there. our governor sent four men bird hunting. after they gathered the fruits of our labor they killed 4 in one day and ayserved the company. many of the indians came among us. and amongst them, they would have this great king and they described 90 men were there. that's called thanksgiving. that's our heritage. you may be upset by it at first. 50 yearsthanhe no problem. then there was a problem.t. now our problem is kids have to eat quickly. it's so expensive they are telling us to consider asking our guests to pay a cover charge. i am going to my brother's house and he will put a price on everything. i should not pay for things i don't want. turnips, not 2 scoops. i didn't bring enough cash. that is what we should do. turn a profit on thanksgiving because of joe biden inflation. >> it will be fun at your household and you will time the kids to make sure they eat fast and are mourning.