and back i laughed, he said that was bartok. and we were right about the current ukrainian witch hunt as well. yeah, we agree boudin is a hostile regime. yeah, we intervened, in 2015. but politico, january 11th, 2017, they chronicled ukrainian corruption to help hillary. the facts are on the president's side, they always have been. take a look. it's because never going to stop. congressman greene said yesterday, if the senate doesn't convict, it will not end. this is not about ukraine. facts are on the president's side. ukrainian able didn't even know it was withheld at the time of the call and most important, they did nothing to get the aid released. this is about one facts. the democrats have never accepted the will of the american people. >> sean: thank goodness for the freedom caucus. jordan, meadows, gates, devin nunes, i can't mention