i didn't know that she was saying no. he said i didn't know she was inebriated, i thought she said yes. the judge accepted that and vacated the verdict. >> kayleigh: it's hard for anyone to understand a guilty verdict and then taking back that guilty verdict because you somehow didn't like the penalty attached to it. it makes no sense. and this poor girl, i've let it echo, what speed 17 said. the consequences that would carry for her life or blowback, she would get. she did that in the face of already experiencing a ton of blowback at her school. she was apparently a cross country runner, she ran track and was an honor roll student and after all of this happened, she fell to a c average and had to drop out of all sports and started learning remotely from home because students would antagonize her in the hallway. so this girl's a victim and she already had so many consequences happening in her personal life.