four different people can watch the same thing and give four different accounts of what happened. remembers of the suspect with long hair and another man says it was short. was the perp skinny, fat? what was he wearing? by the end of the interviews the cops have four different stories and no leads. that's what's happening in the democrat party right now. we have seen what lockdowns mandates and masks have done to the country. especially to our children. so what are the democrats doing about this? well, it depends on how ask. the cdc says the whole country needs to stay muzzled. >> at this time we continue to recommend masking in areas of high and substantial transmission. that's much of the country right now in public indoor settings. >> jesse: then there is the white house who says listen to the cdc but also listen to your governor and also listen to the science. >> we recognize people are tired of the pandemic. they are tired of wearing masks.