>> there's no place in new york for tea party politics. >> you should think twice about trying to characterize me. >> what we've done is seen the democrat majority just punt. >> let's not conquer let's unite us. >> sean: the country is turning again the democrats. instead of behaving like responsible adults left wing politicians are shifting the blame. if a moment you will hear from newt gingrich on this subject. president obama was the first to point the finger. he pointed it straight at fox news. saying this network is destructive to the country's growth. now massachusetts congressman barney frank is joining the chorus. he's in an unexpectedly tough reelection race against the republican and for that he's blaming none other than me among others. >> [ inaudible ] >> sean: their attacks do not seem to be gaining traction. republicans continue to inform the polls. in washington rossi has edged ahead of murray. he now leads her by one point. in florida marco rubio holds a commanding lead over republican turned independent charlie crist. democrat meek running ahead of both by double digits. in the golden state whitman has pulled ahead of brown. she now leads him 38-37. those polls reflect a conservative ascendancy around the country. here with analysis on the midterm elections is former speaker of the house, fox news contributor. host of a new documentary: america at risk. available at mr. speaker welcome. you are at the counter terrorism education learning lab for america at risk right now, right? >> that's right. the counter terrorism education learning lab is a brilliant museum in denver. i wish every american city had one. if anybody comes to denver the city of john elway, i hope if they are going to see in remarkable museum about terrorism around the world. i'm here tonight to talk about threats to the united states. but i have to say, your opening these guys create the longest, deepest recession, since the great depression. in june more americans were on food stamps than ever before in history. the democrats have become the party of food stamps. the republicans are becoming the party of paychecks. the guys who have made the unemployment, killed the jobs, created the food stamps are now complaining that the american people don't like that future? i think it is sad they can't stand up and defend their own policies. >> sean: what you are saying is that if you want unemployment, you want food stamps, vote for the democrats. if you want a job. if you want a paycheck. vote for republican. is it really that simple? is that what this debate has now become? >> look, i think it is that clear. if you look at the republican pledge in the house. it is to create jobs. to control washington spending. to cut taxes. to have a new, dramatic breakthrough in how to control regulations and bureaucracy. a step towards a full employment economy. if you look at what we've advocated in american solutions with congressman jordan's economic from -- freedom act, a step towards real job creation. then look at the obama, pelosi, reid job destruction program being bigger taxes, bigger bureaucracy, bigger red tape. here's the big thing, when congress, the democrats, voted to leave town without settling the tax question, they guaranteed that every american business is living in uncertainty. therefore, they've crippled job creation for the next three, four months. i don't think they even realize -- everywhere i go businesses say to me, how can they have this health bill? how can they have this financial regulatory bill? how can they have this confusion overtaxes and expect us to create jobs? obama is extending the recession by the destructiveness of his failure. that makes them the party of food stamps. >> sean: it sounds like you are parting together your closing argument here. the president is the one that launched what was supposed to be for them, this massive class warfare debate, which is he talked about millionaires and billionaires and attacked big business. this was all gonna lead up to this vote on extending the bush tax cuts. they leave town without the vote, which i think was cowardly on their part. in part, they had to leave because democrats wouldn't go along for the first time, with the agenda of the leadership. >> well let me go back to this issue of killing jobs. the president proposed a tax increase on over half the profits of small businesses in america. democrats went back home and they began to be told by every business they talked to, that the president's proposal would kill jobs. they came back and said to nancy pelosi and to harry reid, we're not gonna vote with to you kill jobs. all of a sudden the president's totally political, totally class far disintegrated. if you you are having your job killed and ending up on food stamps because of the obama policies, class warfare doesn't make you feel good. what obama has done, he's tried trickle down bureaucracy with a 787 billion dollar stimulus package. he has imposed gigantic federal controls through the barney frank reform bill. he has imposed enormous costs through the health bill many now he has totally muddled the tax situation. the result is, let me repeat this, the lodgest, deeps recession since the great -- longest, deepest recession since the great depression. no sign it is going to end. i think is fair to say, they've by killing jobs become the party of food stamps. the republicans have a chance to become the party of paychecks. >> sean: the statistics back up. for the first time since we've been keeping statistics, 1 in 7 americans are now in poverty. poverty defined as a family of four making $22,000 a year. 45% of the american people mr. speaker, dependent on some type of government benefit in some shape, manner or form. what i find interesting is the democrats' response. kerry lashes out at voters as ignorant. biden, liberals being whiners. the president suggested the other day liberals may not be as committed if they are going to be lethargic and don't show up at the polls. i've never witnessed in all my years, a party single-handedly go after people, the voters, the people that keep them in power, the people they are supposed to serve as much as now what is the thinking behind that? >> i think what you have is a dedicated, hard-line left-wing radical group who thought the country wanted big government nat country wanted high tax, the country didn't mind crushing the economy as long as they had government subsidies. all of a sudden they discovered the american people reject them. there's no confusion. you read the polling dark the american people believe obama's health plan is destructive. that all these big tax increases are destructive. the american people want smaller government, not bigger government. i just saw a poll didn't -- poll done, 95% believe you have to have the right to fail if you for going to have the right to succeed. they believe that's what america is about. that's a total repudiation of the obama, pelosi, reid model that government will crush your business and somehow take care of you movement people want a chance to go out, pursue happiness, create a job, have a good family on their own. >> sean: mr. spiker, we'll continue more with speaker rich and find out what he thinks is going to happen third -- 33 days from now. former governor huckabee will join us as well as brent bozell. first jimmy carter, traces the origins of his candidacy to a present day political movement. wait until you hear who comparing himself to. who comparing himself to. th my nasal allergies are ruining our camping trip. i kn who works different than many other allergy medications. hoo? 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[ inhales deeply ] i told my allergy sptoms to take a hike. omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause. get omnaris for $11 at >> sean: these days it seems that everyone wants to remain in the good graces of the tea party that includes jimmy carter. in a recent interview carter compared himself to the movement saying i was a candidate that was in some ways like the tea party candidate i was an outsider, i capitalized on the dissatisfaction that was permeating our society. mr. president, i know tea party candidates, tea party candidates are fri >> sean: welcome back to hannity. over the past several days republicans and democrats have come forward to condemn a campaign ad in which florida congressman alan grayson distorts and takes out of context made by his opponent republican daniel webster. in case you missed this ridiculous video last night. take a look at this. >> announcer: religious fanatics try take our freedom in afghanistan, iran and right here in central florida. daniel webster wants to impose his radical fundamentalism on us. >> she should submit to me >> webster tried to deny battered women medical care and the right -- he wants to force raped women to bear the child. taliban dan webster hands off our bodies. >> sean: on behalf of daniel webster the nrcc is setting the record straight. >> orlando sentinel said the grayson ad twists webster's words. grayson edited the original video, chopping it up out of the context comparing christianity to the taliban. the same grayson who called a top government economist a whore. likened republicans to nazis. compared the health care plan as wanting americans to die quickly. >> sean: that sums up the kind of man that alan grayson is. joining me live newt gingrich. first if you looked at webster's comments. we played them in total the other night. he said don't pick that phrase, submit to your wife -- wives submit to your husband. he said don't pick it. grayson chops it up to be the opposite. i think it is one of the most destructive, distorted ads that i think i've seen in all the years i've been following politics. your reaction. >> what is happening to people like grayson and i think what is happening to barney frank in his campaign is that you live in an age between youtube, 24 talk radio, 24 hour cable news, it is harder for these guys to lie and get away with it. you can go back and find the original material. so, vicious, dirty tactic as that might have worked 10, 15, 20 years ago aren't gonna work because the truth gonna catch up with them. grayson is such a disgrace so fundamentally dishonorable i suspect he will be repudiated by a large margin. i bet a lot of democrats are embraced and will against grayson because they are decent people and he's so fundamentally dishonorable. >> sean: people in the democratic party running from nancy pelosi. she has a high popularity rating, she is as popular as bp right now according to a latest poll. do you think she is gone as speaker, win, lose or draw? >> no, if she gets the majority reelected she will be speaker. she has delivered everything barack obama wanted. she has the full weight of the presidency behind her. the danger for her is, if they get routed and joe gaylord to designed the '94 contract with america campaign his estimate is republicans will pick up 55 seats in the house as minimum if that happens he mabel face a real decision. i'm not sure she wants to stay as minority leader. at that point she may leave. >> sean: she may not have a choice at that point. it seems that there's no democrat that wants to run on their record. if they voted for health care they are not running ads saying i voted to pass the health care bill. if they voted for stimulus or cap and tax they are not running ads that way. it seems it going very negative, very fast. another example is out in california you have gubernatorial candidate meg whitman. she hired somebody to work for her in 2000. the person signed a diagnosticment under perjury statutes that said -- signed a document under perjury statutes that said she now all the evidence points to the country. is this what we are going to expect for 33 more days? >> look you have 33 days of democrats trying to make republicans radioactive. if the election comes down to the record, and the election comes down to the economy, and the election comes down to really bad votes, the democrats are just gonna get crushed. they are going to do everything they can to start a new argument and a new conversation. they know if they don't scar up the republicans badly, they are gonna lose. it is that straightforward. that's why you are getting this kind of campaign. >> sean: it is interesting. the president himself lashing out at fox as being destructive. what do you think of so close to an election so many people close to the president, rahm emanuel out, axelrod moving back to the campaign. we hear rumors that gibbs is gone after the election. he lost gates his entire economic team except geithner, all these people are leaving. are they leaving a sinking ship, in your view? >> i done know what is going on in the white house right now i do find that the president doesn't seem to have the president doesn't have the same level of loyal day that george w. bush for that matter that bill clinton i don't quite know why. it is kind of strange, you know, having emanuel for example, occupy and dom mate the news in chicago is -- dominate the news in chicago is just helping the republicans win the governor's race and the senate race out there, because it is taking all the oxygen out of democratic party. it is an act of enormous selfishness. >> sean: mr. speaker good luck with your speech. appreciate it. coming up a confrontation between palladino and a reporter. also, building a mosque at ground zero really isn't such a bad idea? that's what the network newscasts would have you believe. we have this ridiculously biased reports to feeling back pain? dr. scholl's back pain relief orthotics with shockguard technology give you immediate relief that lasts all day long. dr. scholl's. visit our facebook page to save $3. . >> sean: numerous nationwide polls continue confirm the same thin the vast majority of americans and new yorkers oppose the construction of the ground zero mosque. that has not stopped the mainstream media from pushing the story. first "60 minutes" reporter cracked down on the developer and feisal abdul-rauf by asking hard hitting questions. >> this is the focus of outrage, real estate developer paid 4 1/2 million for it. he's described on the internet as an islamic extreme sis. who are you? >> i'm an american -- i'm a new yorker. >> so who are you? >> i'm a man of peace. >> sean: yesterday in an exclusive interview matt lauer grilled gamal one-on-one. >> do you expect in the near future the opposition will melt away and fade away? i think your background is interesting. you are born in brooklyn. . >> you are a new yorker many >> i am. >> you are an american? >> i am. >> how has this changed year view of living as a muslim american in this country? >> there is so much work ahead of us. there's such a misperception about my faith and my belief system. and that is part of the reason, you know fear, fear makes people irrational. >> sean: anybody who opposes the bidding of the ground zero mosque is irrational. where was the rebuttal? where were the real questions? where is the journalism? joining me mike huckabee. governor, good to see you. >> good to be with you sean, thank you. >> sean: it is almost like they are the defense attorneys in this case. your reaction? >> well, there's a story out this week sean that says that americans have less trust in the three big networks than they've ever had. in fact, as americans get their news, cage news comes first, friends and family comes second, all the way down to fifth place comes the three big networks. where americans used to get most of their news. the reason is and the survey showed this, the americans don't trust the big networks any more. this story and the way it has been covered is good reason why there's not been a balance on it, at all. >> sean: we had the comments by feisal abdul-rauf, 19 days after 9/11. you would think that would be a big focus or his unwillingness to condemn hamas, a terror organization. you would think that would be a big focus. the fact that they ignore it. they support agenda. like they have forgotten their jobs. i get criticized. but i'm telling people, i'm a conservative. and i have an opinion. it is a very different type of show. they have an opinion, but they say they are journalists. >> journalism is a great art when it is practiced. but it rarely is. i used to say when i was campaigning or in the governor's , -- governor's office if i read a new story and i read it and i know how the reporter feels it is not journalism. if it is journalism and i read my quotes it didn't make me mad because they quoted me context. when i read the story i don't know whether he likes me or doesn't. if that the assessment after reading or watching a piece that journalism because you sense a certain level of sterility in the nature in which is it reported. you don't see that in most news reports today. you very much get it whether it is raised eyebrow or that inflection in the voice or just in the way the questions are staged. you are pretty aware of where the reporter stands on any particular issue. >> it is interesting, because the american people are ing the major networks, as you point out our nation's newspapers, circulation is low, they are not making the money they used to. certainly impact and influence that maybe they once had has deteriorated. i've used the term that i think journalism died certainly in 2008 with the lack of coverage of barack obama. let me give you another example. there's fred dicker, a reporter for the "new york post". he had tough questions for republican conservative gubernatorial candidate carl palladino and it got very confrontational. >> i want to know why you sent your goons after my daughter? >> do you have the evidence or do you not against cuomo? >> the at appropriate time -- >> he has three daughters how can you say that about him? >> i have a daughter too fred. >> you brought it out. >> stay away from me [ bleep ] >> what evidence do you have? >> you sent your goons after my daughter. [ talking over each other ] >> you made the charge. >> you send another goon to my daughter's house and i'll take you out buddy. >> you are gonna take me out? >> yeah. >> how are you gonna do that? >> watch. >> sean: one pal dean know made the allegation that andrew cuomo cheated on his wife during his marriage he was married to one of the kennedys. the other issue had to do with palladino was upset that his 10-year-old daughter was being photographed. he had this daughter out of wedlock, he's married, et cetera. there were people taking photographs of the house, the daughter. he was angry and he thought it was the "new york post" doing it, they deny it. is that your reaction? >> that's what i'm understanding. i've never met carl pal dean i'm getting where i really like this he says all the stuff that i always wanted to say but never could get away with. -- when a reporter becomes part of the story he ceases to be a reporter now he's part of the news. that's what happened. this reporter stepped way over the line. no matter what palladino said that may have seemingly provoked him it was his professional duty to remain detached and objective. he failed to do that the. >> sean: i think his first question was legitimate. that is, do you have any evidence to support the claim that your campaign has made? that's fair. from that point on it becomes a confrontation. you are saying you believe in this case fred dicker, you think he crossed the line? >> i absolutely do. i've dealt with reporters for the past 20 years being in politics. one of the things that i fought outrageous was when the reporter -- that i found outrageous was when the reporter injected himself into the story. it is one thing to ask the question, one thing to continue to ask the same question, but when he raises his voice that is no longer a journalistic interview. that's what we had here. it got way out of hand. i think the reporter was unprofessional in the way he handled it. >> sean: thank you governor appreciate your time. time for media mash we'll show you what the liberal media tried to sell as objective news this week. obama white house denies end -- >> so, ah, your seat good? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? st stay off the freewaysall right? i don't want you going out onhose yet. and leave your phone in ur purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thas dad. >> and call me--t not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. investors are demanding more for their money. good. this time, i'm watching fees like a hawk. i hate hidden fees. why should i have to pay for something that i shouldn't have to pay for? td ameritrade's pricing is clear and it's straightforward... it's spelled out upfront. no hidden fees... no bait and switch. no gotchas. and there's one flat rate for online equity trades... for big accounts... or small ones. that's the way it ought to be. call, click, or come in to td ameritrade. [ male announcer ] there is nothing more profound than hope. it is the promise that compels us to make the journey from wonder to discovery. the science of chemistry, our guide. the human element, our conscience. and to make this journey, we have become the new order of hunters and gatherers. finding answers in the elements. and a way forward illuminated by hope. . >> sean: the white house has apologized to a family of an a with with medal of honor winner after they were denied a tour over a dress code issue. they went to attend the war hero's funeral the next day ed to the white house but turned away because the grandson was wearing shorts and a t-shirt with a picture of his grandfather on it. officials have invited them back. ♪ ♪ every day, it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ a-hey, a-hey-hey ♪ every day, it's getting faster ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to evolve the smartphone. business, meet fun. fun, business. at&t. rethink possible. >> sean: welcome to media mash where we expose the most outrageous examples of the obamamania media's liberal bias. back with us the one and only brent bozell. sir, welcome back. >> hi. >> sean: out in irvine, california. today's show we have matt lauer, mr. president please i gotta get tougher, you gotta get harder on these republicans. >> we are five weeks before the midterm elections and it is getting heated. you said the republicans they are treating me like a dog. a lot of rhetoric throughout, coming from the republicans towards you, coming from the tea party towards you. former president clinton said he doesn't think democrats and you included, have been rigorous enough pushing back against some of the republican an being fast. over these next five weeks, mr. president do you intend to change your tone or your emotion in terms of your pushing back? >> sean: they are treating me like dogs. gout that fight back that's not harsh -- you gotta fight back that's not harsh enough mr. president! >> you have to wonder what planet matt lauer is living on. barack obama has done nothing but blame george w. bush for everything that goes wrong with barack obama's agenda since he started running for president in 2008 and nothing has change . here's something interesting, matt lauer suggests that barack obama needs to push back. the pushing back is coming from nbc on behalf of barack obama. think about in for a second. several days before that interview aired, you had cnbc running a one hour town hall meeting on behalf of barack obama. you had a 30 minute commercial-free infomercial for barack obama, that ran not just on nbc but on bravo, oxygen, chiller, sleuth, cnbc, usa radio, sci-fi, universal hd, sports all part of the nbc conglomerate. now psa's running on nbc on behalf of barack obama's education plan. and they call themselves a news network. they are doing nothing but campaigning for barack obama! >> sean: that's why i say journalism died. abc, christiane amanpour going out there and suggesting, people don't really appreciate the great legislative success of the anointed one. >> a lot of people, people from all over the world say here comes a president with a huge mandate, a huge reservoir of goodwill, huge promises to change. and with all of that, his popularity is down. people don't appreciate some of the amazing legislative agenda he has accomplished. is this a failure of leadership? has' loud the opposition to define him? >> sean: he's so good, why can't the voters see just how great he is? i see how great he is? david you see how great ? why can the world see he's wonderful? he's perfect! the me sayia! >> people don't appreciate some of the amazing legislature he's accomplished. she right, they don't. who would have thunk conservatives would be -- this woman has showed up, since 2009, the ratings on that show are down 30%. that show is falling apart just like everything else on the so-called mainstream media. by the way, five minutes after that she had senator mcconnell on denouncing the bizarre tea party candidates. how is that for reporting. >> sean: interesting montage, good dovetail, where the media is trying to get obama to revive the 2008 glory days. >> president obama in full campaign mode, -- >> i can still pac-10s of thousands of young people into an arena. >> he gave a barn bunner of a speech. -- barn burner of a speech. >> the president: what did you say wisconsin? >> sean: glory days are back, yes we can, obama, change, change. i bet, we just didn't see reports, i guarantee you some -- those suffering from obamamania that tingley feeling that runs up their leg and now their whole body, if you work at nbc, i bet people fainted, brent. >> now let's look at the reality. barack obama is in the heart of liberalism, minneapolis, minute, why? because the candidate that is running for reelection there russ feingold who was considered absolutely safe three weeks ago is now losing by 12 point. that's how bad things are. that's why he's in campaign mode. that's the story, if you want to look at it more objectively, which they don't want to. >> sean: i don't think it is doing that much good, obviously. abc ran white house produced video as news. i want to get into the ethics of this. >> today we to listen in on a phone call, president obama talking recently to gail o'brien a cancer patient in new hampshire who is now able to get health insurance. >> the president: hi gail, how are you? >> i'm doing really well, thank you, this is an honor. i want to thank you so much. >> sean: by the way, wish her well this is white house produced video. it runs on a news program as though this is news. is that appropriate? >> there comes a point, i don't understand why the republican party -- isn't filing complaints with the federal election commission and the fcc on this. this is blanket, blanket election tampering going on by the news networks. by the way this is the six month mark of the health care legislation. isn't it cure they are still out there selling it. here's the headline the same day in the "new york times", this is a news headline, for many families, health care relief begins today. how is that for news? >> sean: that's news brent. good luck in irvine, california. we appreciate you being with us. neverending media bias. >> time to check in with greta van susteren. let me guess i'm looking into my hannity crystal ball. toby keith tonight? >> greta: no, tomorrow night. we did tape it that's how you know that sean, all the viewers on the record they all want you to do "dancing with the stars" i got a zillion e-mails. they think you will be the best. >> sean: greta let mend this here and now i did not dance at my own wedding. i am not going on "dancing with the stars." if you go, i will lead a campaign and try and help you win. >> greta: sean, i don't want to take that thrill away from you. >> sean: no, send o'reilly, let him dance. >> greta: i'd kill for that one too. we have bob woodward, karl rove, congressman dick armey and so much more. >> sean: i think would kill for that one too. our great, great, american panel is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] taste pops with pringles cracker stix. ♪ so delicious... your mouth will be strangely attracted to them. everything pops with pringles cracker stix. looks like we're in for a bumpy ride. go ahead, ignore me. but in this turbulent market, you're going to need help... protecting some of your assets for retirement. an axa equitable annuity could give you... guaranteed income for life. i'd call them, but what do i know? i'm just the 800-pound gorilla in the room. don't worry. i'm here. want guaranteed income for life? axa equitable is redefining what you expect from annuities. ooh, peanuts. ♪ i like your messy hair ♪ i like the clothes you wear ♪ i le the way you sing ♪ and when you dance with me ♪ you always make me smile [ male announcer ] we believe you're at your best when you can relax and be yourself. and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn express hotels, you always can. holiday inn express. stay you. and now stay rewarded with a sweet dilemma. up to five free nights at any of our properties or double points. >> sean: tonight on our great, great american panel. his new book is beating the left at its own game to take back america. david kahane is here. fox news legal analyst bob massi is back. she has worked in the white house under george w. bush mercedes schlapp with us married to matt schlapp a good friend of ours. the president goes out on all these town hall meetings. is the american dream dead that happened last week. is this the new america we have to eating who dogs and beans? here's the president getting drilled on health care. >> one of the ladies in admissions whom i was talking with the other week. she from england and her family is still in england. she was explaining the -- us to how -- telling us what we had to look forward to here. her sister worked as a nurse in the same hospital for 20 years. she was 55. she was told she needed open heart surgery. she was put on a 10 year waiting list. >> the president: do you have health insurance? >> yes, right now. >> the president: so, there's nothing in the bill that says you have to change the health insurance that you've got right now. i just want to identify what your worry is, because i wanna say you shouldn't be worried about it. >> sean: go through this. a woman talking about 24-year-old son. he's out of college. he can't find a job. is this health care going to result in rationing. is the american dream dead for me? this is extraordinary these are all hand picked audiences of supporters of obama. >> he must be so freaking out right now. saying what is going on, why aren't you getting my supporters out there? the reality is american people are upset. he can go to backyards, campuses, at the end of the day they are not pleased. it is not a communications problem. it is a policy problem. >> sold transparency in his campaign. now they are finding it is smoke and mirrors. at some point the transparency is, he didn't understand the health bill, didn't read it. we have the tax cut issue. he tried to sell it. now people are waking up saying he didn't mean it, it was smoke and mirrors and now he's paying the price for it. >> sean: we see the cratering poll numbers. we see what we expect is going to happen in 33 days, a political landscape is going to change. the president now seems to be lashing out on the one hand. going to his supporters trying to energize his base. i don't see any of this is working for him. >> it can't work. unfortunately fo he's the last guy in on the joke. like an actor on a set when the thing collapses behind him says i thought there was a real building behind me but it is all falling apart. >> and the arrogance behind this he went with the health care reform legislation with just his party supporting it, no compromise. it doesn't work. 55esque of the people want to repeal this health care legislation. >> sean: nobody is running on it. >> sean, i think there's a sense ofk8vy reverence that he's taken away from the presidency. the visibility is way past being a president. at some point, you have to look like a president. i don't have a problem, bush went out and campaigned -- this guy, you want to respect the presidency. he's been out literally like a rock star since he got elected. i think now people not only he's been on too much, not listening and can't believe it because the numbers don't work. >> sean: biden, obama, kerry lashing out at voters. we saw this back last summer and it continues. it seems they take the attitude voters aren't smart enough to appreciate how greater in. >> you use the expression all the time about the obama kool-aid. these guys didn't get the memo. they are expecting their true believers to show up and now amazed there is no there, there. he has only been a campaigner, never an administrator. >> sean: let's go to palladino and dicker who writes for the post. >> i want to know why you sent your goons after my daughter? >> i sent no one. your charge against cuomo, do you have the evidence or do you not? >> at the appropriate time. he has three daughters how can you say this about him? >> i have a daughter too fred. >> you brought it out. >> fred, that's it. stay pwhraoeup pwhraoeup >> what evidence do you have? -- [ bleep ] . >> what evidence do you have? >> [ talking over each other ] >> you send another goon to my daughter's house and i'll take you out. >> you are gonna take me out? >> yeah. >> how you gonna do that? >> watch. >> are you threatening me? >> sean: he has a 10-year-old daughter out of wedlock and photographers are outside the house taking pictures of the girl. i think kids ought to be off-limits. the reporter asked legitimate -- asked a legitimate question. >> i would be mad -- >> sean: can this help or hurt? >> it can hurt him. he's not a politician by trade. he has to learn a little bit the rules of how the media and politics play. it is fair game, at the same time. >> sean: i'm kind of enjoying he has the establishment off balance and they don't know how to deal with this guy because he's so outspoken. >> the great part about it is we are talking about a new york governor's race. >> part of that it troubles me is the tough guy thing. anybody, any father in that situation may say a lot more to somebody. the tough guy thing may hurt him a little bit. in the long run, i think they invaded an area you shouldn't invade. unfortunately, he could have used better words. >> i don't think either side looks good. the old saying in journalism, you never want to pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel. palladino made the mistake there. on the other hand dicker should have backed down. >> sean: quick break more with our great american panel. feeling back pain? dr. scholl's back pain relief orthotics with shockguard technology give you immediate relief that lasts all day long. dr. scholl's. visit our facebook page to save $3. >> sean: as we continue now with our great american panel. i don't know if you heard this story about the kid who jumps off the george washington bridge. two fellow students one is his roommate they videotape him, he doesn't know it, they stream it live on the internet of him having sex. i mean -- you know the kid is so devastated, what should the penalty for something like that be? >> it is just shameful. at that point, they are gone that have to be prosecuted. i don't know there's legal -- >> obviously, this -- we saw the girl last year who hung herself because of this. the law has to respond to this at some point. here's a kid that was embarrassed. it goes to show the fragility of people, young kids, he was 18-years-old. it shows the lack of accountability and as wonderful as the internet has been n is the other side of what it is -- what it is doing to young people and the lack of accountability is outrageous. >> sean: it is so sad. you're the lawyer. on the one hand, i doubt those kids knew there was going to be this reaction. so they didn't know it on the one hand. on the other hand there's no greater invasion into somebody's life than to tape them without their knowledge and stream it live on internet. >> other thing, remember being kids, nobody could be more cruel than kids too. >> sean: that's true. so their lives get ruined forever? i would assume probably they are going to live with this for the rest of their lives. >> there should be consequence for the act. >> sean: what should it be? >> to whatever extent the law allows they need to be taught a lesson and understand there's a kid that killed himself. if not it will send a message to other kids that you can do these things. >> it is taken straight from american pie. they set up a sexual encounter, they broadcast this over a webcam. you can see the consequences of life imitating art, not that american pie is art. sad story all the way around. >> sean: i think 100%. you this new book out. the whole -- we talk about the model rules for radicals. you are saying conservatives ought to adopt some of these ideas and tactics in battling back against modern liberalism. >> if we want to win, yeah. >> sean: explain. do you that -- do you take the olin ski tactics? >> you do all those things this is called rules for radical conservatives, i've written it unmy pen name, david kahane. it is written from the point of view of a lefty telling you dumb conservatives how to fight back and win. because he's so fired of these fights where we roll over all the time. even satan hates a fixed fight. i would state most important take-away rule in this book is for us to stick to principles and stop talking about programs. >> sean: you were probably very happy with the pledge to america. it was a lot of principles. it talked about returning to first politicians -- first principles, our constitution, our deck and -- declaration and specifics. >> specifics i'm not keen on they change. once you start doing that the democrats can start arguing programs with you. one of the rules is at all times think constitutionally. he's advocating -- >> sean: how did you feel about that? >> one of the things i enjoyed was no more mr. nice guy. you ought to put your warrior face on was one of the comments you made. it is true. we are always trying to come mize on our principles. reaching out -- compromise on our principles. reaching out, the olive branch. we have to stop doing that. we have to stand on principle. that's why these candidates starting to win. >> sean: i'm not a republican, i'm a conservative. i didn't write a book republican victory i wrote conservative victory. we saw an instance this week that disturbed me. i like senator jim demint. now it seemed like an orchestrate attack, fellow senators were critical of him because he was supportive of stripping lisa murkowski of her chair after she was going to run as a write-in. leadership attacking him? if they are, they seem out of touch with the mood of the voters. >> the conservative first amendment is -- we are not permitted to exercise an opinion. if we do, then there's something wrong with us. that's what the basis of what we are all about. that's what -- the other thing is, i think we can no longer be a moving target. take the position and stick with the position and let them come at us. >> sean: this is not complicated, balance the budget, cut back spending which boehner and others have said let's go back to 2008 levels. mcdonnell went back to 2006 levels. if they do these simple things, strong national defense, control the border, we win. what a bunch of gutless cowards by walking away. >> in my book, rhinos. make them number one target. >> sean: i agree. that's why demint was courageous in

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