a powder keg that could blow up, what do you mean? well, i mean, here's the problem. you bring thesehe people into a community like valde, youit know, but youy know, usually eight eight thirty nine o'clock there's not anything but a convenience store. so what are you going:0 to have one hundred and fifty two hundred people and they're going to start walking in the neighborhoods. you know, our crime rates areut already up. i'm not attributing all that illegal immigration, but i promise you part ofe it u is and all of a sudden these people are going to beng in people's neighborhoods or in their cars or on their frontc porch charging their phone just walking up and plugging their phone in like they own the place and you can't tell them they can't charge the phone. and when that happens, somebody isis going to get hurt. and i hope it doesn't happen. but i'm really worried that it isat. i can promise you the white house doesn't care at all about you or anyone in your town. and i appreciate your speaking up, mr. mayor. mcglaughlin of you of allcl the texas thank you . >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it very much. so you may get the feeling