in them, by the way, you get to pick the state of your choice, dispersed all over the country not even getting a covid test. joe is following the science? really? and you want to lecture americans and schooled americans and tell them how bad they are and how they should be hated and gave license to attacks on people that have different views or medical conditions you might not even know about. but you better get the vaccine or dr. joe biden is going to unleash the full force of the federal government against you. and your loved ones and your employer. and you will be canceled in society altogether. you will be shut out of everything. illegal aliens, by the way, i see that to me orca's moan to use that term starting today or yesterday, they get no mandates and free trips to the state, right? free trips, no mandates, they get to go to the state of your choice and free health care and education, you pay for that all wall totally exempt from the mandate.