>> sean: last week's snow blitz scarred is not the only thing that has washington shaking in its boot. democrats are growing nervous about losing their senate seats. that is a november midterm election an event which may leave a different kind of power outage in its wake. in the south things not looking bright for blanche lincoln of arkansas. one of her republican opponents just announced his run saturday and leads lincoln by 23 points according to public policy polling. prince harry reid's reign may be coming to an end. poll has him running second to four gop opponents in nevada. not looking better in colorado. michael bennett was an pinned to take stkal czar's seat after he left to become the secretary of interior. has him losing to three republican contenders including the state's former lt. governor norton. the seat left vacant by president obama in illinois was temporarily filled by rowland burris who has decided not to run for reelection. in his place republican congressman kirk take as early lead over department great alexi >> last. in indiana coateses could deliver a tight race. it has been held by his challenger democratic incumbent evan bayh. running to fill the seat vacated by democrat dorgan republican john hoeven has a lead of 21 points or more against three democratic 0 point . in dell -- opponents. in delaware now that vice president biden's son has backed out the heavy favorite is the state's former governor mike castle. he leads the challenger by a full 29 points. there are all the seats that would be pick-ups for republicans leading us to wonder is it possible the gop could walk away with a 51 seat majority? dick morris is here to explain. he's the author of the "new york times" best seller catastrophe. you ahead of anybody else when you said people wrote me and laughed, impossible hannity, this was before massachusetts. you think it is even more than 51? >> i do. first a disclaimer, no notes on my hands. >> sean: wait a minute, see what you did we'll talk about this in a minute did you see what she did with rick perry? >> no. any way, it is -- if the republicans now win every senate seat where they are ahead empty polls they would gain eight and we only need 10 to take control. the three or the two which we are slightly behind in, one is indiana, coates is probably ahead of evan bayh but there is no poll, statler the other guy, only three points behind evan by the other race is california where fiorina is only three points behind boxer. three point shift in those two states and we have control. this is a year before the election. party trend usually builds up and doesn't manifest until the end. by the way, if you want all of these stats this is on dick >> sean: you are right about this. i'm worrying are we going to peak too early? they are angry at the government we see the tea parties, town halls, we've seen the anger we've chronicled it. i have never seen it like this in my entire adult life i'm sewelling it is going to be sustained in november. >> this weekend i'm doing the final revisions on my new book, "2010 take back america battle plan." i finished writing on the house races last month. now they sent the galleys to me to correct. i've listed 35 possible tight races. i went through again, we are up to 60 tight races. like kirk in illinois, six points behind now he's six points ahead. it is unbelievable the changes. i think this is not driven by obama's style or fatigue. it is driven by the outcome of his policies. >> sean: he's now in the low 40s in polling. >> if we get another terror attack or the economy remains, this is an outcome-based president. >> sean: best case scenario for the democrats unemployment goes down to 9%. does that impact the race? >> no. >> sean: they are telling us in washington we are going to be attacked by july. >> first of all, unemployment lasts over a long period of time. when you have eight or nine percent unemployment for a sustained period of time you are talking a third of americans losing their jobs at some point during that many, many more being under employed and many more giving up. so it is a massive damage to the national psyche. that lasts politically. so, i think that obama is just at the beginning point of losing his votes. i think we'll take the senate we may take it with two or three to spare in addition to the races we are talking about a guy named paul acres just announced in washington state patty murray. murray only won with 55% of the vote on her third incumbency. acres has a good shot. in new york gillibrand is just waiting to be beaten. he's not going to win the general election. >> sean: you never know the conditions are right if the republicans don't blow it. we've got on the one hand independent voters now, see president obama, survey in a negative light 2-1. rasmussen has him four -- 44% say they only support his performance. he's headed to the 30s now. what i don't understand is why more democrats have not had the political courage to distance themselves from him earlier, why? >> i think they will. i think what obama is doing now is trying to attack republicans so he can hold democrats. he knows he's lost the independents. he's trying to hang on to his democrats so he doesn't go into the 30s that's why he has been so con tpropbgs al, you have no plans, even though he will s a gigantic majority in the house and senate. >> sean: setting a trap for the republicans to go to this meeting on health care even though he has shut them out the entire year? >> hopes to set a trap. if the republicans say okay we want tort reform. we want the ability to sell insurance across state lines. we want portability of benefits. no ban on preexisting conditions. tax breaks to by insurance. savings accounts. they will blow him away >> sean: they will blow him away. would they pull off a legislative coup? would the president go along with what the republicans have been pushing for, for a year? >> he can't at this point because he is too beholding to the liberal democrats who wants a pill with public plans -- >> sean: governor palin. president last week talks about corpsman, 57 states, spread the wealth around. how come media attacks her because she wrote a couple notes on her hand and he reads a teleprompter all day? >> because she is a republican woman and that's a threat to the male democratic majority. she's an existential threat. sarah palin an s their base. remember this, george bush won 11 million more white men than mccain only six million more white women that different was sarah palin. >> sean: dick good to see you. plenty more ahead here's a sneak peek. >> to win that war we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law! sean sarah palin shakes things up in nashville and leaving the door open for 2012. >> i would if i believe that is right for our country and the palin family, certainly. >> she insisted she is going to be buried in -- >> sean: dnc fundraiser turns a little creepy. >> i spoke to senators, mcconnell, and explained he was in fbi custody. >> sean: gop fighting back against false charges. why are al-qaeda terrorists roaming free in london when they are wanted in the u.s.? all that plus bob beckel, cal thomas, former miss america and our great americannnnn this is not how-does-it-fit-in- my-company's-budget? insurance. this is help protect d care for your employees at no cost to your company insurance. if all you know about us is... aflac! ...then you don't know quack. to find out more visit over a million people have discovered how easy it is to use legalzoom for important legal documents. so start your business, protect your family, launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. . >> sean: you may remember president obama complained about how corporate money would corrupt politics in the wake of the supreme court decision. guess who is raking up corporate dough? the democratic governor's association collected 23.1 million dollar from companies like exxon, mobile and top d.c. lobbying firms. Ășt@@@ >> sean: tonight, it was a big weekend for sarah palin now saturday night she arrived at the tea party convention in nashville to a rock star reception. the governor delivered the keynote speech and had strong words for president oba?eys and his administration's handling of the war on terror. >> treating this like a mere law enforcement matter places our country in grave risk. because it is not how radical islamic extremists are looking at this they know we are at war to win that war we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law. the lesson of the last year is this, foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality. our president would do well to take note of an observation john f. kennedy made once in office. that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault. >> sean: following that big speech governor palin sat down with chris wallace sunday and kicked the the door open to a possible run for white house in 2012. >> why wouldn't you run for president? >> i would, if i believed that is the right thing to do for our country and the palin family, certainly, i would do so. >> you are saying you will consider it? >> i think that it would be absurd to not consider what it is that i can potentially do to help our country. i don't know if it is going to seek a title it may be doing a darn good job as a reporter or covering -- >> you are going to consider. you are going through the process of thinking? >> i won't close the door that perhaps could be open for me in the future. >> sean: any time governor palin steps into the spotlight members of the mainstream obama media fall over themselves trying to take her down. this photo taken at the tea party convention saturday night shows notes scribbled on her hand. somehow the left is expressing outrage and disbelief that somebody would have to write notes on their hand before a speech. a bloger wrote she seems to neat a -- to need a cheat sheet to get through an an audience. >> on her hand, she had written her top three points, energy, budget cuts and optimism. i figured i would do the same today in case the prompter broke. i knew i was going to be on with chuck and -- i saw over oned today show i figured hit to cross you out and put chuck in, great deal. >> sean: here with analysis, kirsten powers and fe cupp. >> i think that was appalling what andrea mitchell just did and beneath her. i think she is a good reporter. >> sean: she not a reporter. she is a left wing liberal. >> we can disagree on that and what she did there was be her. >> not something a reporter should do. it is fine if you are a commentator, host that was inappropriate. >> it cast catty as well. >> sean: i've done this. you are about to go, i remember one thing and write something down. i know very people that use the teleprompter as much as barack obama. >> even when he uses the teleprompter he can't get the words pronounced correctly corpsman. >> this is a ridiculous issue. this back and forth where people get mad at sarah palin for looking at her hand, who cares. people who get mad at barack obama for looking at a teleprompter, who care. >> sean: wait a minute. i'm going to show tape. if governor palin would have been reading from the teleprompter and said this: >> one such translator was an american of haitian decent representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women in uniform do all around the worm, navy corpsman, corpsman responded the men and women like corpsman -- >> sean: he doesn't know what a corp man is. >> if they let go of every bush or palin mistake or mispronouncement, i wouldn't care he is this intellectual soaring voice of you know, orator since daniel webster. >> palin wrote something on hand, it is stupid. >> sean: if sarah palin or george bush said corpsman while reading a teleprompter. this is the point if you are a liberal, you are a generous. big government, you are a genius. mirandizing a guy who tried to blow up a plane. conservative like reagan, bush or palin, you're an idiot. >> i agree that is the storyline that's the way it goes, joed by hen says ridiculous things and -- joe biden says ridiculous things. he is smart and palin can be smart to write on her hands. >> sean: there's a bigger issue. the way people treat conservatives versus liberals. barack obama so smart that he's got nothing up to this point. >> what do you? >> sean: unemployment is not 8%. we weren't open in our decisions on -- in our discussions on health care. >> i think what he did in terms of handling the economy, in terms of the stimulus he it right and the economy is turning around and unemployment went down, as you know. >> sean: we lost 800,000 jobs. >> not like he created that problem when he came in he's responding to that problem. >> sean: we tell the christmas bomber we are going to let you lawyer up. >> i think [ talking over each other ] >> the other point is that he might be smart, i don't know. maybe he's a very smart, very big intellectual heavyweight. at the end of the day that does not a leader make. that does not moon you are automatically a good leader. i don't think he's been a good leader. >> sean: this is something where conservatives need more self-confidence. are for limited government, constitution, strong national defense you are smart. the idea this is considered antiquated and outdated. reagan created 21 million new jobs. reagan lowered taxes. governor palin supports clinton conservatism. >> clinton did cut the deficit he made that a core part of his economic plan there are democrats who think of that we are in an unusual circumstance now. i've been critical of obama on certain things -- >> sean: no, no. >> it will never be enough for you sean. >> sean: not enough. i'm worried for the country. i'm worried about the people losing jobs the people we are not counting in the unemployment number because we gave up. they say an attack in july. i'm worried about our security many christmas bomber says others are coming but we let him shut up. i'm worried about our national security. this up to now is a disaster. i was right on his radicalism. i will be proven right for his policies. >> what radicalism? >> sean: higher debt##" deficit. >> eric holder is radical. >> sean: i agree. >> his policies are radical. >> sean: good to see you. president obama as homage to one of his supporters who recently passed away but in a bizarre way. >> the rumor mill is working overtime in work as word of a major scandal involving governor patterson is sweeping governor patterson is sweeping the halls of the capital in anncr vo: with the new geico glovebox app... anncr vo: can get help with a flat tire... anncr vo: ...find a nearby tow truck or gas station... anncr vo: emergency services... anncr vo: ...collect accident information. anncr vo: or just watch some fun videos. anncr vo: it's so easy, a caveman can do it. caveman: unbelievable... caveman: where's my coat? it was suede with the fringe. vo: download the glovebox app free at we created our college of business and management... after collaborating with business leaders. we wanted our curriculum to match market needs, preparing you for today's most sought-after careers. in fact, we have not one but five specialized colleges, offering you bachelor's degree programs that... are both relevant and highly maetable. devry university. discover education working at . >> sean: tonight, the president has not given up his fight for a government health care takeover and made another push at a dnc fundraiser last week. things got a little creepy when he paid homage to a devoted campaign worker. >> the president: i got a note today from one of my staff they forwarded it to me from a woman in st. louis, who had been part of our campaign, very active. who had passed away from breast cancer. she didn't have insurance. she couldn't afford it so she put off having the kind of exams that she needed. she had fought a tough battle for four years. all through the campaign she was fighting it but finally she succumbed to it. she insisted she is going to be buried in an obama t-shirt. >> sean: we know how much the president loves to talk about himself. i think takes the cake. does this campaign worker have a name? if so, you might want to learn it next time so it is not so obvious you are using her as a prop for your political agenda the end of the road for one rising star in the democratic party in illinois. scott lee cohen last week won the primary has dropped out of the race. this after it was revealed that back in 2005, he was arrested on domestic battery when he allegedly held his girlfriend against the wall with a knife to her throat. the girlfriend, by the way, had been previously arrested for, prostitution. true to form this classy politician made his announcement at a bar during the halftime of the super bowl last night. >> take your time. >> people of the state of illinois, and for the democratic party, i will resign. >> sean: democrats must be so proud to have scott lee cohen in their party. rumors circulating in new york about major scandal involving governor patterson. "the new york times" reportedly putting the final touches on a shell article that could force the governor of new york to resign. sources have told the "new york daily news" that this new scandal is "much worse than previous revelations about his infidelity." a patterson spokeswoman issued a statement calling rumors false, deeply irresponsible. saying the governor has no plans to step down. it sounds like david patterson could be following elliot spitzer's lead, doesn't it? >> tonight's meltdown brought to you by the d.c. snow storm that dumped two feet of snow on washington over the weekend causing thousands of power outages and keeping many home from work today. the most severe winter storm in years. which would seem to contradict al gore's hysterical global warming theories. also ironic given a couple of years ago robert f kennedy, jr. was sounding the alarm about the lack of snow in the area. lamenting snow is so scarce that most virginia children don't own a shred. neighbors came to our -- own a sled. neighbors came to our home every weekend to ride sauceers and flexible fliesers. i bet the snow even kept al gore's jet from taking off. coming up on hannity's america, the snow storm has not silenceed climate alarmist. wait until you hear how your wait until you hear how your tax dollars are being u u u u u and as a progressive customer, you get to use any of our concierge claim centers. so i can just drop off my car and you'll take care of everything? yep, even the rental. what if i'm stuck at the office? if you can't come to us, we'll come to you in one of our immediate response vehicles! what if mother won't let me drive? then you probably wouldn't have had an accident in the first place. and we're walkin'! and we're walkin'... making it all a bit easier -- now that's progressive! call or click today. . >> sean: earlier today the secretary of commerce held a news conference to discuss the threat global warming poses to the u.s.. he announced your hard earned tack dollars would be funding a new agent -- tax dollars would be funding a new agency on hit change headquartered in d.c.. i'm sure the climate service will do a lot to get us out of >> sean: america's senior intelligence officers testified last week an attempt attack here in america would happen in the next several months. they say it is inevitable that makes thisiuak shocking report t of london more frightening. eric tracked down several al-qaeda an society -- society there is walking free. some are wanted by authorities here in the u.s. he sat down with some of them being take a look at the chilling things they had to say. >> i that i the british government are sitting on a tinderbox. ultimately full of dynamite and they have the matches in their hand and they are being flippant not dealing with it properly it would blow up in their face and be a vicious situation. >> some might consider it a threat? >> it is a warning, reality. >> there is no jihad in islam whatsoever. please believe me, he's a liar. pure liar, yeah. people they need to face it is a serious issue jihad is part of islam. it is something in the qur'an more than 40 verses in the qur'an mention jihad not just one, three or 10. >> sean: why are these men walking free? joining me with more on these men and the guy who conducted these interviews for cbn their terrorism correspondent eric thanks for being with us. i want to put this in context. our own government told us within the next several months, they say it is pretty much a certainty we are going to get hit again. we are be looking at what you investigated. your thoughts on that? >> i think that is an accurate call. i spoke to a guy had london this is a guy who in 2004 was designated by the u.s. and u.n. has a global terrorist. after an hour and a half interview as i was leaving his home in a nice area of london, i asked what does the future hold for the west and the islamic world? is there going to be more confrontation? he's very plugged into al-qaeda and that line of thinking who has direct links according to some sources back to osama bin laden. he predicts more attacks even bigger than 9/11 on u.s. soil in the coming years. >> sean: the exact quote is more confrontation is coming between the west and the muslim world with terror attacks that are bigger than 2001. that's what he told you. my question to you is, if you as a journal list can find this guy and -- journalist can find and many of them are wanted in the6ñ# they being arrested? that was my first question. >> great question. it goes back to the 80s and 90s. the british government according to several sources in and around london, the government made a deal with the devil during the 80s and 90s. that he loud hardened islamic terrorists wanted in their home countries in the mideast to come to britain to come to london and settle down. the agreement there sean, pretty much unspoken, if you don't attack us, if you don't attack great britain we'll let you live here and leave you alone. not only have the brits left them alone, a lot of these guys are collecting welfare benefits. unbelievable situation there. >> sean: you also interviewed a former confidant of bin laden himself. you can tell the story, met with bin laden as recently as 2000. apparently he has since changed his heart, has a different change of philosophy. he told you something to the effect, i want you to tell us, there's nothing that excites bin laden more than killing innocent civilians? >> right. that's -- he has disowned the al-qaeda ideology. he was a member of a libyan branch of al-qaeda broke away says he is no longer in support of jihad. he was a close confidant and associate of bin laden and al-zawahiri, met with them as recently as 2000. he told me nothing gets bin laden's juices flowing more than killing civilians. recounted the story of the 1998 embassy bombings bin laden spent 30 minutes telling him how excited he was about the deaths and innocent people killed there. he said a guy like zawahiri to him there are no civilians. to to these jihadists civilians don't exist. chilling stuff. >> sean: great work on your part. i go back to why wouldn't the intelligence community here in the u.s., you know, we've got relationships with great britain. they even had this one guy that said terrorism isn't just a threat but reality check. british government sit on a tinderbox full of dine fight. -- full of dine -- dynamite. >> a guy never formally charged but several members of his group have been convicted on terrorism charges. he's walking the streets of london freely vocal guy, real mouthpiece. i spoke to a british official this gives you an idea of the threat level there now. spoke to a british official off-the-record a while ago who told me guys like him very dangerous, very vocal but the people in britain who you are not hearing from who you you have to worry about. i think winston churchill is turning in his grave now. >> sean: i think it is time for blood, sweat and tears, -- toil, sweat and tears. the other guy is part of the al-qaeda hierarchy and has been for many years. he was sentenced to death in egypt, living in great britain another one warning us what's coming. >> sean, he's a guy who belonged to a terrorist group led by al-qaeda's second in command, al zawahri wanted in egypt not only in egypt here in the united states. he had links to the blind sheik who was behind the 1993 trade center bombing. he's a terrorist himself according to egypt but living freely in britain. he's very, very dangerous but he collects welfare benefits in brit fin. they don't want him to face torture in egypt. >> sean: this is driving me nuts. eric great work. i can believe what i'm hearing. our own government saying it is coming here. time to check in with greta for a sneak peek. what's in your hand? >> greta: nothing just paper. we have an unbelievable interview for the viewers tonight. over the weekend we flew to italy and back so we could spend an hour with secretary of defense gates. we are going to see part of that interview tonight. we start tonight with iran playing lots of games over enrichment of uranium. that and much more, back to you. >> sean: greta in 20 minutes. when we come back the great, great, great, american panel, next. â™Ș â™Ș [ male announcer ] for over 50 years, providing you with safe, reliable, high-quality vehicles has been our first priority. â™Ș in recent days, our company hasn't been living up to the standards that you've come to expect from us or that we expect from ourselves. that's why 172,000 toyota and dealership employees are dedicated to making things right we have a fix for our recalls. we stopped production so we could focus on our customers' cars first. and technicians are making repairs. we're working around the clock to ensure we build vehicles of the highest quality... to restore your faith... in our company. for more information visit >> sean: tonight, he's a former deputy assistant secretary of state, the great bob beckel is back. also a syndicated op-ed columnist they write a column together, beckel and thomas cal thomas is here she was miss america 2008 kirsten haglund is back. i got to give beckel credit. he picked the super bowl, who did you pick? >> i was happy for the saints. >> sean: you kind of nailed this. >> some things are destiny. had you a sense this was going to happen. new orleans needed it. look, drew brees and -- >> sean: was it not a great story to see him holding his son tears in his eyes. >> wonderful story take nothing away from peyton manning probably the greatest quarterback. >> sean: were you a linebacker, you used to hate quarterbacks. >> i used to and i still do. they were always 6'2, blonde, good looking and got all the women. which is why when i sacked 'em -- >> sean: i know a few laid like bob beckel. >> let's not go there. >> sean: let me start with ads. i think the best was letterman, leno and oprah. let's roll that ad: >> this is the worst super bowl party ever. >> now dave, be nice. >> he's just saying that because i'm here. >> he's just saying that because i'm here. >> that was great they both needed each other. the late night audience has been in trouble. leno bombed at 10. they are putting him back in his old slot, a lot of bad blood he's known for being mr. nice guy and he is. that was a contusion of nbc management. >> sean: why would cbs do this to promote leno? i like leno. >> it was clever, also makes leno back looking like the mr. nice guy. >> these late night shows viewers go back and forth after the monologue. depends on the guests monday night people come to this show in droves when i'm here. they go back and forth. they want to increase the pie. >> sean: they knew kirsten was here tonight. what did you think? >> it will boost ratings for both if they can market themselves as finance any it gets ratings back things aren't so bad and you got oprah there. >> sean: the tebow ad which created so much controversy before anybody had seen it. >> i call him my miracle baby he almost didn't make it into this world. i can remember so many times when i almost lost him. i was so hard. he's all green up now and i still worry about his health. with all our family has been through, you have to be tough. timmy, time to tell our story here. >> sorry about that mom. do you still worry about me mom? >> yeah you are nearly as tough as i am. >> sean: where is the controversy? >> there was no con remembers national organization of women after said it was promoting violence against women. didn't say anything about the betty white ad she was tackled in the same violent manner. it is fascinating what they are attacking is the agenda of focus on the family which they knew it was pro life obviously not what they are for. celebrities and people can go to the microphone and express whatever opinion they want and not get attacked by the media however, he was more of a right wing opinion with something that affected him personally, not some political thing. >> sean: you say the worst thing you could say in my life, i've been watching you since i'm seven. >> she is very young. >> sean: exactly and she is miss america. we he toe -- tebow, yourself, a growing group of young conservatives that are pro life like yourself. >> i was encouraged to watch various fors of media and make my own opinion. >> all these people watch you when they were seven probably got influenced no wonder they are all in trouble. >> he's done this political advertising. the great power behind this ad was it jen rated so much buzz before -- generated so much buzz before it was almost anti-climactic when it ran. they got more bounce for the buck out of this one spot -- >> sean: you are one of the most articulate voices for the pro life movement for a long time cal. when you hear young people like kirsten, tebow? >> this is a direct hit at the so-called pro choice movement. this was a commercial about information. about one woman's story. if it is choice why aren't they celebrating her choice? >> sean: bob? >> let me say from an advertising standpoint this reminds me of the daisy ad when lyndon johnson ran that daisy ad one time and it got more publicity, same here a lot of publicity. i don't know what the big controversy is. >> sean: speaking of what i don't think should be a big controversy, words on her hand and your president reads from the teleprompter before elementary school kids. >> he doesn't have the teleprompter on his hand. >> sean: what is the big deal? >> no problem. >> sean: when we come back i'll write a message on my hand for bob beckel, straight ahead. â™Ș we created our college of business and management... after collaborating with business leaders. we wanted our curriculum to match market needs, preparing you for today's most sought-after careers. in fact, we have not one but five specialized colleges, offering you bachelor's degree programs that... are both relevant and highly maetable. devry university. discover education working at it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. st: could switching to geicom a reality. 15% or more on car insurance?e you host: did the waltons take way too long to say goodnight? mom: g'night john boy. g'night mary ellen. mary ellen: g'night mama. g'night erin. elizabeth: g'night john boy. jim bob: g'night grandpa. elizabeth: g'night ben. jim bob:'night. elizabeth: g'night jim bob. jim bob: g'night everybody, grandpa: g'night everybody. jim bob: g'night daddy. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. >> sean: we continue with our great american panel. do you know what a navy corpsman is? >> is' -- >> sean: three times in one speech we played it earlier. barack obama refers to navy corpsman. he thinks we have 57 states. i'll run it for you again. >> no, that's fine. >> sean: sarah palin puts a few words on her hand. why all the outrage? >> she was reading from a teleprompter. >> sean: she was not during the speech. >> i'm a little conflicted she now a colleague here at fox. i hope she will start to read up on some things and get up to speed. i'll repeat, i'm for her for president in 2012. i would like to write a check out now. >> ly a double standard, women, men, republicans, democrats, dan quayle in trouble over and over butt of late night jokes because he put an "e" on the end of potato. clearly a double standard. >> because she had written things on her hand they see her as a threat they see this tea party movement where she was as a threat. trying to make her laughable. not attacking her message, they are attacking about the message on her hand trying to make people laugh at her and it is not working. >> it was -- i thought the q & a i lost it. >> sean: stay on substance. wait a minute. if sarah palin said corpsman reading from a teleprompter three times in a speech she would be excoriated. i did a word search on google. sarah palin writes a few notes on her hand reminder giving a speech. 2100 google stories as of yesterday morning. obama says corpsman three times how many stories were on google? 17? >> this show one of the most popular cable shows 59 minutes of bashing barack obama, what do you mean he doesn't get beat up. you couldn't live without the guy. >> sean: somebody has to tell the truth. i started my radio career in 1986 and my tv career in 1996, barack obama wasn't on the scene. >> no, but liberals were. so you had us for breakfast everyday. >> sean: back to what kirsten is saying. i think she is a threat to liberals. they -- they got this bull's-eye on her back, is it because she is a woman? >> i think so there hasn't been a strong conservative woman that has garnered such support. >> sean: have you ever had people go after you because you express your views which are more conservative? >> yes, a few times i have received negative mail on occasion. but that's okay. i think we are working towards equality where our voice can be heard no matter what it is that we don't just have to agree with a's organization or a feminist organization we are free to voice our opinion. >> this is not about women this is about beating up on conservative women. there are certain groups you can bash, roman catholics, evangelical christians and women who go to church and pray to a higher authority than washington. >> reason she gets beat up is not because she is a woman is because she doesn't have anything substantively yet, to say. i would like a policy speech. >> sean: i was full of substance 40 minutes the crowd loved it and she didn't say corpsman once. >> wait a minute. >> sean: if sarah palin didn't know what a corp man was you know she would be excoriated -- >> she didn't know where russia was. she didn't know the boundary -- i'm in the going to bring that up. you will do anything you can. [ talking over each other ] >> sean: corpsman was dumb. >> it is not the right way to pronounce that it is correct. >> he is smarter than sarah palin. you put her up against him in a substantive debate, are you . like the little league again the yankees. >> sean: she smashed joe biden in that debate, crushed him. >> i would say against obama, would be -- can i call you sean? >> sean: yes. >> yes thank you. it would be a great thing to see she wouldn't survive more than 5, 10 minutes. >> everybody is gonna make mistakes nobody is going to state perfect words all the time. what is important is the message. >> this movement was around before anybody knew who she was. >> sean: she is smart enough not to mirandize enemy combat tans. she is smarter than barack obama, bob. >> first of all i disagree with all those things you said there. is no reason why you shouldn't mirandize t

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