confiscate guns. right. we're going to take your guns in texas as late as twentyte twenty one is now vowing to protect and cherish the second amendment. >>ay okay, watch.>> americans will own your fifteens. ak 47 will have to sell them to the government. i fully expect our fellow americans to turn in their ar 15s and their ak 47 . are you in fact in favor of gun confiscation? yes.iscation? yes. we're going to take your ar 15 , your ak 47 . i'm not-4 interested in taking anything from anyone. what int want to make sure that we do is defend the secondm amendment. >> oh ,en yes. now we're going to defend the second amendment like almost every other democrat in the country. you'vein got h toer understand s happening here. they're only changing their opinions because of politics and they love their power. that is more important than anything else eventa for examplm