Country could now bring an unlimited number of additional recruits to replenish their ranks. I get you, Mark Have worked in a background in Criminal Justice understand to put one Gang Member in prison requires how many hours of investigation . How many Search Warrants . How many wiretaps . A Jury Trial how much work to get one Gang Member in prison . Five, six, seven years of work of the government to one person behind bars for it one day on joe by its open border it you can bring in 10, 50, 100, 500 brandnew recruits to backfill. Then you look at the impact economically. A stable middle Class Middlece Essence of The American Dream and the essence of a stable american society. When you have millions of lowwage workers who are unskilled, who often times are not literate in their own language is coming into a Job At Market you drive down wages, working conditions and Job Opportunities for everybody