howard: and we're back with former speak iser kevin mccarthy. let's turn to the donald trump hush money trial which i would agree with is least important and most openly partisan of all the criminal cases. but when you suggest that joe biden is behind this because he can't win the election, i raised this with the former president as well. he has denied it in a tv interview. he says his lack of ethics has nothing to do with me. i have not once talked to anyone in my administration if about a trump's legal problems. what proof do you have to the contrary? >> he even in his own words proves that's not true. he was complaining to his staff the about trump and the legal issues. howard: complaining privately to your staff and actually trying to meddle with -- >> well,, listen, i think fairness is a word that's probably really a powerful word in america. is it really fair that the nominee for one party is now within, is in a trial this close to a presidency? also is it actually fair to the