by the way, do not subscribe to their new religion. look at this new monmouth poll70 70% of americans believe covid is probably here to stay and it's time to get on with o our lives without draconian mandates and restrictions. now if you don't like joe rogang or what a guest on his show or podcast has to say, you don't t have to watch.ha he can't force you. you don't have to listen. he can'the force you. and by the way, we're going to talk about misinformation. we t can't we can't have that discussion without joe biden and faucijo both telling us , oh ,te if you got vaccinated, you'll never get covered or or fauci or zelensky or biden or soki and the rest of them all w saying, oh , we'll nevere have a vaccine mandate either. really? do youou o trust any of these t people? youhehe trust the cdc, the nih, every politician they've all gotten every singlery thing pretty much uncovered wrong called misinformation. the very thing they're attacking joe rogan over joe rogan has nothing to apologize