they are violating their own oath of office as a congress -- member of congress to support and defend the constitution they ought to be censored if not expelled. >> sean: it's a non-whistleblower, whistleblower. we don't need the so-called whistleblower. we have the transcript for crying out loud. the transcript shows nothing wrong happened on the phone call. here is my theory, matt gaetz, congressman, sir, and it's really simple. i loved your exchange for -- that was a classic. i will say this. we should play it next time you are on. but, to me, all they are doing is helping the president. the president is right. they are do nothing. they supported a wall and funding a wall and the second term of obama. but they won't do it just because they hate trump so much. i really believe if he cured cancer they would impeach him for curing cancer. >> they would accuse him of overpopulation if you did that what i can tell you after talking to the president today is he understands the fight that we're in.