he said, "it's what i expected." he's doing a fantastic job. not easy, but doing a really good job. i think he will make great progress, october, come november. great progress. >> prime minister johnson: october. this >> president trump: is also going to start the show in november. but it looks to me like he is making good progress. it's an honor to have you here. we will be discussing trade, and we can quadruple our trade with the u.k. i think we can really do a big job. bob lighthizer is here, our trade representative. you are trade is here. they are scheduled to continue negotiations. we could have substantially more trade with the u.k. and we look forward to doing that. we'll talk about other things, also. great to have you both. >> prime minister johnson: think avenue >> prime minister johnson: thank you very much it's great to be here and we can make a lot of progress quite fast.