remember, this is the same james comey with robert mueller accused stephen hatfield in the anthrax case. they accused an innocent man, went before a judge and said i'm absolutely certain that this is the guy. absolutely certain this is the guy. it wasn't the guy. this is the same man who told roberto gonzalez and made a big speech about how he rushed to the hospital -- higher loyalty. >> that he was going to save america from this unwarranted surveillance. guess what happened? he did the same thing but worse to carter page. >> sean: dan, only for the constraints of time. >> sean, listen for the most devastating jim comey take away, no later than january of 2017, jim comey's fbi those with absolute certainty that christopher steele's dossier sources are bogus because they talk to the sub sources who tell him this information is garbage. it's beer talk. comey's fbi authorizes the spying on an innocent american citizen three more times.