be tremendously costly. thinking about if there's deserving poor report you want to help fight with you to your programs they spend money on everyone else who doesn't need your help, too. that's got to be an inefficient way of helping poor people. mark: is at a way to motivate people to be self-sufficient? >> i grew up pretty poor and if you had offered 13 -year-old bob larson of thousand dollars a month was an insane amount of money to 13 -year-old me. i was poor. what i have worked as hard to study hard or gone to college and onto phd if you had told me the 13th that you can coast out the rest of your life with a thousand dollars a month i would have probably taken that you but to me, a thousand dollars, i was rich. mark: i look at all these subsidies, welfare related things like when you work at all? people who would work regardless but you would have a greater