judge jeanine: the prenatal stages too, before they were born. >> why not. judge jeanine: absolutely. all right. >> very fair. judge jeanine: let's talk about jim comey. jim comey now skates, which of course if you saw my open, makes me a little crazy. so now we've got even more information coming out this week about the fact that he had someone inside the white house. talk to us about that. >> this is one of the more -- the comey saga never ends. just when you think you've reached peak jim comey, there's more jim comey. there's a story breaking that they had a special employee with a special designation in the white house on the national security council. this guy is reporting back to the fbi. during the time this whole spying operation is going on. and he specializes in cybersecurity type stuff. you may be saying sho twb so, ts nothing interesting about that. he leaves the fbi after comey is