you are not getting the billiona unless you fire the prosecutor investigating my son who's being paid millions for knowing nothing, for having zero experience. you've got six hours. son of a b. they can pretend they are carrying out their solemn duty and they are doing it with very prayerful ways.y i don't buy it. as the president pointed out, perhaps most insulting of this ntfalse display of acting so solemn, you apparently have so little respect for the american people that you expect them to believe you are in approaching the impeachment somberly, reservedly, reluctantly. no intelligent person believes that.ou we don't believe you. you are lying. case b in point: we have the compromise corrupt congenital liar adam schiff. he's been busy making the rounds. oh, all over on late-night comedy shows. of course, the perfect place to be at such a solemn time and moment. let's go hit the comedy circuit. take a look.