trump is going to be saying on a twitter field or a rally. i personally think this should move as quickly as possible because no matter what you want, you're not going to get a fair trial in the senate, and mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham have both been clear about that. howard: so the media are public because they don't think she has any ability to influence mcconnell. >> what they're looking for is four republican senators to say, yes, we would like to hear from witnesses as well which is a key element to having a trial. >> tail, that's a really good point though, mcconnell was saying he wants to do the trial in the same way they did the clinton trial where you hear the cases made for and against, and then you decide whether to have witnesses. the idea that you would jump the ship there and move forward without having first had the cases made would be an outlier from how -- howard: as we heard at the top of the show, susan, a number of pundits ripped the president for that six-page letter to nancy pelosi, she's elfish, salem --