morning show? are you serious? >> africa was station i don't know his name he is a real historian, knows everything too. >> brian kilmeade. kill me what a last name brain absolutely? >> each of you this ease? >> that is also brian kilmeade they look alike. [laughter] >> thousand lot of fun but it looks like these two gop cans of what to prove to the american people for example who they are when they take the debate states let's ask fox news contributor's been through it all it's great analysis for us she was here every step of the mythology trump and 2016. she is poster kellyanne conway fox news contributor first about memory lane looking at some of those moments? it's a lot it tells of the importance of debates. they are make and break moments. it also tells of people are resilient, flexible spontaneous on the talking points. some are and some aren't. also says what donald trump should show up to the debate a big proponent of that i was

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