the day before that they wanted black voices to the table and you know and byron, you went through a similar thinggh too. i mean, here we have the congressional black caucus. you want to be a member. why are you not a member? poli, it's all l politics. so let's get right to it.get rih a.c.t , i saw your statements on the florida virginia house. i commend you, sir. but at the end of the day, , they are committed to a liberal agenda. they are committed to a the bernie sanders agenda and anybody that standsgeod in e way even if you're black,o they just don't want you to be a part. sad to see because in the black community we actually have a wide divergencel of thoughts. we have an ability to have opinions on so many things when it economics, policing, school, national security, immigrationmi law and so that also all bee represented in these black caucuses as opposed to just the liberal conservative bernie sanders wing of the democrat party . it's quite sad to see cardosa. around ing at polls

Related Keywords

Byron Donalds ,Table ,Member ,Thinggh ,Tpoli ,Voices ,Congressional Black Caucus ,Sir ,Bernie Sanders Agenda ,Politics ,Statements ,Florida ,Virginia House ,Rihac T ,Things ,Part ,Opinions ,Community ,O ,Policing ,School ,Thoughts ,Mit Economics ,Divergencel ,Ability ,National Security ,Standsgeod ,Immigrationmi ,Anybody ,Sad ,Law ,Bernie Sanders ,Wing ,Democratic ,Caucuses ,Polls ,Bee ,Cardosa ,King ,

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