crime is a people issue. when people are afraid they vote differently so this is a good sign. lawrence: so zaire rei we've been friends for a long time. and you hear -- we have these conversations, and we talk about republican outreach i just don't understand how no republican i understand it is a tough race but you've got connect with the voters and not one republican in the race i just don't get that. >> yeah i don't get it either i think this is one of our greatest parelles and i hope it doesn't stay this way. i think what's very important is we have to understand that people across this country no but no one they know when they can believe in someone that's a leader that someone will take control and help them and help their communities. and the republican party as much as it talks really hasn't been there. we saw it more under president trump with leadership growing, and i think we're going to start seeing that more in the coming years we have more hispanic