on who you are. howard: npr is partially funded by the -- funded by the feds. whether you agree, lucy, wouldn't npr in a pr sense say, you know what? he raises some good questions, we're going to have some internal discussions rather than just circling the wagons in. >> well, npr did not fire him, and he did something that was unprecedented and very abnormal, which was to go free wheeling, sort of like self-directed, go right to a different outlet, go do a media tour trashing his employer. that is not normal. he's not a media reporter, he's not a media ombudsman. this was obviously by design. a lot of the things he's saying about npr may be correct, but this was not his beat. he's not a person whose beat is to cover npr, and certainly his beat was not to cover his own employer in a different outlet. as for the funding thing, i really want to double click on that because, look, you can take aim at the fact that a there are lots of things that are funded