haribo although my head's going to burst open. but hang on .d. hang on a sec. it here it was your joe biden. you want to talk about misinformationers anthony fauci ,joeoe biden, the cdc, nih take the vaccine. you'll never get colvert. they have the biggest purveyors of misinformation of anybody during this pandemic. oh , we'll never have a vaccine . ndate excuse me. wheree is the science that young people need a vaccine five to eleven when the death rate is almost the equivalent of influenza? yeah. here'sat the problem.em the haraga study says therere shouldn't s be two standards whn it comes to covid. do you remember when senator tom cotton said publicly for the first time when it first hit that it c isle possible came from a lab in wuhan and it didn't come from a flat market and others start to say it and what happened? they were told that misinformationey wha faceb youtube, electronic media censored them, took those postso down, said you're not allowed to speculate. it could have come from the lab