In our constitution, and our system of government, and our Way Of Life First Act upon entering the country as a Woelfel Commission of a crime. A crime continued every day thereafter based on social security numbers, working illegally, stealing identities and evading Law Enforcement every single step. Soon i have a situation where the countries being changed socially, culturally, constitutionally and nearly irrevocable ways then you look at the impact on our public school system. We have School Districts that have a dozen, two dozen, three dozen different language being spoken were students who already behind because of the pandemic cannot get the instruction, the care they need then you have Housing Costs spiraling out of control struggling to keep up because these individuals are coming in and out of nowhere and all the senate where they going to live . Were they going to sleep . Was a roof over their head . A Safety Component give an open door to the criminal cartels and gangs every foreign getting every transnational gang in this