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Is real . As real as my blue eyes . Or her wine consumption . You know something israel when there is mindboggling increase in crime. I been here for about 18 years after emigrating from california. Weve covered the stories until we were blue in the face. How can anybody deny this . We have been mapping the smiles and started. It began were all lies dead wit cnn. Crime is rising to go. Defund the police. Shouldnt he retract that . Everything he just rolled his eyes at happened. If you look at the conservative media you would think that thes entire cities are full of fight and fires. People were happy in new york city. They watch us every night. What a lie. The only people watching us every night is in prison. Nobody watches don lemon by choice. We knew where this was going. The beginning of the cover this strategy. They knew they were responsible for the pro crime environment. This was the denial stage. When a thought crime could hurt them politically change their tune. To blind spot for democrats think they are ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. Its not going to go away. They need to address this and i needs to stop. With both know it is showing up in the polls. Its showing up in the focus groups. It is the only thing that is sticking. There goes the great dinner with the appetite not human suffering. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. All the data that cannot i cram we continue to cover it because we care about our viewers. Some examples of the banners on fox news you get the sense that america has gone bad. There is a crime problem. But the way its been described is that you be afraid to leave your house. You take the filter and you pum it up. What you are left with is a dystopia that no longer reflect a reality. People are dying. But it is headlines calling attention to the deaths that really upset the people. The truth airport is kryptonite to the false narrative. They dont like the messenger. They are talking about the soft on crime consequences. What does that even mean . What is scary about this is lot of people watch this. What is scary about this is tha you and your boss and everybody that work for this are living i the alternate universe. The insult lives somewhere else. What does that even mean . Maybe we can get an expert to answer her. We are not safe anymore. Niu are tired of these laws. Especially the new laws. Maybe this will jog the memory. People are dying all over from violent crime. Imagine doing this with police brutality. Is a place where ladies are pushed to their death. Ransacking of a close the media spent a year thinking the peopl walking through the capital wer worse than 911. What a universe they live in. They dont have personal chauffeurs safely taking them t and from work. Yet the media claims to be in danger on january 6th. The universe is secure. What happens when you see bad things with your very own eyes . The media safe behind the security and anonymity laughing along like schoolkids. Pretending a massive increase i murders is no big deal. If bad things dont affect them than they did not happen at all. We dont knows what happens wit the crime was. The explanation is that this created the crime wave and now they are covering it up. They need to change the narrative and apply radical politics. A brutal murder looks bad. But they failed to discriminate against the poor. Isnt the suspect really the victim . A miss with gender dysmorphia. Society is the culprit and the new way to blame the victim. She is like a home renovation. Messy loud and completely plastered. She has disappointed more sponsors than the olympics. When he sneezes my sidekick in the television champion. Julie i know you are too busy worrying about taking about crime. Tried to concentrate. I know this is hard. Why is the media so far removed from what people are experiencing everyday . The media is so far removed from everything people are experiencing today. The highest Crime Rate Increase in the country. I do realize that marijuana is legal in washington dc. Maybe this is the alternate universe they are talking about. The reality is the crime rate i the us is because of these liberal district attorneys. I hate to be a buzz kill and i also find that leaving this in your hands would create a crisis. I would like you dummies to be at the white house. This would explain a lot of memory lapse. Event in journalism almost as long as i have. As long as you have been alive. Do you think the problem is Tha The Press is less blue collar than whitecollar . I think that you get this on the nose when you said it does not happen where they are. They dont see the most eloquen witness ever with the suffering of ordinary people. But this is the problem. I have nothing against the pres secretary. I dont know if they continue t use this expression. But they had 200 murders in washington dc. Its a wonderful place to live and she finds herself in a similar situation. Its all about crime and it funny that fox which is the republican and mostly rural or other cities. Smaller cities. We are the ones bringing attention to the things happening in Urban America Wher all the democrats are. Why do they still vote for the people that they vote for when you have this horror and people being killed. This was a mother being beaten up by a convict on probation. A weapon with an extended magazine. They come here and they want to save the mother this being beat up by a drug addict and they ge killed. We really think this online. This was it. These two cops went down and its going to be terrible. People mocking the suffering of urban america. The time has come. I wish they were held accountable. I keep playing this video over and over again. When we come out and we Say Something like we have been doing all of this crime stuff that it instinctively makes people that dont like fox take an awful stance. I think that as a Press Secretary your entire job is to make the guy who look for what good. Thats okay and thats what shes trying to do but its not really working anymore. People are fed up with this. A full and regular life are not working at the white house. You cant ghastly people of thi anymore. She is trying to do her job and make joe look his best. Everybody already knows. The democrats want us to be afraid of so many things. They want us to be afraid of climate change. I dont care if it is rainin or snowing. If my friends are getting shot in the street is a bad thing. Its difficult for me when i look at the entire situation. First of all. Peppermint patty is an american icon. But she just doesnt talk to th american people. She talks to her bubble. They talk to the bubble because when these guys go out to dinne in their bubbles they do it and this is the wife. Four blocks down is not the way. When you get this they dont se the things that we do. Hes two young officers being shot. I compare this to a george floy moment. This is not okay. Those that did not know, now do. This man was a child. A man of color. Why does the uniform take away your skin color . Why we talking about being conservative why does that take away my skin color. People say it does not matter. Those are two brothers that are down. Its the same thing. It should be the same outlook. s should be all of us and we should be coming together. Likewise matter in washingto dc. This chapter came out calling these many heroes. They didnt speak out for an of the murders last year. Not a single one because a cop wasnt involved. They are still waiting for help. The joint of the same scripture. The other groups that are tryin to help. I need a drink. Check your glass. Up next how a mask can help wit covid restrictions. Gotta tell e that Liberty Mutual customizes Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo new personal record, limu only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. Are you tired of clean clothes that just dont smell clean . Only pay for what you need. Downy unstopables inwash Scent Boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. If you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have Downy Unstopables inwash Scent Boosters. [narrator] its a mixed up world. And the way we work looks a little different. But whether you embrace the new normal or just want to get back to the routines that feel right, xchair continues to be at the forefront of change, which is why weve launched the all new xchair with elemax. 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They like the rhyming over youre. The Prime Minister of finland has announced theyre going to to end all restrictions following denmark after they scrapped the restrictions starting today. Hopefully europe is going to inspire us although im not sur its worth this. It sounds like americans alread to follow suit. 70 percent of americans are currently accepting that this i here to stay and we just need t get on with our lives. 89 percent of people think its okay to move on. 98 percent agreed should keep a mask mandate in place. The dominoes are already falling. You should only wear a mask in california. Photographed without a mask at football game. If there were ever a sign that this was over i would say this is it. Given your history with this issue should you have reconsidered taking a mask off for the photo just for the message of might send . Of course. I was trying to be gracious. I took the mask off for a brief second. Eying courage people to continu wearing them. Not everybody is ready to be done with this. Look at this. Where is your mask . We both vaccinated. You are using a computer. You need to stop being paranoid. Remember last summer when you did not want to go swimming because of Shark Attacks . Is time to swim with the sharks. I did not see this coming. Props to steward for playing th shark. What a scrappy little animal is. February 1st. It is all over. Left party. Twenty glorious days. Why arent we in florida . I dont know. One of your many homes. My eyes get red. Anyways. I like the idea of people makin their own choice. But instead the entire thing going on in virginia with the new governor i wish him the bes but he has a tip line which is creepier than mask mandate. This tip line to snitch on thes people. This tip line is creepier than simply putting a mandate in place. I believe if it is over for our leaders then its over for us. If they enforce rules on us and we get in trouble and must have a resolution. Shame on all of you. You should all be wearing masks. You are just like that right wing leader. He said he was tired of a mask. The attack on common sense is unreal. They are picking fights with th wrong people. Nobody goes after that judge. I would rather fight a lion and tiger and and a bear. This was my prom date. This is more depressing than an empty vault. This is why you are the master. I have this idea of an application so you can see places that arent doing mandates. I agree with you. I went to a bar where you had t wear a mask as he passed throug the door. It does not make sense. When i was sick last time i could have gone to any bar i wanted to. They ask if you have the card. They never ask if you are sick. Have never asked me. There is this idea that if you dont support mandate you dont think it is real. I went in there with a sucker mouth the entire time. I said that i was eating. I personally love it. I have been doing this wrong. I welcome masks and i enjoy them. I will say two years later i look at myself a bit differently. Just being able to be in your own home. Its not from the pond. It is february 1st. It is the beginning of the end. Its not going to happen all at once. You are watching this thing unraveled before your eyes. You are not going to end the mandate during black history month. I should have checked. Up next they dont want to discuss how they threw her unde the bus. Children Giggling hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. I just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, 11k. Hmm. Barista order eleven yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please. Gonna be eleven even, buddy. Really . The clues are all around us some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. 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Adult a problem with the debate my problem is the president should not be singling out individuals. Its like he punches down. Just stay out of this. I dont think he can help this because i think he sees this as an easy political victory for himself. In his case think he may have honestly forgot about this. Im just being honest. It doesnt look good and never but he is going to ask if im sick. This is a perfect example of the tribe by administration. When it around here on in the story falls apart it is simply gone. At least apologize to the guy. I dont care what you believ in. This is a disturbing image. There jobs are awful. What are you doing . You are people that want to be free and live the american drea out. I feel so badly for them we hav no border wall there is chaos and the drones can take pitcher that we have never seen before. It always sucks. With these Border Patrol agents i agree. Are they supposed to do their job . It was interesting in the article. I read that they grabbed a shir of a migrant. This is their job to get the full from stopping the border illegally. Otherwise they just let them go. Is never going to look perfect for good. You can take a pitcher of anything and make you look bad. He blamed the horse. The horse cant even defend himself. Bad language . Of course they dont want to pu out the report. I didnt want to put out my paternity test. I know what i know. I dont want them to open the test. Therefore are bad. They did not with anybody. I would have loved to have done the reports with just three words. It was a clear day. Met a cloud in the sky. Coming up can you boost your fitness watching people squat . I may be close to retirement, but im as busy as ever. Careful now. Nice you got it. And thanks to voya, im confident about my future. Oh dad, the twins are now. Vegan. I know, i got em some of those plant burgers. Nice yeah. 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Im afraid to ask you. You need to keep it separate. Im out of water. What is the question . I try to find topics that will lighten the mood. None of us can say anything. They look so young and it will be confused. They are going down into a dark place. They are halting all production because they have this going on. How many hours did you spend researching this . It was in mens health magazine. I saw this in the morning and thought it would be a nice break. If i wanted to look at the stuff you know what i would loo at. Men trading genes for skirts. Psoriasis really messes with you. Try. Hope. Fail. I felt defeated. The pain, the stares. No one should suffer like that. I said, enough. I started cosentyx®. Five years clear. Four years clear. Five years and counting. Cosentyx works fast. For clear skin that can last. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. 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Explaining how american men hav become feminine. There are a lot of genes that w people surrendering their pants putting on a skirt. Do you see what he did there. The comments were unexpected. I think it was about the interviews. He went and found another interview just so he could say this. He probably shared more than just changes two in. They went into the bush and no bodyguards were there. He is in deep water. Sean penn is a guy that has bee so good in movies. What he did during katrina was amazing. He decided he was going to Say Something after this quote and see what happens. He is right because we are talking about this. I dont know what the angle is. I dont understand the cutof jeans. I wear the pants in my family obviously. I think people are being so hypersensitive about the hyper masculinity thing. I cant argue although you probably did. If you are going to go down with the ship. It was literally invalid. Serious upfront and a miss in the back. Im so sorry if you stuck around for this. Dont go anywhere we will be right back. A must in your Medicine Cabinet less sick days cold coming on . Zicam is the 1 Cold Shortening Brand highly recommend it zifans love zicams unique zinc formula. It shortens colds zicam. Zinc that cold better skin from your body wash . It shortens colds try olay body wash with Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen olay Body Wash Hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. With olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. We are out of time. Thank you everybody for being here. I love you america. Welcome to fox news at night. Were in washington. Breaking tonight into the sitting update two officers sho in virginia. For another officer shot and killed in the line of duty. Culling out

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