that was me because we've been conditioned by society to take you takee ty to saturday and sunday off. but then they realize, wait, th. o u can attest to this when you do the miracle morning, you're better and you feel better and you have a better daye mo. on so let's say we wake up latewaim on saturday, you go, wait a minute, what if i did a miraclt if iide morning on say and then you do and you go, oh, my weekend is better. weeken so most people start with five days a week and then they gort to six and some go to seven.e go >> even when you drink upe night before, you can still wake up early and get your things done right? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. that's that sounds likeissue. a personal issue. all right. e. l, i love the book miraclse:u i suggested for everybody. i mean, you know, i'm going to putr evgoing to that down. . go buy my book, preorder it, get it together. >> that'll change your life, too. hal, thank you so much. >> thanks, jesse. appreciate you. co tide is busting laundry. tide is busting laundry. biggess? can't clean cold water on those