most of them 2,753 of the victims at ground zero in new york. 184 people died at the pentagon, and 40 victims died in pennsylvania when the heros of united flight 93 banded together to try to take back the aircraft from the hijackers before they crashed it into an open field. right now you can see all of the names of the victims on that banner that crawls across the bottom of our screen. and for the very first time only family members of the victims and not elected officials are speaking at the ceremony at new york's ground zero. president obama and the first lady attended a ceremony at the passenger today. the president laying a wreath before making comments. >> the true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate or division, it will be a safer world, a stronger nation, and a people more united than ever before. god bless the memories of those we lost. jon: you won't have to watch any attack ads today, both the president and republican presidential nominee governor mitt romney pulled all negative ads in honor of 9/11. today governor romney issued this statement. eleven years ago evil descended upon our country taking thousands of lives in an unspeakable act against innocence. america will never forget those who perished. america will never stop caring for the loved ones they left behind and america will remain ever vigilant against those who would do us harm. eric shawn covered the attacks that morning, with us here at fox, he's live at ground zero now. eric, what is going on? >> jon, you know it has been eleven years but it seems as if not one day has gone by. today is so striking because the weather is so similar, o and cool, a beautiful blue sky, people going to work and then the unspeakable. here the gathering of loved ones and family members was smaller than in past years but no lessee motio mohamed mahmood alessa emotional. they gather here at ground zero to remember the loved ones they have lost and the vivid reminder of the devastating toll. yet again as they have in past years there are six moments of silence, one for each time the towers fell and when the phr*eupbs hit them as well as for the time the pentagon was attacked and in shanksville, pennsylvania. then there was the mournful reading of the names, 2,983 as those here spoke aching lee of their loss and love. [bell ringing] >> [reading of names ] >> tonight there will be the tribute and light, the two beams that reach almost to the hef sraepbs replicatin heavens, replicating the two towers, one and two: jon: it was a year ago they officially opened the reflecting pools at ground zero. what is the progress? it appears, eric are you able to hear me? it appears we've lost our audio connection to eric shawn. some fighting still going on down at ground zero about the memorial, the construction, and the opening of the museum there. we'll get more updates for you throughout the day today. in the meantime, families in pennsylvania are pausing to remember the victims here, the heroes on board united flight 93. take a look at the flight 93 memorial live in shanksville, pennsylvania. the flight from nuk from san francisco crashed in a field after some of the passengers on board charged the cockpit to regain control of the hijacked plane. 40 crew members and passengers were killed. vice president joe biden spoke there a short time ago. >> as ever year passes the debt of your pain recedes and you find comfort as i have, genuine comfort in recalling his smile, her laugh, their touch. >> the names of all 40 shanksville victims were red following by a bell ringing at the moment they stormed the plane's cockpit and perished 11 years ago today. >> while we remember the victims today we'd be remiss to not calling attention to who called this. who murdered our fellow americans, most of the 9/11 hijackers, terrorists, whatever you want to call them, 15 out of the 19 were all from saudi arabia. how many of you think about saudi arabia? that's why we wanted to talk about it, eleven years later, what about the saudis and the warn on terror. johnathon joins us, he has scud deed this very deeply. why were they saudis and why is that significant? >> jenna, you know i think you node to take a step back and take a look at the saudi system developed over the years. it is based in islam which is a radical offshoot sect of islam. so for many years the saudis were teaching hatred, in their schools, in the madraces, preaching it in their friday sermons, putting it in textbooks, to teach muslims world side that westerners were the enemies, christian and juice were the enemies and islam should reign supreme. we woke up on 9/11 and found out that 15 out of 19 of the hijackers were saudis, osama bin laden was also a saudi. we began to crash down on the saudis pressuring them to do something about the system they create. they have taken that seriously, they have done a lot to stem the flow of terror finance, you can see fewer instances of overt radicalization and calls to violence right now in saudi literature. the concern is that that islamic seven trick ideology still exists. >> are they the driver of that ideology or one of the participants? >> i would have to say that they are probably still the drivers of it. of course we have other off shoots, we have al-qaida itself which has morphed, you have the pakistanis, you have others who propagate radicalization of islam. the saudis can take a great deal of credit for the radicalization we see today. >> you were taking a look at where the money for terror was coming from, and where was the money for some of this terror financing coming from and where is it coming from today? >> early on it was clear that the saudis were a huge part of the problem. i think there with us a great deal of effort placed on curbing the financing of terror and the saudis i think after a good bit of cajoling finally did a good job, and they've curbed it. the question is that there were billions of dollars and they cut it by half you still have billions of dollars out there. the studies continue to be a problem. by and large what we've seen is that terror financing has really gone underground. you've got bulk cash smuggling, trade-based monday laundering, it's a lot harder to figure out exactly where the cash is coming from, although we can still say this a lot of our pet r-rbs ol dollars that go to the gulf, that that seems to be where most of the financing emanates from. >> you and i have talked on the air numerous times about how are we engaging iran, pakistan, what about yemen, we very infrequently talk about how we are engaging the saudis, how are we engaging the saudis when it comes to this issue for others? >> the saudis have been a very interesting ally for us, but it's been an uneasy alliance. on the one hand the saudis are working with us right now to produce additional oil while we try to impose sanctions on the iranians, they making up a lot of the excess oil that the world is lacking, and so they are helping us on that front. but at the same time, you know, i think they are an ambivalent ally. if you take a look at what is being propagated on the internet by a lot of their preachers and state-sanctioned clergy it reflects a great deal of ambivalence about western society, a hey tkreud for other religions. that is the part that you don't hear about. what we hear about more and more is the oil and the improved relations that we've had with the saudis in recent years. jenna: we heard from the president at the pentagon today, he said again that our fight is not with islam but we're talking about this specific type of ideology in islam that is inspiring these terror attacks, and is still inspiring plots if they haven't been carried threw on our soil. what about combating that ideology and what does it look like now? you mentioned the internet and state sanctioned clerics in saudia rabe. what are we really face stph-g. >> i think the ideology, it's important to note this is a minority offshoot of islam. let's say it represents 20% of the islamic faith. with the muslims out there you're looking at perhaps a population of the united states that still views the united states as a problem, you know, 300-plus million people that view america and the west as an enemy. and so this is the ideology that we continue to combat, and i think that there has been a reticence in recent years to even call it that, to include the word islam when talking about this ideology, but i think it's incredibly important, and not because islam is the problem but modern islam is the solution. when you take a look online and take a look at the messaging out there you see a good deal of intolerance. a lot of the messages has been dialed back. they are not overtly calling for violence as they did pre 9/11. you are still seeing a hatred and utter distain for western values that come through there and i think that continues to power this ideology, and perhaps, again, not driving us to violence, but certainly seeing, you know, probably stopping just short of that, and so the question that i have is, at what point do they just turn that up just a little bit and the violence could begin again? jenna: a lot of work to be done. thank you for the time today, i appreciate your pe perspective as always. >> thank you. jon: the head of al-qaida confirms in an online video that another top terrorist has been killed. we are now learning that the terrorist killed was killed in a drone strike inside pakistan earlier this year. they said he died back in june. he was once one of osama bin laden's most trusted lieu tenants. catherine herridge is live in washington with more for us. >> good morning. what is key here is the length of time it took the leader of al-qaida's followers in pakistan to publicly acknowledge the death of a trusted lieutenant in june. the lag time suggests that like osama bin laden in his final days, he is now cut off with limited communications. what you see here is not to broadcast the message tph-s their entirety. the video is posted online to mark the 9/11 anniversary, specifically there are no references in it to the worst attack on u.s. soil. he was considered a possible replacement for osama bin laden. it is confirmed in the video that he was killed in a drone strike in pakistan's tribal belt on june 4th. u.s. officials confirmed the death shortly after that strike. significantly, they say -- there is more evidence that the network's traditional leadership is eclipsed by the franchises a point made a short time ago at the pentagon memorial. >> we decimated the leadership of al-qaida, we have them on the run. we have made it difficult for them to plan and conduct another 9/11 attack, and while that group is still a threat we've dealt them a heavy blow, and we will to continue to fight them in yemen, in somalia, in north africa, wherever they go, to make sure they have no place to hide. >> it's worth repeating that u.s. officials have long maintained that the videos do not contain coded messages to trigger attacks. operatives act when the best opportunity presents itself, jon. jon: catherine herridge our intelligence correspondent in washington thank you. >> you're welcome. jon: our coverage of the ceremonies marking the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks will continue in just a moment. >> thomas h -- [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? 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[ male announcer ] call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like how a reverse rtgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home. and here's the best part -- you still own your home. take control of your retirement today. ♪ ♪ jon: some blistering new criticism of president obama's handling ever the economy. in a new article in "the weekly standard" fred barnes says there is no excuse for the president's record. he attacks the democrat's argument that the recession was so deep no one could have fixed it in four years. barnes says, quote, that is a pathetically weak argument for re-election, aside from attacking mitt romney it's the best obama, clinton and vice president joe biden could come up with at last week's democratic convention to defend a president meant on imposing policies that have produced consistently poor results. fred barnes is the executive editor of "the weekly standard," also a fox news contributor, and the guy who wrote that article. fred, despite the fact that this economy is in the tank president obama seems to be doing pretty well in the polls. why? >> well, it is amazing, and i think the reason is, even though he has, you know, out of the convention it was a plea for sympathy and patience for president obama so he's very vulnerable but the truth is mitt romney has not seized the moment. he hasn't seized the day. he's not running a sharp, focused campaign and so obama is still defying gravity. jon: even former president clinton, a guy who is no shrinking violet when it comes to claiming success for his own pro projects and programs says, hey, i couldn't have done it, i couldn't have fixed this economy. [laughter] >> well maybe you believe that that is the real sentiment of bill clinton but i don't think so. i think bill clinton thinks he could have done a lot better e did a lot better when he was president. think back to ronald reagan that's when there was a recession on reagan's watch in his first year where unemployment reached 11%, and within a year, year and a half the economy was strongly recovering. ronald reagan didn't plea for patience, he said, look, let's stay on the course here, let's see it through, and he did, and he was reelected easily. jon: the writing in politico today gives us what is the romney campaign response. top campaign officials have explained it this way. in the moderate political and media culture with every day dominated with one side doing a better job than the other of pouncing on facts, specificity is merely ammunition for the other guys. in other words, the romney campaign thinks that it helps to be vague, because if they get too specific they think they will get pileried either in traditional media or social media. >> i agree with that that is the romney campaign thinking, but i believe they are wrong. look, voters are disallusioned with washington, they are unhappy not only with the economy, there is a poll that fox news had a few weeks ago in august that said nearly half of americans think that our civilization is in decline. that is pretty pessimistic. they want somebody to come and really seize the moment not by being vague but setting goals, but then saying how they are going to achieve them. that's what people want. romney says, well i'm going to create 12 million jobs. okay, how are you going to do it? you need to spell this out. people are looking for a candidate to be very assertive but also specific. jon: chart the course it would be helpful. friend barnes thank you. jenna: a dramatic new video showing a shootout between a police officer and a man who killed worshippers at a sikh temple in wisconsin. we'll have that video for you after the break. jon: new evidence raising fears that iran is getting even closer to developing a nuclear weapon. what israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is saying about it, and why he is lashing out at the u.s. jenna: chicago teachers walking the picket line for a second straight day, parents missing work because their kids have to stay home and political finger pointing in full swing, a debate ahead. >> i told them i couldn't make it in today because i didn't have childcare, so i could not do my job because i had nowhere to send my child today. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. being fired upon i made a radio transmission saying can you confirm shots in the parking lot? probably directed at me and not hitted squad. >> reporter: six people were killed in the shooting five weeks ago. the motive is still not clear. may be a while before authorities and fbi release findings of their investigation. officer murray, we can tell you happily is recovering at home. his protective vest, jon, stopping three of the rounds page fired at him, very likely saving that officer's life. jon: what a hero. rick folbaum, thank you. jenna: new concerns today about how close iran is getting to a nuclear weapon. as we continue to get reports that iran is both keeping its uranium production low, around the level for civilian use for energy use, but in the meantime, ramping up ability to quickly turn the material into a nuclear weapon. now israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is calling out the united states not willing to draw a red line as when we will act. >> the world tells israel wait, there is still time. i say, wait for what? wait until when. those international community who refuse to put red lines before iran don't have a moral right to place a red red light before israel. jenna: mike baker, former cia covert operations officer. security firm diligence llc. what do you think? >> frank i agree with him. have been getting a lot of pressure and from current administration to not take action. white house recently issued a statement stunning in its lack of clarity. and it is very lame. says basically that the window of opportunity to take a diplomatic solution to the nuclear situation in iran won't remain open forever. congratulations. what exactly does that mean? netanyahu and israeli leadership looks at that and says, what are you talking about? the u.s. current administration said he said red lines to say at this point no more. can't go beyond this point. foreign policy particularly talking about something critical as this, indecisiveness and a. jenna: administration says options on the table. do we need to say more? >> not dealing with regime that processes that in the same way other country might. we've seen that. iran is incredibly adept at buying time and obfuscating. jenna: what we talked about in the introduction, like to talk to you a little more about, being able to be flexible. they're producing iran yum right into the line it is okay in the international community. we're going to use this for electricity. >> right. jenna: they're ramping up all the other technology that would really a allow them quickly to produce nuclear weapon, quickly in several weeks time, not overnight. but still, they're messing with that line. >> iran has been doing this for years and years and years despite these sanctions. the sanctions are never going to work effectively because we've got two great impediments to it, china and russia. as long as they refuse to play ball in a serious way with sanctions it will not work. iran is say playing this hokeypokey, 20% enriched-uranium we're transferring into fuel category. we're reducing what we currently have by half. at the same time we know for a fact they increased number of centrifuges they have in two key facilities almost up to 1,000. they're up to 28 centrifuges. almost up to that point now. it gives them an opportunity by doing what they're doing, cutting current stocks basically in half, announcing that after the iaea report, what that shows confidence in their ability to enrich unuranium at faster pace? jenna: we're dealing with reports coming out of iran on their facilities and on their technology. one thing we've learned for sure last couple days the canadian embassy. who knew canadians still have embassy in iran. they're actively with their embassy in tehran. you say they closed it down. that is real sign we should watch even though doesn't get a lot of coverage. why? >> very important development, you're right. we haven't had a facility in iran since '79. we reined very heavily on canadians worked extremely hard to work communications and presence with iran with the regime. they said that's it. we finally got to the point we're shutting our doors and gave five days to get all iranian diplomats out of canada. that is major line. canadians say reason we're doing this now a combination of things. part of iranian continued involvement in sparting assad. part of is their nuke program. part of it is their support of terrorism. collectively all of that means they're gone, they're done. that's not a good thing for us in a sense because we have relied heavily on the canadian presence to help us in our ground troop assessment. jenna: we'll continue to watch it. thanks for your insight and expertise. we'll be back more. jon: "happening now", no school for nearly 400,000 students in chicago again today as public school teachers there strike for the second straight day over a contract dispute. parents are left scrambling to find somewhere for their kids to go as the teachers and school board return to the bargaining table. governor mitt romney criticizing the teachers union saying quote, it is plain their interests conflict with those of our children. president obama meanwhile has yet to take a stand on the strike. here is what one parent had to say. >> i kind of understand what they're trying to do in order to get theirselves situated in their livelihood but, this is not, you know, just them. it is her education first of all and then my paycheck for the food. jon: for more on the politics of the chicago teachers strike and how it could affect the presidential campaigns let's turn to our fair and balanced panel. mat sclapp former white house political director under president george w. bush and we have the former clinton advisor from clinton, gore, lieberman's campaign. matt, we heard that the citizen said i understand what they're trying to do to provide for their families. chicago teachers make $76,000 a year. the average worker in chicago, average citizen is making $46,000 a year and teachers want, a what, 16% or actually have turned down to this point a 16% pay increase over four years. it seems like this is more than money. >> yeah. absolutely. it is also about power. i think city of chicago wants the ability to actually trim the number of teachers and this is a real radical idea. they actually want teachers to be held accountable on the progress of their students. but what's really going on here, i think mayor emanuel owes scott walker in wisconsin an apology, because when you get down and start to govern a state or a city and realize the budget problems that the city of chicago is in, you've got to make tough decisions, you have to negotiate tough. rahm emanuel is actually doing that whereas president obama, he doesn't want to get involved because of the $50 million the national education association spent to elect them him in 2008. so the president's playing politics and in chicago they have to get down to cutting a deal. jon: peter, president obama has said to the teachers union, the national federation of teachers they have no better friend in the white house than him. is that what this is about? >> well, if i were to grade the romney campaign and their surrogates on this whole episode i could grade them an f for substance and a for effort. the fact of the matter is the administration, like other administrations will not weigh in on a union dispute in a city or a state. rahm emanuel has been running the city of chicago in a way he is making some tough budget decisions. i don't think he owes that to scott walker. that is what you do when you govern as an executive. jon: scott walker in wisconsin, -- >> let me finish. if you ask the aft and nea, teachers unions where they believe this administration has been on their positions, on their agenda, you will find some very interesting answers to that question. they are not supportive of a lot of reforms the administration has called for, tying teacher support to performance. so this notion there is this collaboration between the unions and obama administration is laughable. >> did you not watch your convention in charlotte? i. >> i watched my convention. i did watch my convention. >> all i side union sign after union sign. >> they are supporting the president as alternative to mitt romney. doesn't mean they agree with everything he is advancing but prefer him to mitt romney. that is why they supported, they support the obama administration. jon: ironies are so thick here. chicago is the president's adoptive hometown. >> yeah. jon: his former chief of staff is the mayor. his education secretary comes from there. and yet, when 400,000 students have no place to go because the teachers union is on strike, the president doesn't have an opinion on that? >> well, jon, the fact of the matter way it works as you both know, unions and administrators and in cities and public unions, you know, in scott walker case come together when they have an issue over salaries and benefits and such and they negotiate their differences if they don't come to an agreement, the union has the option to go on strike. that is what is going on. i understand why it is a political football because we're in presidential election in about eight weeks but the reality on the ground is they're going to have to come to an agreement. i predict it will be sooner rather than later. jon: matt, let me ask you this, does this, look like an, a situation in which the union says, oh, if we go on strike, and we up convenes these children and their parents, we're not going to take any heat from the obama administration? >> well, that's why the president has to speak. this is his hometown. this is the president who when there was an altercation in cambridge, massachusetts, between a cop and a professor, he got so involved in an issue that wasn't a federal issue he invited them to the white house to have a beer with them. these are teachers and kids in his hometown and he is turning his back to it, for one reason. not because this president doesn't belief in federalizing everything and pontificating on everything from the white house. he does it every day all the time. because he knows if he were to weigh in, he either has to make his former chief of staff look bad or he has to look like he doesn't care about the kids of chicago. he is doing that because of money to his campaign. it is a fair hit from the romney campaign. i don't give them an f. i give them an a. jon: white house press corps was asking jay carney about it yesterday he is trying to stay neutral. thou both. >> thanks, jon. jenna: fox news exclusive on "fast and furious." we have yet to look at the yet to be released inspector general's report, who it saysers at fault, how high up did it actually go. how. plus 11 years to the day after the deadliest terror attack ever on american soil. we remember 9/11. our coverage continues ahead. >> bonnie metwick. >> rochelle monique, shell. >> christine anne are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. @and what they said is amazing. review 5-hour energy over 73 percent who reviewed 5-hour energy said they would recommend a low calorie energy supplement to their healthy patients who use energy supplements. seventy-three percent. 5-hour energy has four calories and it's used over nine million times a week. is 5-hour energy right for you? ask your doctor. we already asked 3,000. can. jon: it is no ordinary day in washington, in new york, in shanksville, pennsylvania, and all across this country as we mark 11 years since those awful attacks of nine -- 9/11, 2001. just into the newsroom video of the president visiting arlington national cemetery. earlier he was at the pentagon for an emotional ceremony there remembering victims of the 9/11 attacks. there is president and mrs. obama walking among the tomb stones on some of the most hallowed ground of our nation. it is thought that the president will leave challenge coins on the headstones of some of the fallen there at arlington. it is once again a very emotional day. we will continue to keep you apprised of all the developments in the major theaters as our nation marks 11 years since the terror attacks. jenna? jenna: jon, some brand new information in the "fast and furious" investigation as congress delays today's hearing into the botched gun-walking scandal because the inspector general report wasn't completed in time but our very own william la jeunesse obtained portions of the yet unreleased report and among the highlights, the obama administration did not, did not hatch the idea for operation fast and furious according to this report but the report finding instead that it was the idea of a local atf officials. the report does fault the justice department and atf headquarters for failure of leadership. this comes months after the housvoted to hold attorney general eric holder in contempt of congress for not turning over key documents in this ongoing investigation. joining us now, judge andrew napolitano, fox senior judicial analyst. judge, william has this report. we have not seen it yet and the public hasn't seen it. from what we hear from william's reporting, what are some of the possible legal ramifications, if any from this information? >> william's reporting which is really superb and based on documents owe obtained and which are not yet available to the public reveals that the inspector general, who's job it is to inspect and examine and investigate the justice department, shared a portion of his report with the lawyers from senior atf officials in phoenix. this is perfectly legitimate. here is about what i'm about to say about your client and do you want to respond and the lawyers responded. william has seen both the allegations by the inspector general and the responses to the allegations by the lawyers for the senior atf people, formerly, atf people in phoenix. basically they're pointing fingers at each other. not the people in phoenix. but phoenix is pointing fingers at washington, d.c., saying we dispute this, we dispute that, but we don't dispute the basics of what happened but everybody knew what was going on. washington knew what we were doing. washington approved and authorized it and you can't say in your report that washington didn't authorize it. jenna: where were the original idea originated? does that matter right now? >> well --. jenna: comes again getting back to the legal aspects of this. >> okay, we all know in this business that frequently the events after an event, sometimes called the cover-up, can be as harmful to the people involved as the events themselves. where did this originate? this actually originated in the bush administration and there was a time when law enforcement believed this was a legitimate law enforcement tool. let the guns get in the hands of the bad guys. monitor the bad guys before they use the guns and arrest them with the guns. the second part didn't happen here. they weren't monitored and they weren't arrested before they used then. jenna, over 2,000 guns, we're not talking about pistols, we're talking about heavy-duty military type weaponry, got in the hands of mexican gangs. the question is, when did the president know about it, president obama, when did attorney general holder know about it. he has testified under oath and what did they know? jenna: real briefly here, judge, what's next? >> what's next, congressman issa, the chair of the house committee investigating all this, is not going to be happy with the inspector general's report, because basically saying this was all concocted in phoenix. he has evidence to show that the justice department knew about it and was not candid about what they knew. there is issue of executive privilege the president claimed and house of representatives suing the justice department to get a federal judge to nullify executive privilege. somehow i don't think this will be resolved before election day. jenna: call it a hunch. judge, good to have you. >> always a pleasure, jenna. jenna: thanks, judge. jon? jon: it is a campaign stop, jenna, that the president won't soon forget. getting a bear hug on camera by one happy pizza shop owner. but that businessman is now coming under fire, even facing a possible boycott. we'll have more on the bear hug backlash. plus with unemployment stuck above 8%, why does one survey show that millions of jobs going unfilled? we'll take a look in a live report. jon: just into the fox newsroom, the aftermath of a car chase in miami, fort lauderdale. take a look at this. the car apparently had one of its tires blown out whether by police or just by bad driving, we don't know. that is where the car ended up, looks like, they came off of i-95. this started with a burglary in miami. the suspects went across the broward county line just south of fort lauderdale. you saw the car come to rest, three of them were picked up by cops. it all ended relatively happily there. unless you're one of those three gays who faces time in the slammer. jenna: unless you're the criminal. jon: that's right. jenna: one for the good guys. jon: the good guys got them. jenna: next hour, after 9/11, two wars and tighter security around the country and the world, are we really any safer? we'll ask former homeland security secretary tom ridge. he will be your guest in the noon hour. the race for the white house continues to be very close. what brand new polling reveals less than two months before election day. a new twist in the mysterious death at a california mansion. you remember this story. police refusing to reopen the investigation into the death of 6-year-old max shacknai after a fall down the stairs. our legal panel will debate the potential impact of that. jon: "happening now", call it the bear hug backlash. the pizza shop owner who got national attention for hugging president obama, did you see this picture? now he is facing an outpouring of negative reviews and even a boycott. rick folbaum has more, rick? >> reporter: jon, if you're a small business owner and the president of the united states stops by, fan or no fan you will show respect, maybe a handshake. it is the president. perhaps scott van duzer went a little overboard bear hugging the president at his pizza joint in florida but owe is a little confused about backlash getting online. listen to this comment on posted on the business finder, website, yelp. shame on you, scott van duzer, for shum thumbing your nose at all small business owners this president disrespected last four years. i guess you didn't build it. some called for a boycott of the place. for the record, van duzer says he is republican. negative response is exactly what is wrong with the country right now. no middle ground he says. the obama camp stopped by big apple pizza to highlight the good work van duzer has done bringing awareness to shortage of blood donors. his foundation raised $600,000 so far. maybe folks in for the pierce, florida, not quite as outraged will stop by to buy a slice from a guy who has done good work for an important cause. jon: rick folbaum, thanks. jenna: america pauses to remember the thousands of victims who lost their lives 11 years ago today, honoring those who were lost on 9/11 and all the family and friends affected. today's ceremony at the pentagon, "america the beautiful", played to an emotional crowd there. our coverage continues ahead on fox news. ♪ . hi. i'm henry winkler. and i'm here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. it's called a reverse mortgage. [ male announcer ] call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home. and here's the best part -- you still own your home. take control of your retirement today. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: hi, everybody, i'm rick folbaum, coming up all new this hour as we mark 13 -- 11 years since 9/11, tom ridge will join us in just a couple of minutes. also this hour, day two of the teachers' strike in chicago. are the city and the labor union any closer to working out a deal as hundreds of thousands of children sit on the sidelines? and a fox exclusive on the fast and furious investigation. will the soon to be released inspector general's report use scapegoats to protect the obama administration? it's a report you'll only see on fox as the second hour of "happening now" starts right now. ♪ >> edward a. brennan iii. >> and my brother, kenneth william basnicki, the family misses you. >> my cousin, maria teresa -- [inaudible] and my godmother -- [inaudible] fernandez, we love you and miss you so much. jenna: well, painful memories, a day of ceremonies filled with sorrow. i'm jenna lee, we're remembering 9/11 today. jon: so much of that pain never really goes away, does it? i'm jon scott. with tears, tributes and moments of silence, america remembers and reflects 11 years after terrorist attacks claimed nearly 3,000 lives in the new york, washington andennsylvania. president obama marking the day at the pentagon, laying a wreath above a concrete slab marking the exact moment, 9:37 a.m., when american airlines flight 77 slammed into the side of the pentagon. governor mitt romney in reno, nevada, talking to officers of the national guard there. the guard was deployed as part of the u.s. response to the attacks. the republican presidential nominee issuing a statement saying america will never forget those who died and warning those who would attack us that the united states remains united in the effort to stop terrorism. vice president joe biden at aer is nobodyny in sanction -- ceremony in shanksville, pennsylvania. the united airlines flight crashed after passengers struggled with the hijackers who had planned to crash that flight into the u.s. capitol building. president obama and governor romney are pulling their negative ads on this solemn day, and while both candidates are putting aside politics for the moment, a new poll shows the president ticking upwards among registered voters. he is six points ahead, 50-44. but among likely voters, the two are in a virtual dead heat with president obama at 49%, governor romney at 48%. larry sabato is director of the center for politics at the university of virginia. larry, a lot of experts are saying that this is going to be a base election where the bases get excited and support their candidate in one way or another. this poll would seem to indicate that president obama's base got very excited by the democratic national convention. his support boomed among, you know, the overall population, but among likely voters not so much. >> yes. jon, this is an interesting poll. they're all interesting, but this one is interesting in particular for a couple reasons. first, it does show a dramatic difference between likely voters and registered voters. and we're going to see this all the way to november 6th. it's really important as we get closer to election day to focus in just on likely voters. and that's where the contest is close because as you note, this is a battle of the two party bases. the other thing that i don't think many have focused on in this poll, the idea of the bounce, yes, there was a bounce for president obama. but as the polling continued through the weekend, the bounce disappeared or started to disappear in a major way. that is the history of convention bounces. they don't last very long. jon: the two sides are trying to rally the support of those groups that they think will most support their candidacies. president obama has long enjoyed an advantage among women, and that is reflected in this latest washington post/abc news poll. the numbers there show that among, well, when asked which candidate will do a better job addressing women's issues, president obama coming out more than 20 points ahead, 55-34. um, and then on a second question, asked which candidate can do the best job handling the economy, the 53% there disapprove really of the job the president is doing. so how does that wash out? >> jon, i'm glad you picked those particular items because it really defines the strategy of the two sides. the romney campaign wants to keep the focus daily on the economy generally and jobs in particular. the obama campaign wants to broaden out the campaign to include some social issues, women's issues, gay rights. there's a long list. because they understand they're vulnerable on the economy, they have greater strengths with certain demographics on other issues. and this is going to be a continuing battle also all the way to november 6th. it's a battle of the campaigns to control the media agenda. they can do it partially through paid ads, but they also have to work through the so-called unpaid media, that is the news media. jon: all right. so in a word, the president is microtargetting, and president -- i'm sorry, governor romney is looking for sort of the bigger economic issue, each trying to win the white house that way. larry sabato, always good to talk to you. thank you. >> thanks, jon. jenna: right now we're going to take you out to chicago, day two of a teachers' strike in america's third largest school district. 26,000 teachers walking the pickets today leaving some 400,000 apartments out of the classroom. -- students out of the classroom. >> teachers like us should not be unemployed, we should be in the classroom. >> we are here not only to represent the teachers, but we are here for, definitely, a better education. >> it's not about money. this is about the children and the conditions. i will keep fighting for the kids. >> what do we want? >> i'm a teacher. >> i had 45 students last year, and i've kept those students basically the entire year, and i had to assess those children. that's difficult. jenna: steve brown is live in chicago. so, steve, more negotiations today. any progress at all? >> reporter: we haven't heard any and, to be honest with you, the comments we get coming out of the negotiation aren't all that optimistic. two figures. david vitali, who's the president of the chicago public school board and karen lewis who's the president of the chicago teachers' union. listen to the following sound bites, one from each, and you'll have a hard time thinking that they're sitting at the same negotiating table. >> we are close enough to get this resolved, and that we hope once again to say that tomorrow we can deal with the two major issues that are on the agenda. >> he, i think, has a very different view of the actual work that goes on because i believe he left, what, three or four hours ago, and we're still finishing working. >> reporter: the stumbling block for the union from their point of view are two particular issues, both having to do with job security. one is a callback system by teachers who work at schools that are closed down because of poor academic performance or for other reasons, whether or not those folks will get could back first on a priority effort. the other issue is whether or not teachers will be evaluated in the system the city currently has which does lean heavily on standardized testing. jenna? jenna: it seems like you're saying the teachers are really digging in op some of these issues? >> reporter: yeah, it really does look like it. they've only been able to nibble around the edges. karen lewis says that the major issues haven't even been brought up at the negotiating table is, apparently, the stance of the city that what they've offered is what they're going to offer until today bring it back out at these bargaining sessions. jenna: day two, no school. all right, steve, thank you. ♪ jon: america remembers and never forgets 11 years after the 9/11 attacks. the president and first lady, michelle obama, joining defense secretary leon panetta at the pentagon a short while ago for the laying of the wreath there. all 64 people onboard american airlines flight 77 as well as 120 people inside the pentagon killed when al-qaeda hijackers crashed the passenger jet into the headquarters of america's military. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is with us now. jennifer, the scene outside the pentagon, what was it like today? >> reporter: well, jon, it's been a day of perfect blue skies that are reminiscent of that day 11 years ago. the president and mrs. obama made their way from the white house where they had observed a moment of silence, there was another moment of silence that was observed here after they laid the wreath. it was exactly at the moment, 9:37, when american airlines flight 77 struck the pentagon behind me. >> the true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate or division, it will be a safer world, a stronger nation and a people more united than ever before. god bless the memories of those we lost. and god bless these united states of america. >> reporter: politics, jon, were set aside today. the president and the first lady can spent a long time with the family members of the victims of the 184 people who died when american airlines flight 77 struck the pentagon exactly 11 years ago, jon. jon: it has changed the trajectory of this nation and really for the pentagon and those fighting in afghanistan, every day is 9/11, isn't it? >> reporter: that's certainly right. and it's stunning to think that now there are young marines and soldiers who are deploying to afghanistan who were just 7 years old at the time that those planes struck the world trade center and the pentagon. it's certainly amazing and certainly there are still those inside the pentagon who were there that day when the planes struck who helped drag their friends out of that building. they still go to, they still go to work every day inside the pentagon. i sometimes see some of them, and i know their stories, and they are still showing up every day 11 years later. secretary of defense leon panetta also spoke today. >> it inspires our nation, it inspires our military to insure that such an attack will never happen again. it inspires us to never forget those who perished, to defend our homeland, to defend our ideals, to send a resounding message to our enemies that a no one attacks the united states of america. and gets away with it. >> reporter: today is also a day to remember that there are more than 68,000 u.s. troops serving currently in afghanistan. they've been there now since october when the afghan war started, it's become the longest war, um, and, again, secretary panetta and others reminding the nation that there are still troops serving, sacrificing. the president and the first lady made their way after the ceremony just to the right here to arlington national cemetery, and they'll go on to walter reed later today. jon: and looking at those blue skies behind you, so reminiscent of the weather on that day, 9/11/2001. we've commemorated this day in pouring rainstorms and very chilly weather, but today is a day very much like it was on that day in 2001. jennifer given, thank you. jenna: well, ahead we're going to talk to the very first director of homeland security, pennsylvania governor tom ridge joins us to talk about how 9/11 changed network forever and really -- america forever and really answered this question, are we safer today than we were then? fox news has obtained exclusive information in the investigation of fast and furious. a brand new report naming who may be responsible for the gun-running operation gone terribly wrong. in america today we're running out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone's ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ ♪ jon: on this september 11th, we want to remember how much has changed in the past 11 years. here's a look at the attacks on 9/11/2001 and their aftermath n. new york city almost 3,000 people were murdered that day, untold number of workers doing cleanup and rescue efforts have suffered a marked increase in cancer rates. earlier this year president obama signed a law which sets aside funds for their care. an estimated 400,000 new yorkers are said to suffer some form of post traumatic stress disorder. at the pentagon 184 people perished, including 120 people working inside the building. more than half of the victims were in the navy command center, a command and control facility in the d ring section of the pentagon. and 40 people died in shanksville, pennsylvania, all of them onboard united flight 93. it is believed the hijackers on that plane intended a different target in washington, d.c., most likely the capitol building, but were overtaken by a handful of heroic passengers who stormed the cockpit. the plane then crashed into an empty field. the u.s. declared war on the taliban in afghanistan 26 days later. we are fought that war for 11 years now. nearly two-thirds of the nearly 3200 deaths are american military personnel, another 12,000 americans have been injured in the conflict. u.s. forces are set to withdraw from afghanistan by 2014. u.s. and coalition forces also invaded iraq in 2003 when authorities believed there was an imminent threat of biological and chemical weapons use by the regime of saddam hussein. coalition deaths totaled just over 4800, 93% of those deaths were american. the congressional research service estimates the cost of operation iraqi freedom at over $800 billion. the leader of al-qaeda, usama bin laden, was killed in a u.s. raid on his compound in pakistan in may of last year. one of bin laden's top accomplices, khalid sheikh mohammed, who is believed to have masterminded the attacks, was captured in 2003 and awaits trial along with a handful of other terror suspects at the u.s. military detention center in cuba. jenna: exclusive details behind the fast and furious investigation, fox news securing portions of the report, and william la jeunesse has more from los angeles. >> reporter: well, jenna, this is our first glimpse into the finger pointing, the back stabbing, the blame game that you are about to see as this ig report becomes public and key players try to save their jobs and avoid possible prosecution for perjury. this long-awaited report says a lot of very senior people knew the u.s. was helping traffic hundreds of assault weapons to mexico, and they did nothing about it. and their failure in leadership and accountability and oversight got people killed. according to this draft report, the inspector general, quote: found no evidence in operation fast and furious that the atf or the u.s. attorney's office attempted at any point during the investigation to balance the risks to public safety against the long-term benefits of identifying trafficking networks and participants. now, much of the blame is being directed at the agent in charge, that's bill newell. their attorneys claim that they're being made scapegoats and say that is ig report does not account for the oversight of guidance and responsibility by atf headquarters and the justice department. now, as for how high this goes, we don't have the complete report yet, but we do know early in this investigation one went to washington, d.c. and briefed senior staff where he explained in great detail how these unemployed thugs bought more than a thousand weapons in just over four months and while under surveillance smuggled these guns to mexico. according to the lawyer, i'm quoting: following the briefing, voth received accolades from his superiors that no one raised any concerns about the direction of the investigation. if anything, they encouraged him. so, jenna, the report appears to throw these people under the bus, but they say everyone around them up the entire chain of command knew everything they did, and no one attempted to shut it down. back to you. jenna: and the hearing is coming up once this report is released? >> reporter: yeah. we're going to have the inspector general appear before chairman issa next wednesday, so a week from tomorrow. i suspect that the report will come out between now and then, but it's going to be hundreds of pages long, and i only received excerpts. jenna: well, a good first luck for us, william. thank you. jon: governor mitt romney is hitting the campaign trail today, expected to address members of the national guard in the battleground state of nevada. we'll have a live report looking ahead to the governor's remarks next. plus, we'll take a closer look at where each candidate stands with voters in nevada and what it's going to take to win this state november 6th. jenna: well, a little politics for you now. governor mitt romney today in north dakota addressing a convention of the national -- nevada addressing the national guard in reno. president obama will be there tomorrow in las vegas. so it's a very important swing state, we wanted to take a moment just to look at this and why is it so key this time around? it has six electoral votes out of 270, but the econ panel here, if you will, the econ part of this, the economic part of this is the most important. take a look at the unemployment rate in nevada. 12%, that's way above the national unemployment rate of about 8%. so that certainly is a factor. when you take a look at gas prices, not so much, around the national average. but when you take a look at the polls, remember, the unemployment rate is at 12%, but the president ahead of mitt romney here according to the real clear politics poll average with quite a bit of a lead, 49-45%. quite a bit of a lead in the context that we've seen a lot of these polls so close. joining us now is john ralston, host of "face to face with john ralston," and he correctly told me it's nevada, not nevada, right, john? >> very well done. i'm impressed. [laughter] jenna: just want to get it right. you see the unemployment rate at 12%, and you wonder why is the president hanging on there? >> yeah, it's a great question, and a lot of people are asking that looking from afar. one point of that economic cataclysm that you didn't mention, jenna, is we have the worst housing market too. 70-80% of the people in this state are underwater on their homes, a large percentage of them are getting foreclosed on right now, so how can the president who is so easily blamed for the economic problems still hold on here? there's a few factors, i think. one is the large part of the population is the hispanic vote. it'll be close to a fifth of the electorate. and romney, as john mccain in 2008, is getting crushed by hispanics, he's losing by 35 or 40 points. you can't lose by that amount among such a large demographic group and still win the state. you also have the fact that the democratic registration and get the out the vote machine is far superior to the republicans, the republicans don't even exist when it comes to the romney campaign and the republican national committee have had to set up a parallel organization to do that. but it's because of the economy that you mentioned early on that i think that romney still has a chance to win the state, and i don't think the obama folks are cocky about that. they're confident, but i wouldn't say they're cocky about winning nevada. jenna: so let's talk a little bit about mitt romney and what he can do in the state to change at least the polls that we're seeing right now. what do you think is key to the republicans? is it the grassroots get out the vote effort? is that it? is it talking to the mormons, population that's part of nevada as well? what can really change this for the republicans in that state? >> well, let's take a look at a couple of things that you bring up. the mormon vote is going to be important. whether it'll be determinative is a different question. i just broke a story yesterday that the mormon church here is starting a voter registration drive. they say it's nonpartisan, they're just encouraging the church congress regants to participate as they always do. however, it is clear that a very large percentage, if not nearly all of the mormons who vote l vote for mitt romney. only about 7% of the population, jenna. but if they vote in disproportionate numbers and the race is close, that could make the difference for romney. the other demographic group where i think romney can make inroads is independent voters. independent voters are 16-17% of the overall registrations here in nevada. they're not as conservative as they once were, but i think the most undecided voters are probably in that category. romney still has 56 days to make the case to them. jenna: john, real quick here, just getting back to the chi that you mentioned -- economy that you mentioned, the job market and housing markets are not good, yet i was reading a description of a woman who's out of work, and yet she's crying when she's watching the president speak at the convention saying he's so inspiring. where do you think that loyalty is coming from when the knockes in the state -- folks in the state are facing the economy that they are? >> well, i think there's a couple things working. obviously, barack obama can still connect to people in that way and in a way, frankly, that mitt romney cannot. the likability numbers in the all of the polls favor obama. but what the president's campaign has also succeeded in doing to some extent at least is what the only thing they could do. they can't make it a referendum on obama and the economy here in nevada, he'll lose that. so they make it a choice election. you may not be that thrilled with the president, but you like him, give him more time. we're going to scare you about this other guy. i think they've had some success in doing that here, jenna. jenna: that's a very interesting perspective, john. you're do guy to talk about politics in -- you're the guy to talk about politics in nevada with. we appreciate your time today. >> thank you. jon: the jobless rate stuck with unemployment above 8%. millions of americans are desperate for any kind of work. coming up, another statistic shows where they can find jobs right now. and we've covered this case a lot, was it an accident or murder? a little boy dies in his father's mansion. two days later the father's girlfriend found dead there as well. now this little boy's mom demands a new investigation into her son's death, and she has her answer. jon: right now from california, new developments in a very bizarre story. police in the posh community of coronado, outside of san diego are rejecting the request of the mother of this 6-year-old boy. she wanted them to reopen the investigation into his death. the chief medical examiner ruled max shacknai's death was an accident. the boy supposedly fell over the bannister of his father's mansion in july of last year. now at the time max was in the care of his father's girlfriend. rebecca. just days after the little boy's fatal fall her nude body was found hanged from a balcony at the same mansion. authorities ruled her death a suicide. so, what about all of this? let's get into it with lis wiehl a fox news legal analyst and a federal prosecutor. doug burns is a former federal prosecutor too. so many questions about all of this. but the mother of this little boy understandably distraught about his death and she says, would you please reopen the case. >> reopen the case, exactly. we don't know what happened. maybe it was just a simple, a fall and that could have just happened, it was an accident but we don't know. there are experts coming forward saying we are not so shoe. thi sure. this may have been much more than an accident. for the mother's sake at the very least she lost her six-year-old son, open up the investigation, find out for once and all what happened. a man was convicted last week of what used to be deemed an accident now deemed a homicide, drew petersen. it happens. jon: take that point up. what is wrong with the idea of reopening this case? >> first, let me give you a little context. this case high school a very interesting history. they had exhumed the girlfriend's body and announced on live television, daytime tv dr. cyril wecht who did a new autopsy on her body said rather weakly that he disagreed with the findings. it's the same thing here, just the other side of it. i understand the emotional part, why not reopen it. the police looked at this extremely closely. >> as they did in drew petersen. >> no, not bike drew petersen, because in that case they hastily ruled that an accident. here apparently they went through the whole thing. no dna of anybody else on the scene. >> no experts. >> it's hard to second-guess it. >> experts have come forward and say we think it may be a homicide especially when you have two deaths involved, don't you want that opened up? i do. >> when investigators are hired by a family and i'm not impugning the integrity of these physicians, however there is sort of automatically a conflict because they are looking to come to a result. >> the judge can take it away from either side, make it not a family decision, make it an independent decision, have experts decide whether it was a homicide or not and whether criminal charges should be brought. jon: i agree with liz the fact that there are two deaths makes it all the more strange. the caretaker the father's girlfriend, when she was found dead her family complains that first of all there was this weird note written in lipstick that said something like, she saved -- she could not save him, can she save herself. >> she saved him, can you save her. jon: there you go. >> the circumstances around her death, were her hands tied behind her? jon: that's the other thing, they are hands were tied behind her back after she was found hanged. >> a suicide? >> let's say you killed her. why would you tie her hands behind her back when there's never been a suicide like that. think about that for a second. you clearly -- it doesn't look like a suicide. >> you're talking about a deranged person not a rocket scientist as well. >> many criminals are not rocket scientists. >> i like the dumb ones stphaot other thing i read in the research for the segment is that the bannister, he was a six-year-old boy, the experts determined that the height of the bannister was six inches above the center of gravity of his body, meaning he would have had to leap over that bannister in order to go over-the-top. >> you're making the point that that's what the prosecution needs to at least bring to a skwrapbd jury, t grand jury decide. >> kids climb all the time. >> they do, but maybe not this high. not under these circumstances. let the grand jury decide not us. jon: is this the end of it? >> you know what with all of the media coverage maybe the police will reevaluate. my prediction is that they won't. >> it's not about media coverage, it's about the evidence. >> i think the media coverage is a good thing. >> dina shacknai, max's mother has been denied her request to reopen the investigation into her little son's death. we will keep you apprised. very strange story. thank you. jenna: we will remember 9/11 when we speak with the first man to head up the department of homeland security created after the terror attacks, governor tom ridge joins us next. >> i can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people -- [cheering] >> and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. 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[ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula. jenna: after the september 11th attacks president tkpoerpblg w george w. bush created the department of homeland security and he appointed tom ridge. his number one mission was to prevent another attack on home soil. governor ridge nice to have you here today. are we safer today than we were 11 years ago? >> oh, there is no question, jenna lee that we are safer. we are better prepared. we are more knowledgeable, we are more focused, we are more sophisticated in our approach to dealing with the global terrorism. we have to understand that tere rims is a tactic that is used by cowardly countries and disaffected groups. it is a scoorge that the world will have to deal with it for the foreseeable future. we are prepared to deal witness. jenna: in a recent editorial you said we are not where we need to be. we are better prepared but not exactly where we need to be. what did you mean by that? >> i think there are lessons in the past couple of years inside the united states that suggests we need to still do a better job of information sharing. maintain and build on relationships and alliancess around the rest of the world. i think we still need to bring new technology. certainly it's a labor intensive business to secure america. we need the advantage of our scientists and tech hropbl cal leaders to ramp up our security. make no mistake about it. we are far more sophisticated in our approach and are better prepared. we can never eliminate the risk. we can only manage it and every day we get better at managing it. jenna: you were advising the president at the time the terror attacks happened before you became the first secretary of the department of homeland security. i wonder what your reflections are in a day like today seeing the administration, seeing this day from such a unique perspective. >> well, i suspect that my reflections today probably represent the same thoughts and views of americans, just as my reflections on september 11th 2001, there was disbelief, there was anger, there was sadness, all those emotions with the horror associated with what happened. and on today i think like most persons, we reflect on the loss of so many of our fellow citizens, actually global citizens, but we also to a certain extent must reflect and celebrate the courage of those who rushed to help their fellow americans at the pentagon, and at the world trade centers. obviously no help could be given to those in shanksville. so today is a reflex. today's reflections are on what transpires. it's a day to be hopeful, optimistic and to be grateful, because since 9/11, because of the resilience and the determination and professionalism of our military, of our law enforcement, our intelligence community and homeland security professionals we still haven't endured an attack since 9/11, except for fort hood which was a terrorist attack but not to the level of 9/11. we have hundreds of thousands of people who we can thank that this has not occurred. jenna: you say preparation of course, and our organization, of course as well, but also we've been lucky in a few different circumstances. you were in the driver's seat, the department of homeland security is such a part of our world right now, we don't think about it as being something recently developed in government. what are your thoughts on the department of homeland security as it stands today? >> well, its challenges are still enormous in terms of integration of the multiple missions. this is a great opportunity for me to remind your listening audience that, you know, homeland security was another set of missions embedded on top of all the historic missions at all those other agencies that we pulled together in order to create a border seven trick agency to secure ourselves. my thoughts today is we continue to make improvements internally within the department of homeland security. we have to wres i will with th to wrestle with the issues related to the border. and we are no longer breathless about terrorism. we have to maintain at the highest level within the department and all the agencies responsible for our communities a sense of vigilance, the fact that nothing significant has happened over the past 11 years should not in anyway diminish our sreug gore, enthusiasm and commitment to make sure that nothing like that happens over the next 11 years. jenna: some point to bureaucracy and how big government has grown as one of the reasons why there was not clearer communications between departments and more of a clearer understanding of the threat facing this country before 9/11. and i wonder if you have any concerns about, again, the size of government, the growth of bureaucracy even within the department of homeland security and that might affect our safety in the future. >> the organization itself has grown. i recall the numbers that we were associated with were about 180,000 people, and i need to remind everybody, those were not new employees, most of them were from older agencies, historic agencies. i think the number has grown to 240,000. i don't think we need to see any more growth in personnel. i think the application of technology to assist the men and women who are working within the department is probably the highest priority ahead of us, and, frankly, i think there are problem below things that they could do within the department to make it easier for companies to demonstrate their capabilities, therefore empowering not only the employees of homeland security but also making america a lot safer to us. i think we need to do a better job at our airports. oath figureses of tsa and the men and women who work there are simply complying with the rules and regular lays they've been given. i'd like to think that if we had this conversation a couple years hence that we won't be treating every single passenger, regardless of age as a potential terrorist. i think there is still work to be done. we are moving methodically, incrementally but i think we are moving in the right direction. jenna: we look forward to having that conversation with you in the future. always good to have you on the program. >> thank you very much. jon: so much has changed in these last eleven years. we will continue to remember the thousands who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks. we'll be back in just a moment. at usaa, we believe honor is not exclusive to the military, and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. with our award winning apps that allow you to transfer funds, pay bills or manage your finances anywhere, anytime. so that wherever your duty takes you, usaa bank goes with you. visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. jon: millions of americans cannot find jobs, and while there are millions of private sector jobs available. the official unemployment rate is 8.1%, but another survey tells a very different story. senior national correspondent john roberts live in atlanta. explain that to us, john. >> reporter: it's called the jolts survey. the job option and labor turn over survey was released at 10:00 this morning by the bureau of labor and statistics. at the end of july there were 3.7 million open jobs. so where are all those jobs you say? well some of them are in places where there aren't people. south dakota has 11,313 jobs it cannot fill. another problem is many workers don't have the skills required for those jobs. the ceo for trail kin, an industry that makes special tree trailers for construction and hauling says he'll have a couple of hundred jobs in the next few years that he'll have difficulty finding people for. >> anybody that's got skills, if they want a job they can get a job, tomorrow. they can change jobs. it's very easy. the unemployment rate is essentially zero for people who want to have a job. >> he is forced to look throughout the country for people to fill those jobs. jon: i know in south dakota they are getting workers there. what are they doing? >> the governor has instituted a program it's called the winds program. he has partnered with manpower. he's appropriated $5 million and said to manpower go out there and beat the bushes in states across the country to find those people. south dakota with its wide open spaces and tiny towns is a bit of a tough sell for a lot of people used to big city live. for abraham kirk who is an out of work welder who worked at chrysler in rock for the, illinois the move to south dakota has been the best thing he has done in years. >> i knew i had to make a move because there was no jobs, there was a high crime rate from where i came from. you know, the schools were in bad shape. >> reporter: now, the pay scale in places like south dakota is a little lower than in places like rockford, illinois. when you factor in the low cost of living in south dakota. average home price $130,000. the fact that there is no state income tax it becomes a lot more attractive. a welder with over time can make north of $80,000. as long as you can deal with the south dakota within thers, jon it's a pretty good place to live. jon: some times a jobless can bring a silver lining of sorts. >> reporter: it can. you need to know where to look. jenna: for the fate of united flight 93 brought down in a pennsylvania field 11 years ago today after passengers stormed the cockpit and tried to take back the plane. it's believed that the hijackers planned to crash this plane into another target in our nation's capitol. coming up the mother of one of the heroes who sacrificed his own life to save others joins us. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? 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[ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. jon: hard to believe that it's been 11 years since i sat in this anchor chair and helped with so many of our colleagues cover the attacks of 2001 on this country. one of the jobs that i tried to do that day and maybe didn't do as good a job of it as i wanted to was to simply remind america that this is a great country, that they knocked some buildings down, but the terrorists cannot dominate the american spirit. since then so many things have changed for all of us in this country, my own son enrolled in west point, is now in the army i think as a result of the attacks. jenna lee, your husband, a former navy seal