some faith in our servicemen in women, but not our government. >> thanks, sean. it started with saving one commando, a bunch of green berets and seals just said you know what's, we're not going to get angry, we're going to get t work so we focused on honoring the promise our government didn't. we put together we used our cel phones, our relationships, in relationships inside the airpor in in three days, we managed to sneak in about 700 afghans through holes in the fence, sewage canals, and now we are replastering to do recovery operations we have already started moving family out for i we got one family out his wife went into labor at the taliban check point, we've already move her out of the country in will be reuniting them in the state soon. operation, and wer not stopping until we get them all out. >> i hope people will go to the website and help your mission.