seeing sunflowers grow when his dead body lies down on ukrainian soil. it putin has mobilized every grandmother in ukraine and unite nato, which had come to be viewed by some as a sleepy, anachronistic alliance. today, for the first time in nato's history, the north atlantic council voted to mobilize the nato response force and defensive group of up to 40,000 troops that was created in 2003. some, if not all of the 7,000 70 u.s. troops announced yesterday will be part of the force, which will be commanded by general todd walters and american four-star general currently serves as the supreme allied commander. nato's secretary-general said it has 100 warplanes on high alert, including a 35's that the u.s. just sent to the baltics, and 120 warships deployed to protect your rep, including three aircraft carrier strike groups. these american apache helicopter

Related Keywords

Western Ukraine ,Nato ,Some ,Grandmother ,Unite ,Body ,Sunflowers ,Hit Putin ,Ukrainian Soil ,Troops ,Group ,Time ,North Atlantic Council ,History ,Nato Response Force ,Anachronistic Alliance ,Up To ,2003 ,7000 ,40000 ,70 ,Us ,Force ,Part ,Secretary General ,Four Star General ,Supreme Allied Commander ,Todd Walters ,Four , ,Groups ,Alert ,Warplanes ,Baltics ,Warships ,Aircraft Carrier ,Strike ,Rep ,Apache Helicopter Gunships ,100 ,120 ,35 ,Three ,

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