she says we need to know what the new world order will look like pete he didn't lead us out of afghanistan. that's watch ambassador haley. >> this shouldn't be that hard. waiting is hugely important at this point because you're not just winning for ukraine, you're winning for freedom. the biden administration has been slow to react, slow to speak, slow to act. all of those things. we should be in front of this. we should be stopping things before they happen. we should be preventing more. we should be providing invasions. we should be making sure the world knows we will stand for freedom every time it is threatened. >> yeah, the question is -- ambassador but the beautifully -- the question is why would anybody follow if you haven't been leaving on this particular issue up until now? is there going to be an unknown, unforeseeable surprise game change when he gets to europe? most leaders have something in their pocket when they go to a big situation like this.