> the donuts lodge. >> yes, the dough nuss dodge.

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