liberal democrats. now the city that, i remember new york city prerudy guiliani, prestop and frisk, i remember 29,500 murders. >> i remember it really well, i was u.s. attorney, you remember, for eight years. >> sean: southern district. >> before i became the mayor. i knew everything that was wrong with it. de blasso is a disaster. i can't feigned democrat that will defend him. i have democrats that come up to me and say, i'm angry at you for supporting. trump but you know something, you're right about deblasio, he's a disaster. he's a democrat. liberal democrat. i don't think that people in the rest of the country have any idea. >> sean: let me ask you about joe, we know the ukraine story, we covered it. >> prime a fash case of might be bring in the ukraine. >> sean: demanding a firing in six hours. >> covering it up.