presidency in terms of conducting the foreign relations of the united states. he also has freedom of speech. i really regret that what has happened for the first time -- and we don't know, we are in unprecedented territory -- that the president's conversation with a foreign leader that did not involve bribery. people can question the judgment. some are saying that it might be a crime. it's been made public. i think, for the reasons that have been suggested by others, but i want to put a real exclamation point. we need to protect the president in conducting the foreign relations of the united states. there are checks and balances in place to prevent -- esq not go ahead. >> harris: i don't mean to cut in, but i want to get to the next thing. when you hear that documents were moved in often open electronic system into something that was a more private classified system, even though they didn't have anything to do with classification -- that's what we are reading -- what do