flip. that's thankfully there i is something called conventional states , article five in our constitution. it's gathering momentum, 20 states almost passed it where state legislatures can call an amending convention, where where all the statestoge get together to rein in n the sithe size or scope of the federal government. because you're exactly right, federalism is our only way out of this.ate of let me live the way i wantf texa to live in the state of tennessee or the state of texas.s.r thing over t hereor. an somewhered youthen do your a over there. >> and then every once i wnhi a while, we come together fortoh collective defense ifer necessary.he otherwise, yeah, we're likerwis little countries. yeah. well, how doe, you deal with tht ? with all the taxation and all businesses connected to business and other states , that's how you run into problems. you get your materialsr states? from a blue state, but you're in a red state. so you get it with this thing where taxation and then you'ree getting over taxed by the blues because they love the tax the the hell out of you, then it's like foreign trade. yeah, it's like trade wars. and then in real terms with thes big guy digit coming for you. all right.nteres weti we got to move on . that was interesting. up next, they made an apology for acknowledging women's

Related Keywords

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