point, i don't know what is going to happen after august 31st. but given that logistics so far, does not look good. >> harris: yeah. and it -- >> emily: you could negotiate a bite -- >> harris: that would mean that we had to start, like, now with their american troops, right? i mean, it is going to take some time to get off the ground. and the word "stranded" is a lot better than the word i have heard used and that is "hostages. >> i have been a military planner. they are going to start backwards planning right now. they are going to close those doors and it is not far from now. as we shut those gates, and fly away. >> harris: that is] we move on. with the president standing by his deadline, he is not going to move on august 31st. that is leaving afghanistan a week from today. his cia director went there yesterday to meet with the leader of the taliban picnics,