without a dissenting vote. that's who said he was screwed up jim comey. it wasn't a republican congressman. >> jason: i think you and i were both on that bandwagon but you are right. horwitz, an impeccable credential appointed by obama and confirmed unanimously by the united states and a pretty even call me praise the inspector general. he's now been on the receiving end of two inspector general reports and more to come. >> he's a two-time career offender. three strikes and you're out. >> jason: well, he's out now thank goodness. mr. gowdy, thank you for joining us. now yesterday's rebuke of james comey was just a narrow sliver of what's to come because michael horowitz is still set to release his wider probe into a fisa abuse and u.s. attorney john durham is currently investigating serious irregularities in the handling of the fbi's original russia investigation. plus, sources tell fox news that prosecutors are nearing a decision on whether to charge a former fbi director andrew mccabe, wg director andrew mccabe on charges of lying to federal agents.