things with our military? i want to first get your thoughts on the first reaction to what has played out. >> we have the former secretary of the navy complaining about a lack of chain of command, when he is going behind his boss's back it -- being the secretary of defense -- to go white and don migrate to the might of the metal he has no business doing. with the president pardoning eddie gallagher's army sticking response will be off of that affirmative defense, saying, "this is the end, that's how it should end." it should have been that way. so many people are involved in this for personal gain. everyone from the prosecutor sent to the ncis is trying to get gallagher in prison. i don't know how this got so big in the first place. >> harris: i want to get a reaction to a couple of items. remove us criticized the president and for getting involved in the case, saying none of this would have happened if the president stayed out of it.